The Manchester Free Press

Saturday • May 4 • 2024


Manchester, N.H.

I Am Running for the School Board in the Governor Wentworth Regional School District

Granite Grok - Thu, 2024-03-07 09:00 +0000

My name is Wesley Smallidge and I am running for the school board in the governor Wentworth regional school district because we need to do better. As a Kingswood graduate and lifelong Wolfeboro resident, I am concerned about what I see happening with our schools. We need to do better as a community because our children are falling behind academically.

You will not hear that at any school board meeting, and if you attended the Tuftonboro Candidate’s Night, all you heard were excuses.
Why is it that district proficiency has fallen in English/reading from 54% of students being proficient in 2019 to 51% in 2023? Is it acceptable that 57% of district students are not proficient in math and 63% are not proficient in science? Why are 67% of Tuftonboro Central students proficient in reading with only 58% at Crescent Lake and 29% at Ossipee Central? Why does the new district Strategic Plan wait until 2027-28 to increase proficiency rates, placing academics as the last priority?

We want to thank Wesley Smallidge for this Contribution – Please direct yours to
You can review our ‘Op-Ed Guidelines‘ on the FAQ Page.

Governor Wentworth Regional School District spends over $22,000 per pupil, and according to information provided to the state, 60% of that is spent on classroom instruction. More than half of our property taxes are spent on education funding, yet we hear that more money is needed for our schools to improve. Every year the budget increases as enrollment and proficiency decrease.

NH has a constitutional duty to fund and provide an adequate education; the school board has a duty to ensure it is provided. I do not have all the answers, but I guarantee that I will ask the necessary questions to get those answers. And parents, you will not have to file right-to-know requests to get answers. Call me, and I will get you the answers.

The status quo will be a thing of the past if you elect me to the school board.


The views and opinions expressed by contributors are those of the author and may not reflect the opinion or position of  Grok Media,, its authors, advertisers, donors, or sponsors.

The post I Am Running for the School Board in the Governor Wentworth Regional School District appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Night Cap: Londonderry, Where Some Political “Ads” Are More ‘Equal’ Than Others

Granite Grok - Thu, 2024-03-07 03:00 +0000

Londonderry has become a land where the people in power know better, whine if you challenge them or call them out, and then – get a load of this – are indifferent to the laws used to go after the outspoken few.

If you missed it, someone in town reported Londerry Times publisher Deb Paul over improperly marked political ads. In most instances, this sort of thing goes unnoticed or unreported because everyone knows these are political ads unless you’re out to ruin those who won’t back down—the few who keep shining big flashlights on the hijinks of the local leadership.  Dep Paul doesn’t back down, so she had to endure a series of court dates and ongoing abuse from the aforementioned faction.

Related: There is a disturbing trend at the Public Meetings of the Town Council …

The law is, after all, the law unless you have exempted yourself.

Both the State of New Hampshire and the Town of Londonderry have rules regulating placement and requirements for political signs. Two incumbents running for office in Londonderry have chosen to disregards those rules. The Town Council remains silent on the issue.

When confronted, see the video below, Town Councilor Jim Butler appears dismissive, making it clear he was not about to buy new signs and “heaven forbid there are other people who have made the same mistakes.”

Heaven forbid!

He then asks for forgiveness, which is not something anyone was willing to offer Deb Paul over a murky issue that may well have been the fault of those placing the ad. But she paid the price. The law Butler violated is not murky at all, and if he is using the same signs as his last run for office, he’s been in violation at least twice.

Related: Is Public Comment a Joke in Londonderry?

Town Clerk Sherry Farrell was likewise called out for a violation of a town ordinance that prohibits campaign signs on town property. She is reported to have had them visible on or in her car in the parking lot (where she works) at Town Hall. No regard for that either, so we are clear. Forgiveness at your discretion, with the understanding that if you cross some of the people running the town they’ll have none for you.

The AG Office did contact Mr. Butler, who told them that “he will be adding the required information to his signs.” I have my doubts, but one thing we can count on: there are residents who will be checking. I hope they remember to take pictures.



For more evidence of how Jim puts the “Butt” in Butler, check out this, or this, or this, or this, or… there’s more.

The post Night Cap: Londonderry, Where Some Political “Ads” Are More ‘Equal’ Than Others appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Public School Double Standard (Part 2)

Granite Grok - Thu, 2024-03-07 01:00 +0000

Years ago, I wrote about how

traditional public schools are to be judged by their ideals and intentions — their best possible outcomes — rather than by their actual performance;

while the alternatives (e.g., charter schools, private schools, Extended Learning Opportunities, the Children’s Scholarship Fund, Learn Everywhere, and now EFAs and even home education) are to be judged according to their worst possible outcomes,

even when their actual performance exceeds that of public schools.

I was reminded of this yesterday while watching testimony on HB1610, where about 500 angry parents showed up to oppose one of the stupidest bills I’ve seen in my 17 years in New Hampshire.

There was a lot of talk about how home-educated children are required to put together portfolios to show that they’ve actually learned something.

And it occurred to me:  Why aren’t students in public schools required to do the same?  Right now, they get ‘grades’ that tell you almost nothing, and they are socially promoted by being given ‘course credits’ for courses in which they may have learned nothing at all.

Not so long ago, I had a conversation with the child of an acquaintance who had obtained two-course credits in algebra but who couldn’t tell me what a variable is.  This is not, in my experience, an uncommon kind of occurrence.  Nor is it only a recent one. Forty years ago, I was tutoring college chemistry students who didn’t know what an electron is.

There’s a striking disconnect here:  Only kids outside of the public school system are expected to prove that they’re learning something, while kids inside the public school system are excused from that requirement.

If you set out to intentionally create the kind of system we have now — where more than 9 out of 10 students get diplomas, but fewer than half of them can read — setting up double standards like these would be a great way to do that, wouldn’t it?

The post The Public School Double Standard (Part 2) appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

“Rewilds” – The New ‘Wild Kingdom’

Granite Grok - Wed, 2024-03-06 23:00 +0000

Rewilding is a progressive approach to conservation. It’s about letting nature take care of itself, enabling natural processes to shape land and sea, repair damaged ecosystems, and restore degraded landscapes. Through rewilding, wildlife’s natural rhythms create wilder, more biodiverse habitats.

Move over Mutual of Omaha, there’s a new show in town.

On a small scale, you see this in towns where people rewild their lawns into a bug utopia. The bigger picture is to let farms go wild and force people to live in 15-minute cities and out of rural areas. Turn farm lands back into wild spaces.

Check out our neighbors to the south and the urban project MBTA-C act and Citizens Housing and Planning Assn. (CHAPA) for multi-zoning communities. They are taking over single-family homes to make way for multi-family units along the T.

Forcing people into 15-minute cities and eating bugs is not as far away as you may believe. In Dover, New Hampshire, there’s a group pushing “Smart Cities.” On the surface, they want to make roads safer for pedestrians, put artwork on and along roads, and eliminate downtown roads to traffic. But when you peel back the hype, it goes far deeper.

We want to thank Julie P. for this Contribution – Please direct yours to
You can review our ‘Op-Ed Guidelines‘ on the FAQ Page.

Urban renewal with a twist. You will not own cars and walk to all services. Big Brother will monitor all your data, add digital currency, and voila!

Smart Cities claim for data capture on their website should make you wonder about all the “data” they are collecting, its clear they are talking about you (data), and them “government”!?” Then, re-wilding the outlying areas. Their claims and reasoning are unfounded and full of bunk. Yet, there are some who believe the hype!

