The Manchester Free Press

Wednesday • May 8 • 2024

Vol.XVI • No.XIX

Manchester, N.H.

Michael Yakubovich Releases List Of Early Endorsements In Race For State Senate District 16

Granite Grok - Tue, 2022-05-17 22:00 +0000


Contact: Keith Carlsen

Michael Yakubovich Releases List Of Early Endorsements In Race For State Senate District 16
Six Term State Representative John Burt of Goffstown Will Serve As 
Campaign’s Fiscal Agent

HOOKSETT, NH (May 13, 2022) – In advance of his official campaign kickoff on May 19, Michael Yakubovich’s campaign for State Senate today released a list of early endorsements in the race for District 16. The list contains current and former State Representatives for Goffstown, Candia and Raymond.

Topping the list of endorsements is six term State Representative John Burt, of Goffstown, who will serve as the Yakubovich campaign’s fiscal agent.

“I’ve served in the Legislature with Michael Yakubovich, and I know that he is completely committed to the ideals of lower spending and lower taxes – ideals that make New Hampshire the best state to live, work and raise a family. As the next State Senator, Michael will deliver results for the voters of Goffstown and State Senate District 16.

The following legislators currently serve in the State House:

  • Rep. John Burt (Goffstown)
  • Rep. Alan Bershtein (Candia)
  • Rep. Dustin Dodge (Raymond)
  • Rep. Kevin Verville (Candia)
  • Rep. Mark Warden (formerly of Goffstown, presently of Manchester)

The following legislators have previously served in the State House:

  • The Honorable Michael Costable (Raymond)
  • The Honorable Joe Duarte (Candia)
  • The Honorable Michael Gunski (Goffstown)
  • The Honorable John Hikel (Goffstown)
  • The Honorable Cal Pratt (Goffstown)

“I’m proud to have the endorsements of John Burt and other current and former State Representatives from towns across Senate District 16,” said Yakubovich. “And I’m already working hard to earn the most important endorsement of all: the support of the voters of Senate District 16 in the September 13th primary election.”

Yakubovich will officially announce his campaign at a kickoff event on Thursday, May 19, 2022 at the New England Tap House Grille (1292 Hooksett Rd) in Hooksett.

The post Michael Yakubovich Releases List Of Early Endorsements In Race For State Senate District 16 appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Montpelier: Counter-Woke Firebrand Dr. James Lindsay and Recent First Amendment Champion Nick Merriweather

Granite Grok - Tue, 2022-05-17 20:00 +0000

The banquet hall at the Capitol Plaza & Conference center was nearly full for the 6 pm speaking session featuring counter-woke firebrand Dr. James Lindsay and recent First Amendment champion Nick Merriweather. Drinks and somewhat lively conversation filled the air as concerned parties shared stories and ideas in anticipation of the evening’s presenters.

One Burlington resident spoke of her concerns for seeing her lovely city on the verge of being uninhabitable by someone with her political views. A mother of two, she shared stories of losing friends while gaining others as she spoke up about her political concerns. Though a libertarian and not a Trump supporter she found even that was enough to have friends cancel her from their inner circle. Carrying a degree in microbiology and molecular genetics she bemoaned the lack of science behind the mask mandates. Though an expert she has taken heat for speaking out against the futility of masks for stopping transmission of a highly contagious airborne virus. In her case the narrative proved stronger than the actual science.

Some familiar faces and some new ones gathered to the tables as the event hosts introduced new Republican Party senate hopefuls and other leaders of conservative Vermont politics. The esprit-de-corps was lively for an older dinner party crowd, and the evening began with solemn moments including a pledge of allegiance and prayer offered by John Klar.

James Lindsay is quickly becoming one of the most sought after speakers among conservative groups in the U.S. thanks largely to his expertise in understanding “woke” culture. His popular Youtube channel “The New Discourses” has nearly one hundred thousand subscribers, which some will tell you represents what they’ll allow not what he would actually have were Youtube not a woke corporation. Recent discoveries of Twitters number fudging give one pause. Lindsay is no doubt one of the scariest voices to the left, given he is a confessed liberal Democrat and college educator, not to mention an atheist who published the book “Why Everyone Is Wrong About God”. If He too is wrong about God I can’t help but to be amused by the fact they the Almighty may be trolling him by making him a defender of both Christianity and Christians post publishing. Such are the times.