The WHO, WEF and globalist believe traditional farming is causing water shortages, poisoning the oceans with toxic runoff, nitrogen increases and CO2 emissions causing global warming. Their answer to feed us is bugs and “soil-less” hydroponics and drop irrigation, aka vertical farming. Much of their claims about farming are false, but they are a determined bunch, and we minions have to eat.

Vertical farming can only effectively produce limited leafy green and berry crops. To date, cannot replace tall field crops and other protein dense plants. They use exponentially more resources per crop than traditional farming. Northern climates require a huge amount of heat. They use artificial light. Both require a large amount of fuel and electricity. Vertical crops are still venerable to pests and disease. The energy required to grow food has shown more carbon emissions combined with the plant’s CO2 than traditional farming, including shipping crops to market. But they are not discouraged and are determined to replace traditional dirt farming!

Will turning farms into wild utopia work as they say it will? It’s well documented in New Hampshire, prior to 1600s, was heavily forested—even the indigenous cleared land for farming. Once a farm is not “farmed,” it will turn back into a forest within years. What will happen to land in NH that is “rewilded” after the forest grows in? Many predators kept at bay by farms and farmers will start to emerge. Many species of wild birds who nest in fields will lose their habitat. Predators will have no boundaries. A new ecosystem would emerge. According to the “rewild” Web site, they want predators back, not bunnies and butterflies. Ireland government said out loud in a public service video, “Ireland 2050” all farms will be rewilded as part of an effort to heal our planet. Don’t know about you but how is 60m bison ( roughly how many roamed the plains in 1700) flatulence different than 60m Cows flatulence? But I digress. This will save the world, according to the rewilding folks…

We have a new influx of dependents to care for; I suppose some of this makes sense. They have to live somewhere. But with this plan we are loosing our freedoms, to move about, eating choices and I’m sure rewilding will not be like our national parks where we are free to fresh air and nature, thus the predators roaming free and we’ll have no cars to get there.. I also believe this will do little for the sentient creatures like deer, rabbits and most prey animals. Eventually, survival of the fittest will prevail. But the million-dollar question is, what’s the plan for all the people?

Heck, just add bubble over the 15 minute cities and Sci-fi classic Logan’s Run doesn’t seem so Sci-fi…

Save a farm, buy local…

The post “Rewilds” – The New ‘Wild Kingdom’ appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

HB1002 Is Dead (For Now) – HB1610 (Requiring State Assessments for Homeschoolers) Is At Deaths Door

Granite Grok - Wed, 2024-03-06 22:00 +0000

We have two bits of excellent news for Granite Staters fighting the good fight – two bills you’ve all been battling have either died in committee or crawled out on their last legs, most certainly to die unless someone screws something up – always an option this session.

HB1002, an effort to attach a tax to requests for public documents (91a to us, RTKs, or FOIAs) to others, was resuscitated only to end its days this session in interim study. The committee equivalent of “we don’t have the votes; it’ll never pass, but we still want it,” so let’s set it over here and see about taking a deeper dive until the next session when numbers might be more favorable.

Overall, this is good news, but keep your eyes open. The advocates for making government transparency unaffordable really want this. They tried very hard to find a trigger that would squeak it through. We made more than a few very good cases on these pages about why it is a bad idea (if you need some for the eventual resurrection).

The other good news is HB1610, which (requires all students to participate in standardized statewide assessments) would hijack homeschooled and religious school kids and their curriculums. If you’d like a detailed look at why that’s a bad idea, Ann Marie Banfield has had a few things to say about it here. The short of it is, if you have to pass the assessment, you need to teach to that, and if it’s crap (it is), then crap is what gets taught. It also opens the door to more of the same until there are not many points in trying to save your kid’s ability to learn from the Education Industrial Complex and its freaky gender cult.

That’s the point. Find a backdoor to ruin school choice. And it’s not dead-dead. While HB1610 came out of committee Inexpedient to Legislate and landed on the consent calendar, it could be pulled off. Some debate and a floor vote later, and it’s still alive unless a motion to reconsider follows and that fails.

Democrats might try to save it, so Republicans need to stop that and then kill it for the rest of the session.

You can’t trust the Senate to do the hard work, and Governor Sununu is probably busy planning his 2028 run for President. Haley may have dropped out, but His Excellency kissed that campaign’s ass so hard that all of her RINO donors are sure to have taken notice (which I’m certain was what he was after all along).

And he might sign any number of bad bills to piss off Republicans, who’ve given him a hard time.

Kill it in the House.

As you were.


The post HB1002 Is Dead (For Now) – HB1610 (Requiring State Assessments for Homeschoolers) Is At Deaths Door appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

DEI in Retreat as Wall Street and Big Biz Gut Dead-Weight Diverty Departments

Granite Grok - Wed, 2024-03-06 21:00 +0000

Being in middle-management is the toes on the ledge postion in almost every company. They don’t want you to jump but at the earliest inconvince they’ll be happy to give you a push. The disposable income that is easy to dispense when bets need tightening.

In the case of Diversity officers, those are convenience positions. Corporate virtue signaling that ironically, many a business could afford when the racist supremacist Nazi Donald Trump was president but that after a handful of years under Mr.unity and diversity (Joe Biden) they caa no longer afford. Affectations that, when the budget is strained, can be easily relieved. And so they have.

My oldest, best friend runs a large, contrarian investment fund. One of his favorite techniques to identify his short-sale targets (i.e., betting the stock price will fall) is counting up the minutes of investor calls devoted to DEI. He swears there is an inverse relationship between the proportion of DEI chatter and future stock performance.

In other words, the more corporate officials talk about their awesome DEI programs, the more it seems like they’re trying to distract investors from problems with their fundamentals. I would add that the more time and attention top management devotes to DEI, the less time and attention it has to give its real mission, which should be delivering a superior product or service.

Maybe, and probably, but as someone who has found themselves the object of middling staff attrition when the economy goes sideways, any change in conversation is likely, as I noted above, a product of free cash flow evaporating thanks to other factors. It could be misguided management of external political forces driving up costs. Investors who are not losing money will forgive you for spending less time on who should use which restroom. They may not even notice if you leave it out. Related: DEI … DIEs at the University of Florida

It could also be lawsuits. Individuals and State’s Attorney General have taken to reminding the denizens of Wokistan that the tenets of Diversity Equity and inclusion, when put before the law, look like Discrimination, Exclusion, and Indoctrination. Critical Race Theory suffers from a similar ailment. Both center on targeting and bullying and when applied attract lawsuits the way shit attracts flies.

The quick embrace of hiring practices that look explicitly racist has become an anchor. With whistleblowers sharing internal communications that add bullying and intimidation as a policy to that, the big picture is ugly. With the economy on a downward slope despite the rosy narrative pitch of political partisans, declining futures make a great excuse for recruiting a few diversity officers and staff.

There is also the added benefit of an immediate morale boost.

No one likes living in a culture, corporate or otherwise, where you have to think about every word you write or say for fear that someone can and will try to take it the wrong way.

It’s bad for business, as are DEIs advocate.

We’re not out of the woods. This is more a breeze that tells of a coming storm, but it is several steps in the right direction.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

What if State Epidemiologist Dr. Benjamin Chan Were Under a Second “Oath”?

Granite Grok - Wed, 2024-03-06 19:00 +0000

I just finished reading yesterday’s article on OATHS administered to those testifying at committee hearings. Kudos to Reps Leah Cushman and Sandra Panek.  And shame on swamp rat Lucy Weber, an attorney, mind you, who objected. This reminded me of the OTHER oath, the one that doctors take, you know, the one to do no harm.

On 1/13/22, future Rep Kelley Potenza said, “Dr. Sherman, you took an oath, we know what it is, to do no harm,” which triggered the muzzled State Sen. Jeb Bradley to interrupt her at the SB 288 hearing (another vax bill), which can be found at 1:22:55 in this video.

That moment just stood still in time, and I remember it like it was yesterday.

So here we are, two years later, with ANOTHER doctor in the room, NH’s top unelected bureaucrat, Dr Chan. Yeah, it is assumed that he took the same oath as Dr. Sherman, but he was not under oath to “tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth”  when he took to the mic at 4:29:15 for about 8 minutes on 1/10/24 during the SB 319 hearing.

When he finished objecting to the bill, my senator asked some questions about vax effectiveness and informed consent.

Rather than produce a transcript to read here, it would be easier for the reader just to watch the video of that Q&A. That State Senator then left the room and talked to Nurse Terese out in the hall about the (lack of) truthfulness of what Dr Chan had just said.

So, MY follow-up question is this. Would Dr. Chan have said the same words had he been under BOTH OATHS?  And that question is equally relevant to any other time Dr. Chan spoke to ANY committee, House or Senate.

The post What if State Epidemiologist Dr. Benjamin Chan Were Under a Second “Oath”? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Third Annual Libertarians vs Republicans Charity Hockey Game

Granite Grok - Wed, 2024-03-06 18:00 +0000

If you like hockey and school choice, there’s a charity event this Saturday, March 9th, to support the Children’s Scholarship Fund of New Hampshire. It is the third annual Libertarians vs. Republicans hockey game.

Here’s the press release – press contact info has been moved to the end. You can also scroll down for the promo video!


Amateur and Former Professional Players Take to the Ice to Support a Good Cause

March 9th, 2024

JFK Memorial Coliseum, Manchester, NH

MANCHESTER, February 26, 2024 – The Annual Libertarians vs. Republicans Charity Hockey Game returns to JFK Memorial Coliseum on March 9th. The event was started in 2022 by Manchester resident Mari Fontaine, as a fundraising event benefitting the Children’s Scholarship Fund of New Hampshire. As one of the most effective school choice programs in the country, Children’s Scholarship Fund is a joint interest of both Libertarians and Republicans.

“I was noticing a lot of tension and division in 2022 with so many difficult things happening in the world,” said event founder Mari Fontaine, “I wanted the game to be something fun for people to focus on and to remember that we don’t have to agree on everything, but we can still share good times together while supporting a great charitable cause.”

The series is now tied at 1-1, so this third game in the series will be the tiebreaker. “I think the Republicans have more talent on paper,” says Libertarian Team Captain Adam Lans, “but we have the chemistry, and hockey is a team game.” Lans is a Manchester business owner and member of New Hampshire’s Power Play Hockey League. The Republican Team is led by Team Captain Stephen Mathieu, a business owner from Plymouth. “Our team has a blend of the old and the young,” said Mathieu, “if not for some great goaltending last year, we would’ve been toast!” Libertarian defenseman, Kevin Flynn says, “I think we will see a lot of talent on both teams again, with of course the occasional pylon in both lineups.”

Neither team will have formal practices together, but most of the players play hockey regularly, and both teams are retaining many of their players from the previous years. “We have been playing together in a scattered fashion at West Side Arena in the mornings,” said Lans, “Some of us play Friday night pick-up, and some play in the Sunday night Men’s League.”

This family-friendly event will start with tailgating in the JFK Arena parking lot one hour before the 4pm game. After the game, the attendees are invited to take to the ice for an open skate. “We love the energy, buzz of the game, and cheering for our team,” says Manchester resident, Viviana Mullin.


Team Captain for the Republicans is Stephen Mathieu. Players on the Republican Roster include: Stephen Mathieu (Manchester Rams, Beer League), Jonny Mathieu (East Coast Minutemen/Junior B), Jim Matthew (Manchester Over 40 League), Tom Simon (Beer League), Chris Maidment (Beer League), Griffin Connor (Gallasta IK, European League), Jeremy Duhamel (Bow High School, Beer League), Tim Brand (Manchester Rams, Beer League), Tim Schaller (Milwaukee Admirals/AHL) [and five seasons in the NHL with the Bruins, Canucks, and Kings], Doug Platt (Manchester Rams, Beer League), Cooper Roy (Manchester Rams, Beer League), Steve Drouin (Beer League), and James Killeen (Stonehill College, Beer League), and Goalie, Rene Couture (Central High School, Manchester Rams).

Team Captain for the Libertarians is Adam Lans. Players on the Libertarian Roster include: Adam Lans (New Rochelle High School), Donovan Hoy (Pick-up Men’s Hockey), Jakob Smith (FHL, Sweden D2), Gavin Burwell (Pinkerton Academy, Seacoast Spartans), Andrew Schatz (Boys Latin School High School), Robert Lombardo (North Haven High School), Jeff Berlin (Endicott College), Kevin Flynn (Power Play Hockey Men’s League C), Tyler Brown (Power Play Hockey Men’s League D), Gregg Neuendorf (Binghamton University Division 3), Lee Sutherland (Power Play Hockey Men’s League B), Marc Izquierdo (Men’s League C), Colin Going (University of Delaware Division 1), Owen McNulty (Nashua South High School), and Goalie, Jamie Schatz (New Hampton School, Manchester Flames U16).


The third annual charity hockey game benefits the NH Children’s Scholarship Fund. The event includes a tailgate in the parking lot one hour before the game. The hockey game, featuring local players, will start around 4 pm and will consist of the usual three periods, plus overtime if needed. After the game, there will be an open skate for all attendees, with skate rentals available.


Libertarians vs. Republicans Charity Hockey Game

WHO: Libertarian and Republican Hockey Teams

WHAT: The Third Annual Libertarians vs. Republicans Charity Hockey Game, Tailgate, and Open Skate

WHEN: Saturday, March 9th, 2024. Tailgate at 3PM, Game at 4PM, Open Skate following the game

WHERE: JFK Memorial Coliseum, 303 Beech St, Manchester, NH 03103

TICKETS: $10 General Admission; Kids 12 and under are free

To purchase tickets, visit

For More Information about the Libertarians vs Republicans Charity Hockey Game, visit or

To learn more about Children’s Scholarship Fund, visit

Media Contact:
Annie Henry


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Meme Overflow

Granite Grok - Wed, 2024-03-06 17:00 +0000

As promised in Monday Memes, I have an overflow. My meme cup runneth over.  And yes there will be a Friday edition too.

Let the mayhem, mockery, and ridicule resume:


*** Warning, a few possibly off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***










Not just Do not resuscitate.  Drive a silver stake through it’s heart, then burn it into ashes.  Figuratively, of course.



Amazing how she, and so many others in power, seem to be able to get financial results unheard of by any other persons.



Called it last time!



Do the same for Chuck E Cheese Schumer and a camera. 







“D” privilege.









D vs R, of course.




Never ask a question unless you’re prepared to hear an answer you might not like.



Where is that path intersection point?  Southern Illinois.



That’s a killer meme right there.



After kids it will – is already starting – to be “zoophilia” as well.  Call it “Interspecies Affection”.  (Term coined here.)




Told you.  How in the Seven Hairy Hells does a frickin’ traffic court judge have the pull to even try this?












There really is a strong movement to trans your kids.




Links (some from me, some from my Jarhead friend):


Mask Droppings – Liberty’s Torch (

When blacks act up,

Neighborhoods burn.

When whites act up,

Continents burn.

Spicy time is coming.  On one cause:

CRISIS: Medicare and Social Security are Underfunded by $175 Trillion | NC Renegades

Speaking of Spicy Time:

There’s Only One Terrifying Reason for a Woke Indoctrinated Military and This Is It – PJ Media

Exactly right IMHO.

The Left Demands Millions of Human Sacrifices to Appease the Gods of Climate Change – American Thinker

Germany’s Unstable Power Grid…Coal Plants Will Be Needed “For A Very Long Time – Climate-


It’s truly a cult.