Lindsay takes no time getting to the serious nature of the culture war. Referencing Antonio Gramsci’s “long march to the institutions” strategy he warns the woke goose-stepping is getting louder and more forceful by the day. His recent book Race Marxism exposes the roots of Critical Race Theory, as well as the other grievance theories such as queer theory and gender theory, as fundamentally Marxist. All of them have the dialectical model of oppressor v. oppressed first proffered by Marx, only his was among the classes. Lindsay points out the failure of the class dialectic led to Marxists like Gramsci and Herbert Marcuse to switch identities to the “ghetto” population and other societal outcasts, like homosexuals, feminists and the like. The more radical the more revolutionary is their reasoning.

He reminds the audience Marxism, despite its atheism, is a theology with all of the trappings of a religion. It has prophets (Gramsci, Paulo Freire), a savior (socialist man), a promised land (Utopia), scripture, liturgy, sacraments, and so on. This explains the obvious religious fervor, extremism and evangelism of the youth that is at the root of our current societal dysfunction. Lindsay’s warning is more dire than the last time he spoke for the Dartmouth Republicans. Though Americans are fundamentally in favor of freedom and a shared American dream, the crypto-communists have co-opted those values and used them strategically to take over institutions (banking, universities, tech) as well as Lindsay’s chief concern – pedagogy. The revolution they want can’t survive a battle among boomer and Gen X, but it can outlast them by indoctrinating our children, which they are doing and with haste.

Of course the funding is an issue too and here he explains such groups as Black Rock and the aptly named Vanguard are acquiring vast sums of wealth in the trillions of dollars while shaping a Marxist future with such things as their Chinese Communist Party inspired ESG scores and woke corporate grooming agenda via Diversity, Equity and Inclusion consultants who are paid absurd amounts of money to effectively intimidate while codifying neo-Marxism among the workers.

The picture is bleak to those without the stomach of men such as Dr. Lindsay, however he won’t let anyone off the hook. The battle is at our door and you get one shot to win this, we are in the ninth inning and up to bat. This is not the time to go to the bathroom, get more popcorn and watch or get to your car to leave early. No – this is the time to fight back with everything you have including what little courage you can muster. It’s all hands on deck and playing for keeps.

There is a natural transition from that to Professor Merriweather who did in fact stand up and fight his own battle at Shawnee State. Accused essentially of harassment for not bowing to a student’s preferred pronouns. Merriweather expected his administration to know their constitution and support him but instead were intimidated by an unhinged college-aged person who lacked the stability of their own identity.

Professor Merriweather, a Bible believing Christian, stood firm on both Biblical truth and his faith as he sought the legal counsel of the Alliance Defending Freedom, a group with a 13-0 record at the Supreme Court, who padded their stats as they argued Merriweather’s first amendment right to not be compelled to speak were greater than the student’s right to not be offended.

The judge agreed, and Merriweather spent the bulk of his time reading the judge’s decision. Attacked by staff and faculty along the way, Merriweather maintained his reasoned position which the judge elucidated with the following logic. The student’s “I am offended” plea is subjective and therefore opens the door to militarizing speech in the hands of the professional victim class. Setting this precedent would open the door to compelled speech whereby complainants could require pacifists to support war, believers to reject God, and so on. Speech standards in line with the principles of the first amendment must be objectively sound. This extends beyond personal preference to the freedom enumerated up to and including speech that offends.

Both men are examples of the need to stand against this devilish enemy swirling in our streets, schools and even sanctuaries. Brothers in arms, Trevor Loudon, podcaster John Harris and Pastor Judd Saul recently released a documentary “Enemies Within the Church” that corroborate Dr. Lindsay’s work. We recommend you listen to as many of Lindsay’s podcasts and watch that film to get a clearer picture of just who has brought this fight to America, from without as well as within.