WARNING: Self-Spreading Vaccines Are Closer Than You Think (

I have to wonder at the researchers who think this is a good idea.  Related to vaccines and such:

Why would the Japanese Ministry of Health Increase its COVID mRNA technology Vaccine Health Damage Budget by a Staggering 110 Times vs Previous Estimates? What caused this? LIONESS OF JUDAH MINISTRY (

An intriguing question.

Inadvertent Exposure to Pharmacologically Designed Lipid Nanoparticles Via Bodily Fluids: Biologic Plausibility and Potential Consequences (

I have no evidence except what I’d call awfully-convenient timing, but I’m 99% convinced I picked up mRNA from the wife.  Now if there’s ever a test developed, I’m all over that.

Pharma Stock ‘Mattered More Than the Price of a Life,’ Physician Tells Senate Roundtable • Children’s Health Defense (

That’s become clear, not just with The Jab, but – for example – Merck and Viox.

The Century of Evidence That Vaccines Cause Sudden Infant Deaths – Vigilant News Network

Checklist of First Aid Supplies We’ll Need After The Collapse (

So many things to get, so little money…  but do what you can.  Related:

Read This Before Buying Survival Food – Ask a Prepper

How to Hide Your Stockpile in Plain Sight – Ask a Prepper

Democrats Want to Liquidate the Kulaks – Whatfinger News’ Choice Clips

Taking after their forebears.  Liquidate you, and replace you.  Or have their imported army do it:

Biden’s Border Invasion Will Inflate Democrats’ Electoral College Majority – Geller Report

TREASON: Biden Regime Admits Flying 320,000 Illegal Immigrants Secretly to at least 43 Airports in the U.S. to Lessen Border Crossing Numbers  | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hᴏft

‘A War for Our Minds’: Journalists Warn of Vast Propaganda, Censorship Network Unlike Any Before in Human History • Children’s Health Defense (

And it’s so effective that the vast majority of the sheeple won’t see it, even when you show them evidence.  Paging Yuri Bezmenov.  In part, IMHO many of the sheeple are convinced of their intellectual superiority.  My working with prison inmates, and the training I got before I did, made it very clear that the cleverer you think you are, the more likely you can get conned.

The Disturbing End of Our Modern ‘Me’ Culture – Intellectual Takeout

Common sense be damned, the message being sent by peak health bodies across the Western world is that the needs of children are of little consequence, so long as the adults in the picture are gratified.

A culture in a death spiral.  Related:

Secret files show how international group pushes shocking experimental gender surgery for minors (

Doritos Hires Transgender Who Fantasized about PedophiIa, Mocked Victims of Rape, Wants Destruction of Traditional Family – The Lid (

Don’t just gnash your teeth.

  1. Spread this information to others
  2. Write a physical letter to PepsiCo, the top-level parent company. Emails and comment forms can be filtered to simply not pass through impolitic feedback. Actual, physical letters are harder to ignore:

Ramon Laguarta


700 Anderson Hill Road

Purchase, NY, 10577

UPDATE: Already been fired.  Apparently (HAH!) they “didn’t vet him well enough”.


NO COMPANY engages a person like this without a thorough checking-out.  They just didn’t anticipate the sh*tstorm that came up.  Like Trudope and that Nazi he invited.  Like Bud Light.

Will the Left want to live in the world they are creating? – American Thinker

I’ve said this before.  There’s a scene towards the end of the original Planet of the Apes movie, in which the central character, Taylor, is about to set out to explore, and Dr. Zaius said “Don’t look for it Taylor… you may not like what you find”.  The same applies to the Left.  They aspire to their planned and prophesized paradise.  They won’t like the reality of what they find.


Killing the Boer, American Style – American Thinker

All the good little Leftists and Globalists cheering for the end of the White race will definitely not like what they find.

Will the Left want to live in the world they are creating? – American Thinker

Related to White genocide:

British man sentenced to 2 years in jail over anti-immigration stickers | Human Events |

Price of major food staple spikes 50% in EU — RT Business News

Happening all over.  The constrictor squeeze tightens.

Biden Goes To Court, Demanding Warrantless Surveillance Powers (

How… how… how do people still cheer this?  Rhetorical question, I know.  It assumes the Left has a sense of honor and decency.

Electric cars release more toxic emissions than petrol-powered vehicles and are worse for the environment | Daily Mail Online

No surprise there.  Related:

Scientists Raise Alarm over Bill Gates-Led Geoengineering Plans to ‘Reverse Global Warming’ – Slay News

COVID-19 Protests Are Back – PJ Media

Let any Covidian that wants boosters and masks – have at it.  Evolution in action.

Everything But the Skirt — WaPo and NY Times in Helpful Cheerleader Mode for Biden’s SOTU – PJ Media

However much you hate the enemedia, it’s not enough.







This multiple layer of justice, etc., is one reason why people lose faith in the system.  Which is the point.






All these people who hate-hate-hate Western culture?  Then… leave!







Look, if an ADULT wants to transition, that’s their business.  I think they’re loony-tunes, but their business.  NOT CHILDREN.




Add: That government has your best interest at heart.



Perspective of the victims as non-human is how every genocide in history works.






AMEN!  And here’s an old essay I pulled up – finally – from my archives on my old blog about anchor babies / birthright citizenship (and related thoughts):


E Birthright Citizenship Immigration and Voting







Effective.  In parallel, your dad is gonna kill the father.



A person in my peripheral social circle is multiply-Jabbed-and-boosted, and recovering from yet another bout of Covid.  And is utterly grateful for the Jab, because… all together now… “Without the vaccine it could have been much worse”.







Actually, in my case, I stopped when I realized how utterly naïve they were on national defense.





I can’t say I like what he’s done, but he does have a point.  And to quote the proverb, If it can be destroyed by the truth, it deserves to be destroyed by the truth.





Pick of the Post:



And so Western Civilization falls.




Palate cleansers:





Come back on Friday for more memes.  Same meme time.  Same meme channel.




The post Meme Overflow appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

What a State Take-Over of Private and Religious Schools Will Look Like

Granite Grok - Wed, 2024-03-06 15:00 +0000

I’ve been warning that the Education Freedom Account (EFA) program could eventually lead to a complete government take over of private and religious education in New Hampshire. HB1610 showed us that Democrats were even willing to go a step further and attempt to take over home-school education, too.

Many home-schoolers showed up to oppose HB1610, but relatively few private and religious school parents showed up to oppose this legislation. Do they not understand what this will look like if HB1610 is passed into law? Do they not understand the danger this is to all private and religious schools? I suspect many still don’t get it.

I also suspect that some administrators think that this legislation will not force their hand if it’s signed into law. Who cares if their students have to take the STATE standardized test? It will show how well their students are doing compared to students in the public schools. That’s wishful thinking.

HB1610 forces all students to take the STATE standardized test that is aligned to Common Core. That’s the first step. After that, they will then begin regulating these schools to remediate their students who are not scoring proficient on the assessment.

Academically that will mean that the private and religious schools will have to teach Common Core aligned curriculum. But it doesn’t stop there. It also means that the private and religious schools will have to teach beyond these academic flaws, and also teach the Common Core “skills” that are now included in the Common Core assessments. But what are the skills required of students subjected to Common Core?  GOOD QUESTION.

As you can see in this video, after abandoning No Child Left Behind and shifting to the Every Student Succeeds Act, assessments changed. This means that students aren’t only assessed on the flawed Common Core Standards but on their attitudes, values, and beliefs too. Those are now the SKILLS that will be assessed. That’s explained in this 15-minute video:

This is also reported in this study “Redefining learning through social-emotional learning,”  reported in the International journal of health sciences. In this study they report: (emphasis mine)

The Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL, 2003) defines SEL as “the process by which children, adolescents, and adults acquire and apply the necessary knowledge and skills to understand and manage emotions, set goals, show empathy for others, establish positive relationships, and make responsible decisions”. Further, the definition of SEL during recent times incorporates an equality approach, hinting strong connections irrespective of “race, class, gender identity, sexual orientation, learning needs, and age
(Srinivasan, 2019).

As SEL moves towards Transformative SEL, Social and Emotional Learning becomes more about social justice and political action, as we can see here in Second Step SEL.

This article explains how SEL will become Transformative SEL, and then emphasizes the trouble with Social and Emotional Learning:

Whether or not one chooses to call the set of related ideological impulses that CASEL has embraced “Critical Race Theory,” they are clearly not morally or politically neutral. Indeed, CASEL’s public documents and leadership statements suggest an open embrace of leveraging social and emotional learning toward political and ideological ends. In its “Roadmap to ReOpening,” CASEL defines “self-awareness” as “examining our implicit biases,” and defines “self-management” as “practicing anti-racism.” CASEL’s former CEO, Karen Niemi, declared “we believe that our work in Social and Emotional Learning must actively contribute to antiracism,” and that SEL can “help people move from anger, to agency, and then to action.” Ibram X. Kendi, author of How to Be an Anti-Racist, has declared that Critical Race Theory was foundational to his work. Work that openly calls for racial discrimination to redress past injustices: “The only remedy to racist discrimination is antiracist discrimination. The only remedy to past discrimination is present discrimination. The only remedy to present discrimination is future discrimination.”

Given that CASEL sits atop the SEL ecosystem and has embraced a partisan political agenda, it is not unreasonable for parents to suspect that the burgeoning, near-billion-dollar sector is largely an ideological enterprise. Whether that is a reasonable assumption, or whether it paints with vastly too broad of a brush, is difficult to know for certain at this point. There are a variety of programs and vendors who take a variety of approaches. Overall assessment of the ideological character of SEL is further complicated by the presence of programs and practices that go beyond CASEL, in terms of ideology, that come with the SEL label. For example, Parents Defending Education has publicized an example of an elementary school teaching gender identity ideology under the name of “SEL.”

So what skills must a student posses in order to score proficient on the STATE standardized assessment? We can see what is expected in the Common Core State Standards for Math and English. But how will the STATE standardized assessment shift to grading “skills” in the future? What attitudes, values and beliefs must a student possess in order to pass the STATE standardized assessment?

SEL is to be incorporated throughout the curriculum in our public schools, which means public school students will eventually receive a healthy dose of social justice indoctrination. CASEL executives have stated quite clearly that their focus in transforming public education is no longer about academics–it’s about the schools raising your children with what they believe are the proper values, attitudes, and beliefs:

What happens when private, religious, and EFA students are forced to take these standardized assessments after the private and religious schools become reliant on public funds?

Even if just their EFA students have to take this assessment, it could have a big impact on how the religious and private schools teach their students. We saw religious schools in Ohio and Indiana begin to align to Common Core when their voucher students were forced to take the STATE Standardized assessment.

All of these changes come incrementally. First they force the assessment on students, then they force remediation if those students are not scoring proficient. Not only does that mean pushing Common Core on the religious and private schools, but  “skills” too.

Private and religious parents better get off the couch and start showing up to these hearings to oppose this government takeover of their schools. What families once escaped will creep into their private and religious schools if they do not act now.

Contact your state representatives and senator and tell them NO STATE standardized testing requirements for religious/private/EFA/ or home-school students. NO STATE Standardized testing requirements for our religious and private schools.

These schools are already required to test their students using an achievement test of their choice.  Those results are all that’s needed to prove that they are educating their students in the core academic subjects. There is no need to force the flawed STATE standardized assessment on any student, school, or home-school family.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Super Tuesday: Trump Wins Everything … Except Vermont [Haley Drops Out]

Granite Grok - Wed, 2024-03-06 13:00 +0000

After Super Tuesday, we can see why Vermont may never be a Red State again. Half of Vermont Republicans think Nikki Haley is what America needs, and 1.4% chose Chris Christie. The other Northeast Super Tuesday states went for Trump, as did every other state that voted yesterday.

One amusing machine media note: Rather than sorting the 14 state results alphabetically, as is typical, several I checked led with the only state Haley won: Vermont. That’s almost laugh-out-loud funny, even without Haley leaving the race.

But it doesn’t hide the delegate bloodshed. Trump has secured 1,057 to Haley’s 92. He needs 1,215 to secure the nomination.

All Results are Trump/Haley
Arkansas 77/19
Alabama 88/13
Alaska 88/12
California 79/18
Colorado 63/33
Massachusetts – Trump 60/37
Maine chose Trump 71/26
Minnesota 69/29
Oklahoma 82/16
Tennessee 77/20
Virgina 63/35
Texas 78/17
Utah 58/41
Vermont 46/50

As for Vermont, Haley also won Washington, DC. That’s not a resounding endorsement for the quality of the Republican party in the state to my left. It’s not hopeless. They could one day find their way, but you have to wonder how much better things could get if they escaped Democrat majority rule with a party majority that favors big-government surveillance state central planning Neocons like Haley or Christie.

Neither of whom are in the race. Yes, as noted above, Haley appears to be done.

Nikki Haley will suspend her presidential campaign Wednesday after being soundly defeated across the country on Super Tuesday, according to people familiar with her decision, leaving Donald Trump as the last remaining major candidate for the 2024 Republican nomination.

Three people with direct knowledge who spoke on the condition of anonymity because they weren’t authorized to speak publicly confirmed Haley’s decision ahead of an announcement scheduled for Wednesday morning.

As for Vermont, Calvin Coolidge is rolling over in his grave.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

State Rep Accidentally Outs Herself

Granite Grok - Wed, 2024-03-06 11:00 +0000

There is a classic tale in which one man lends money to another. When the time comes to repay the loan, the debtor claims that no loan was ever made. They go to trial, and the lender says that the money was counted out on a large stone, which should be brought to court as a witness. The debtor says, ‘The stone will never be found, because I broke it into many pieces, which I dispersed to many places.’


I was thinking about this tale the other day in Concord, where I gave testimony to the House Education Committee against HB1610, a bill whose title suggests that it is about accountability for recipients of Education Freedom Accounts (EFAs) but whose text makes it clear that its primary aim is to extend state control over home educated children, even those without EFAs.

(The bill requires home-educated students to take the state assessments regardless of whether they have EFAs, while at the same time exempting students in public schools whose parents don’t want them to take the tests.

Which is why about 500 home-educating parents showed up to oppose it.)

As I read my statement, I said:

The bill appears to be a thinly-disguised attempt to subject home-educated students to the kind of micro- and mismanagement that prompted their parents to keep them out of schools in the first place.

This interpretation can’t be dismissed out of hand.  My husband has personally witnessed members of an activist group (which includes one of the bill’s sponsors) formulating plans to collect copies of the birth certificates of all the children born in New Hampshire in order to keep tabs on children whose parents keep them ‘out of the system.’

I was trying to be decorous in leaving the sponsor unnamed, but before I could continue, my testimony was interrupted by Rep. Hope Damon, who happens to be my state rep. and one of the leaders of the activist group Stand Up for Croydon Students. She said that she knew what I was talking about and that she wasn’t there.


And I just mention all this because in almost every case where home education is mentioned in a bill, it’s because representatives like this are trying to get away with things like this.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Democrats Take A 9-0 Smackdown

Granite Grok - Wed, 2024-03-06 09:00 +0000

The Biden Campaign has been very slow out of the gate as they appear to be patiently waiting for the courts to beat Donald Trump for them. With the Monday 10 AM decision posted on the SCOTUS website, the Supreme Court said, no, they yelled to Joe Biden that it would not be doing the work for him.

With a 9-0 decision, the Court reversed the Colorado decision to remove Donald Trump from Presidential ballots in Primary or General elections. That ruling will also reverse any other state, such as Maine or Illinois, which used the Colorado State Supreme Decision as the basis for its action. That Colorado decision was 4-3 in a totally Democrat-appointed court.

This SCOTUS ruling makes it clear that the Court is not to be used as a Political tool by any Party, but in this case, the Democrat Party. The Justices had different ways to come to their decision, and maybe that was by design. They covered multiple avenues that the opponents of Trump may have employed to slow or bring him down. Nothing is more final or definitive than a 9-0 Supreme Court decision. That last point is supported by the Justices posting their ruling rather than appearing in the Court saying, in the words of Karina Jean-Pierre, “full stop.”

Except in New York City, where the courts are as politically focused and weaponized as possible, the Democrat use of the courts across the land is crashing to the Oval Office floor like a Jenga Game or a House of Cards. This crumbling of the legal battle will have a ripple effect on the Trump Campaign. Trump’s approval numbers ticked up with every indictment and are now moving further as each case goes in Trump’s way. Last week looked good for Trump in Georgia as Fany Willis is poised to be removed from the Trump case if not incarcerated herself. From fraud, misuse of state funds, and perjury, Willis has done the State wrong, and her disqualification could cause the case against Trump to collapse.

Unlike other cases, such as overturning Roe V Wade, where the decision was split, this 9-0 ruling does not give Biden the opportunity to blame the MAGA justices and the corrupted Court. The 9-0 ruling does not allow Chuck Schumer the opportunity to stand on the steps of the Court and call out the Conservative justices. That ship has sailed. The Liberal justices recognized their obligation to the Constitution above their allegiance to the Left.

The legacy media was apoplectic today with claims ranging from the Court is protecting Trump from his just due to the Court got it wrong. Really, 9-0, and the Court got it wrong. Nine justices all interpreted the Constitution incorrectly. The Supreme Court ruled exactly as anyone who has read the Constitution expected them to do. The Democrats hoped the Court would rule 5-4 in their favor so Biden could skate into a second term.

The clock struck twelve, and Donald Trump was still alive and well. Even SNL is mocking the Democrat lie that Biden is a robust human being. When you have lost SNL and Bill Maher, you are done. Close the curtain and dismantle the set. The show is over, and the guy from NY, make that Florida has a full house. Biden is holding a pair of deuces.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

New York Real Estate License Requirements You Should Meet

Granite Grok - Wed, 2024-03-06 08:30 +0000

Getting a New York real estate license can be a lengthy process. Therefore, you need to prepare well to avoid delaying your career launch. The New York State Department of State has set clear guidelines on how to acquire your license. It has also approved various course providers to provide the necessary 77-hour education needed before becoming a real estate agent in NY.

So, what are the requirements that you need to get started? This article will cover them here. Take time to read through it.

Age and Citizenship Requirements for the New York Real Estate License

It is simple; you must have attained an age of 18 years old to be eligible for a New York real estate license. This is not all; you should be a US citizen or legal resident to apply for the license.

You can check for this information online from government websites or various informative platforms to know what to do. When you have met all the necessary requirements, attempt the other steps.

77-Hour State Approved Course

One crucial requirement for a real estate broker license in New York is to complete the 77-hour state-approved course from a reputable course provider. A good school should give you up to six months to complete the course while providing all the necessary learning materials, additional resources, and support that you need to pass. If this is what you are looking for, why not find out more?

Pass the NY Salesperson Exam

The New York real estate license has more requirements than just education. You also need to sit and pass the New York real estate exam. This is very easy if you prepare on time. Fortunately, reputable course providers usually have a package with state exam preparation notes that you can take advantage of. If you get ready early enough, there is no need to panic.

Sponsorship from a Licensed Real Estate Broker

Another important requirement just before you apply for a New York real estate license is to get a sponsorship from a licensed broker. In fact, you can get this even before enrolling in your course so that it can run concurrently to save time. The broker will give you an internship and help you gain field experience.

Apply and Get the New York Real Estate License

If you want to know how to obtain a real estate license in NYC, you are lucky to be here. The last step is to apply for a real estate agent license in NY, which should be done online through the government portal. Once everything has been submitted correctly, you will get your two-year license.


It now feels easy to acquire a New York real estate license. Doesn’t it? These insights will definitely help you to kick-start your career in real estate. However, it does not end here because you are required to take continuing education in preparation for the license renewals and also keep yourself updated.

The post New York Real Estate License Requirements You Should Meet appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Local Government: Just Give Us The Money

Granite Grok - Wed, 2024-03-06 03:00 +0000

High fives and many kudos to Kevin Tyson, “The Feudal Model of State-Funded Education.” He eloquently and accurately described the very concept I held in my mind as I wrote my call for help last weekend.

We need to get that vision firmly implanted in the taxpayers’ minds to have any hope of getting control of the rising tide of taxes, the precipitous fall of our education system, and the incessant attacks on our rights and liberties.

One question I asked at the joint town discussions on our budget for the coming year (Dunstable and Groton are facing a multi-million dollar prop 2 ½ override) was if the town administrators can’t get a handle on their budgets in a time of an historic escalation of real estate values and the attendant historic rise in assessed property values accompanied by the resultant tsunami of tax dollars into town coffers, how are they ever going to manage when values begin to stagnate or fall?

We want to thank Brian Flynn for this Contribution – Please direct yours to
You can review our ‘Op-Ed Guidelines‘ on the FAQ Page.

That question posed to the 20 or so administrators sitting at the front tables brought total silence to the room. In other words, they don’t have a clue but just give us the money for now.

The serfs need to begin to wake up, stop being serfs, and reclaim the ruling power given to them by the “angry old white men” of 233 years ago. To quote Mr. Frnklin, “when the people find they can vote themselves money that will herald the end of the Republic.”


The post Local Government: Just Give Us The Money appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Border Crisis: “Give Me The Money”

Granite Grok - Wed, 2024-03-06 01:00 +0000

Joe Biden has three coined responses when asked about the state of the southern border or the crisis at the border. “Give me the power,” “the problem with the border is Donald Trump and his MAGA friends,” and his personal favorite, “give me the money.”

All of them are sound bites to deflect attention and blame. But none show the magnitude of the impact Joe Biden has had on this country with his poor policy decisions regarding the illegal aliens storming our border at his invitation.

We have repeatedly discussed the Biden border failure over the last three years. With the legacy media finally acknowledging the border crisis, it is crucial that we continue to document the truth to counter the gaslighting of the media and Administration. The biggest falsehood is that the border crisis is connected to legal immigration. Saying this confuses Americans and allows the Democrats to point a blaming finger at Republicans for blocking an immigration reform package. The truth is the Republican-led House passed HR2 nearly two years ago to address legal immigration, but Chuck Schumer blocked the bill in the Senate. Furthermore, no immigration reform bill will have any way of stopping the millions of illegals crossing our border between legal ports of entry. These issues are critical but not connected.

The semantics game is popular in the Biden Administration. If you can attach a new label to a situation or person, you can control the public’s view. The illegal alien has gone through many iterations in the last few years, each designed to soften the image of the criminals crossing our border and changing the look and character of our country.

To be accurate, these folks crossing into America are illegal aliens. Illegal because their first act to come to America was to break the law by violating our sovereign border. Alien because they are from another country. Neither is meant to be offensive; it is just factually accurate.

The Left felt this phrase belittled these people invading our country, so the game began. These same folks who have now discovered sensitivity are the same that assigned the term WOP to Italian immigrants at Ellis Island. WOP is an acronym meaning without papers. These Italians were treated with such little respect that some were given new surnames. Migrants, undocumented aliens, undocumented citizens, and the most recent, newcomers. They seem to be working towards how they see these folks in the future: Democrat Voters.

When Biden addressed the border situation this week, he did so as if he had recently been briefed on the crisis. He claimed that we now need to solve the problem. Where has that commitment been for three years, Joe. He was careful to craft his comments to make some think he wanted to close the border, but in reality, his plan was to expedite the illegal alien-to-newcomer process. He wants more money. Of course, it’s the Democrat solution. He wants more border guards, not to stop, but to assist crossers. He wants more judges, not to deport but to process bogus asylum claims. He wants more money to funnel to NGO, like Catholic and Lutheran Charities, which are raking in billions to transport our new “friends” to every state. Listen carefully to the aged man, who looked weak and feeble as he toured Brownsville, Texas. Joe speaks with a forked tongue.


The post Border Crisis: “Give Me The Money” appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Recurring Town Meeting Gambits

Granite Grok - Wed, 2024-03-06 01:00 +0000

Many of the gambits at the recent Exeter regional (SAU 16) deliberative meeting, and last year for the Brentwood elementary school, will certainly recur at a town meeting next month near you, and you should identify and resist them.

1. The Pledge of Allegiance and a youth choir singing the National Anthem are not indeed to ground the meeting in patriotism or nationhood but to soften voters up to think as a collective and to consider the young beneficiaries, as when a welfare mother steals food for the babies. (No, don’t object to saying the Pledge! Choose your shots; there are better targets to follow.)

2. The meeting begins with a presentation by the school board touting the undeniable success of its government monopoly. In Exeter, this included a litany of calls for applause for seniority, followed by a video of a series of satisfied pupils talking herd-speak. The assertions made during this propaganda cannot be debated. In Brentwood, objections and even questions were ruled out of order, as “no warrant article has been moved and seconded.” This is your first hint that Parliamentary Rules are not rules but part of the con.

3. Brentwood’s moderator would not allow the mandatory vote to permit out-of-towners to speak. (You see, this would stifle the board’s lawyer, whom we paid–with your money–to attend and argue against you.) In Exeter, a majority gave union bosses from outside the region the right to participate. No; an assertion that cannot be argued by a member of the town or voting region does not have some inherent right to be heard.

4. Warrant articles propagandize by asserting that an off-budget spending item will have “No amount to be raised by taxation.” This is the absurd notion that there can be spending without costs. All such articles would spend money that would otherwise be saved and eventually returned to taxpayers. Dittoes budget “savings” compared to a phony baseline. Compare the effect of a Yes vote only to the effect of a No vote.

5. The headline in the handout at Exeter was that the requested budget reflected a 1% decrease from the previous year. Inside, they admitted that the new school is finally paid for, and there will be $2 million less interest; comparing apples to apples, the budget is actually up almost 4%. Presenters explained which costs have increased but not why they didn’t cut back elsewhere; the reason is that they never cut back anywhere. But every recent budget has had millions of excess in them. In addition, school population continues to crash, as the legislature haltingly lets parents reclaim their state taxes in Education Freedom Accounts and do the right thing for their children without quite paying twice.

An amendment to send half the excess back to taxpayers was met with ridicule, tears, and accusations of partisanship. One opponent said this proposed cut was “arbitrary” (an argument against cutting anything); another charged that it was less well-thought-out than the committee’s budget (an argument against amending anything). (Brentwood’s budget was defended with claims that “We spent a lot of time on this.”). Debate included two union representatives railing against the use of consultants and others raising workplace grievances. Such debate, on an amendment to merely change a dollar amount, is out of order unless the moderator’s goal is to fatigue voters.

6. Citizens make modest attempts to argue dollar amounts. No one ever makes the moral case. The late Grokster Jim Johnson was the last to come close in his 2023 floor remarks referencing “genitalia,” and he was met with personal attacks.

This is SAU 16, the region that–

–Makes barely over half of its pupils proficient. Yes, this is better than the state average of majority non-proficiency. Brentwood voters are told that at least we aren’t Stratham, as our postmaster tells us the USPS compares favorably to most other nations’ monopolies.

–Benched an athlete for privately offering a Bible-based opinion on “gender”–and requires that pupils playing games of pretend be met with support and participation–that is, refuses to teach.

-Marked prom-goers’ hands with Sharpies if they refused to Biden up and wear a feedbag to the prom, to “control” a virus that notoriously did not affect young people.

–Has an “openly queer” Director of Remedial Racism (my term), hired straight from BLM, and given influence over pre-teen curriculum; and if he needs us to know he is queer, he certainly needs them to know.

–Is suing the State of New Hampshire to overturn the new law against teaching “diversity, equity, and inclusion”, but in the meantime has a website peppered with references to DEI.

And see Ann Marie Banfield’s articles on the verbal sexual games with pupils, occasionally becoming physical abuse. Is this supposed to be a surprise? Why would we expect there to be consequences?

7. The board’s lawyer is used as the final word against dissenters. Dissenters open the board up to litigation. (Conservatives willing to incur additional legal costs?–They must be hypocrites!)

A citizen petition proposed that we stop electing regional board members at large, in which voters in each town vote on who best represents every other town. This, like ranked-choice voting in Maine, mostly serves to win through confusion.

The district’s 3-2-1-1-1-1 apportionment of members to towns is obsolete, permissible only because all voters have the same ballot full of strangers–which is the problem, after all. The lawyer said that giving each town its own district would fail one-person-one-vote. But this is one legal opinion, not the word of God. The other side of the story is 2004, when the NH Supreme Court struck down the map of House districts and drew its own map, 88 mostly multi-town districts in which we voted for strangers. But the resulting legislature proposed and we ratified a constitutional amendment that defended floterial districts: We favored local representation over exact numerical equality.

Although the law bans Deliberative meetings from completely gutting a citizen proposal, SAU16 is the body that amended an article asserting “no confidence in the Superintendent” by deleting the word “no”! And here again, the citizen proposal was amended by voice vote to reverse its sense and reverse its binding effect. Voters in March will be asked to cast an “advisory” vote that the current arrangement is just fine. A Yes vote might be used against us next time; a No vote will simply be meaningless. The moderator claimed not to have the power to rule on whether the resulting wording twisted the proposers’ intent, merely saying it addressed the same subject matter. And no one argued that this verbal hack was “not as well-thought-out” as the original proposal had been.

A future proposal with a 7-3-2-1-1-1 reapportionment would surely be close enough to one-person-one-vote–but would be sabotaged in exactly the same way.

8. We are all told that direct democracy and public education are the linch-pins of civility. This is absurd, even to readers who have never gotten up to speak and heard schoolmarms hiss. Respect for others’ rights is the linch-pin. The form of government is irrelevant when the essence of government is taking other people’s money, using the implied threat of force, to support unionized, tenured personnel.

9. Regarding the legislature’s new law against DEI: You cannot legislate to make a racket run like a business, and government education is a racket, which would have too few customers to cover its overhead if the state really put voluntary alternatives on an equal footing. As they should: You cannot rear a principled generation with teachers whose salaries are raised at gunpoint.


The post Recurring Town Meeting Gambits appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Is There a Law Against CUI in New Hampshire? (Canoeing Under the Influence)

Granite Grok - Tue, 2024-03-05 23:00 +0000

While visiting WMUR, I clicked on this (Two children hospitalized after canoe overturns; father charged with DWI). I’m familiar with the Winnipesaukee River. I’ve paddled many parts of it, many times, and at many levels. I’ve done it on New Year’s Day and countless other times in 32-degree water.

I am always dressed properly and in a variety of NON-MOTORIZED vessels. The kind Democrats Lou D’Allesandro and Jeff Goley have repeatedly wanted to tax. Pay attention to the word “non-motorized” because I’ll get back to that in a moment.

And before I forget, I send my “get well soon” wishes to the kids in the hospital.  I’m glad they and their dad are still on our side of the grass. I’m not going to defend his irresponsible behavior as a parent. The experts can discuss that among themselves though I want to point out that DSS has been weaponized against parents that the Damn Emperor has a vendetta against. Just talk to JR or the Domes guy if you want to learn more about that.

I could even take this discussion to talk about “the system” and all its dysfunction, from the 2017 death of 4-year-old Brielle Gage on Queen Heather’s watch to the current youth center litigation, but others can do that if they want. I’m not going to talk recovery stuff, either. There are plenty of fine folks in NH, many on “our side,” who can speak to that from various points of view and wearing many hats with regard to that matter.  They’re certainly welcome to share their thoughts.

And back to my whitewater experience, I’ve paddled with plenty of stoners.  Not only that, I’ve received my fair share of assistance from many of them, whether or not they were using at the time, after I had to eat humble pie on the water myself(usually resulting from an unsuccessful roll attempt after capsizing).  They’ve thrown me a rope, chased after my lost paddle, fetched my capsized boat, and many other acts of kindness.  I certainly don’t want them to appear on the next episode of North Woods Law in an unflattering way.

What I’m here to protest is the father being given a DUI. As referenced earlier, a canoe is just as non-motorized as a bicycle.  This man is being charged with the wrong charge. He might not even drive. Maybe. And another question I have is why couldn’t the local police do their own dirty work of arresting him?  This incident took place far from 93, where the Gestapo hands out most of their DUIs.

Furthermore, I am interested in seeing a copy of this man’s criminal complaint, which should be interesting. That document, which we learned in the fall of 2021, does NOT have to be issued when bail is made. In fact, we all remember nine people having to wait 23 days (from 10/13/21 to 11/5/21) to receive theirs and only to have the signature of the disgraced Officer Provenza instead of the specific stormtrooper who did the deed.

Is this recently arrested man someone who criticized the Damn Emperor?  Or was it that he simply said “amen” after being rescued and seeing his kids rescued?

The post Is There a Law Against CUI in New Hampshire? (Canoeing Under the Influence) appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

How Did a Free People Become So Persuadable and Meek?

Granite Grok - Tue, 2024-03-05 21:00 +0000

While today’s political dynamics spotlight our need to clean house, today’s situation also offers the latest in a series of gradual steps which, similar to the movement of the clock’s hands, continue unnoticeable.

At our beginning, our Founders all took into account the frailties of man and the adverse potential which human nature can offer; so much so that Madison acknowledged such tempting in Federalist #51 when stating, “If men were angels, no government would be necessary…”

Jefferson was more poignant when stating, “….In questions of power then let no more be heard of confidence in man; but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution.”

The “mischief” that Jefferson mentions first became public over one hundred years ago with President Wilson’s declaration to “make the world safe for democracy.” Years later, in 1940, FDR doubled down that America “…must be the great arsenal of democracy.” One may wonder where did these fables come from without democracy being mentioned in “the law of the land,” our Constitution!

More unsettling was how this became echoed throughout America.

Since that time, while this false governing has become America’s standard, it doesn’t make it legal or correct! However, the manner and speed to which this was adopted makes one wonder, especially when every school child, in earlier days, recited the Pledge of Allegiance, which in part stated, “…and to the Republic for which it stands…”

Back in 1928, the War Department’s “Training Manual No. 2000-25 defined democracy in part as “A government of the masses…attitude toward property is communistic…” It also stated that our framers “made a very marked distinction between a republic and a democracy…” It also cited that the Founders “had formed a republic.”

Jefferson’s mischief re-emerged when, in 1936, Senator Homer Truett (D-WA) called for the Manual’s removal. By 1952, our Army praised democracy in it’s Manuel 21-13, The Soldier’s Guide; by falsely stating; “Because the United States is a democracy…” I emphasis this misunderstanding of democracy since it misaligns the public’s understanding and patriotic regard onto what America isn’t and because it represents a necessary and final step preceding socialist rule.

An indication of how near socialism is to taking effect is the heightening of the violence. Eventually it’s level will welcome any method for control. Democracy is only a temporary pause, or in our American situation, a conditioning prior to the main event. Whatever structure which a democracy claims, it’s majority rule alone, is self defeating and suicidal by nature. As Madison stated, “…as short in their lives as they are violent in their deaths.”

It stymies our thinking that in these highly developed and progressive times, what was crystal clear to our Founders is cloudy at best, especially within our band of intellects who disperse their foggy knowledge onto our young. Clearly, facts and histories of our past are available. However, as this democracy belief reveals, true understanding is not today’s objective.

Consider a few more of the Founder’s universal thoughts: Edmund Randolph’s understanding of democracy, “…in tracing these evils to their origin every man had found it in the turbulence and trials of democracy.”

Alexander Hamilton, “We are a Republican Government. Real liberty is never found in the despotism or in the extremes of Democracy.”

Fisher Ames considered democracy, “a government by the passions of the multitude, or, no less correctly, according to the vices and ambitions of their leaders.”

These words reflect the general distaste and even fear of our Founders for such an unruly version of authority.

Hopefully, this will open eyes as to this drum beating of this indoctrination, which these weasels continue to douse upon all Americans. With the up coming elections, our prep needs to begin with the truth about our essential American being and governing substance; our Constitutional Republic.

Remember Benjamin Franklin’s answer to “..what have we got, a republic or a monarch?” Franklin’s reply, “A republic, if you can keep it.” First things first; our Republic needs to be realized and then, at that time, we must protect such an American Blessing!

The post How Did a Free People Become So Persuadable and Meek? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Will History Repeat Itself … How Ayotte Flipped On Illegal Immigration After Being Elected Senator

Granite Grok - Tue, 2024-03-05 19:00 +0000

Candidate-Ayotte in 2024 sounds just like candidate-Ayotte in 2010 on the issue of illegal immigration. From a Byron York article written in 2013:

Immigration wasn’t the main issue in the 2010 New Hampshire Senate race. But it was a topic of great interest for many Republican voters, and GOP candidate Kelly Ayotte took a pretty hard line. … “In the Senate, Kelly’s top immigration priority will be to secure our borders — no excuses,” said her campaign website. “Simultaneously, she will work to ensure that existing immigration laws are enforced, and is against amnesty.” … She wanted to make English the official language of the United States. … she said she might consider changing the Constitution to do away with the 14th Amendment’s birthright citizenship provision.

But all that tough talk turned out to be just that: TALK. By 2013, Ayotte was supporting “comprehensive immigration reform,” which is that lovely euphemism for AMNESTY. The bill Ayotte supported would have granted asylum to the then estimated ELEVEN MILLION illegals in the United States BEFORE any border security took effect.

Why the flip-flop? According to Byron York:

… the complex of business leaders, activists, lobbyists and politicos who are pushing the Gang of Eight bill is as active in Ayotte’s home state as elsewhere. But think back to 2010. To win votes, Ayotte had to take a hard-line position on immigration. Now, safely elected and making a place for herself in Washington, she has committed to the Gang of Eight. That’s a big change.

What would a “safely elected” Governor Ayotte do? History is pretty damn clear.


The post Will History Repeat Itself … How Ayotte Flipped On Illegal Immigration After Being Elected Senator appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

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