The post Montpelier: Counter-Woke Firebrand Dr. James Lindsay and Recent First Amendment Champion Nick Merriweather appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Prosecutor: Sussmann Used the FBI as a Political Tool

Libertarian Leanings - Tue, 2022-05-17 19:07 +0000

Sarah N. Lynch, Reuters:  Prosecutors say lawyer used clout to plant damaging information on Trump with FBI

WASHINGTON, May 17 (Reuters) - Federal prosecutors on Tuesday sought to portray an attorney who formerly worked for Hillary Clinton's 2016 presidential campaign as a privileged, high-powered person who abused his connections with the FBI in a bid to harm former President Donald Trump's campaign just weeks before the election.

In opening arguments in a federal court in Washington, prosecutor Brittain Shaw told a jury that attorney Michael Sussmann misled the FBI about who he represented when he met with the bureau's top lawyer on Sept. 19, 2016, to provide a tip alleging internet communications between Trump's business and a Russian bank.

The allegations were investigated and later discredited.

"The evidence will show that this is a case about privilege - the privilege of a well-connected D.C. lawyer with access to the highest levels of the FBI," Shaw said, adding that Sussmann abused his connections to "use the FBI as a political tool."

The case against Sussmann is being led by Special Counsel John Durham, who was appointed by then-Attorney General William Barr in 2019 to probe any missteps in the FBI's investigation into whether Trump's campaign was colluding with Russia.

Read the rest here.

Categories: Blogs, United States

DISQUS Doodlings: Socialism Disavows Individual Responsibility – The Old “Makers vs Takers” Connundrum

Granite Grok - Tue, 2022-05-17 18:00 +0000

Note: No, not me this time but from “Vindaloo Bugaboo”, also a frequent commenter at Treehugger who would fit in well here at GraniteGrok.  I liked what he wrote at one of TH those posts and asked if he’d “translate” it for GraniteGrok. And no, I had no input in that commenting series as he was doing so splendidly well!

As a child, one of my favorite bedtime stories my mum would read me was the 1974 Scholastic Books classic, “Little Red Hen” by Paul Galdone.

In it, the little red hen is an industrious busybody who lives on a farm with a dog, cat, and mouse, all of whom are rather lackadaisical in their approach to life. The little red hen asks who will help her sow the wheat, tend the crop, harvest the grain, have it milled into flour, and mixed into a batter, but the three of them refuse to help. Only once the cake is baked and its tempting smell wafts through the farmhouse do the dog, cat, and mouse collectively have their interest piqued in “helping”. So it’s no surprise that when the little red hen asks who will help her eat the cake, all three eagerly answer in the affirmative—but she denies them, pointing out they did no work and thus should not benefit from hers. Instead, only she will enjoy eating the cake, which she does.

We want to thank Vindaloo Bugaboo for this Op-Ed. If you have an Op-Ed or LTE
you would like us to consider, please submit it to

At the time, I didn’t realize the story was an aphorism for the predatory failures of socialism, where the largesse of work ethic and self-sufficiency are denied the worker and instead, the spoils of his labor are shared with those who did not earn the right to its access. Instead, I simply saw it as a fun story with farm animals and an additional message of Hard Work is how you achieve what you want in life—which resonated with my parents and became an essential recurring theme of their childrearing.

Recently, there was a discussion over on about how Los Angeles County has  approved a ban on single use plastics within all unincorporated areas for restaurants, stores, food trucks, and hospital cafeterias. The ban ostensibly will assist in fighting the ever-growing threat of oceanic plastic pollution. What wasn’t discussed was why L.A. County officials didn’t apply the single-use plastic ban to all residents within county limits, even though they’re responsible for issues related to surface water use and pollution control (both of which are imperative aspects to limiting oceanic plastic pollution.)

I raised the argument that the decision was a coward’s endeavor for not extending the ban to all 8 million residents within county limits. If they were truly sincere about having an impact, then the biggest bang for the buck would have been to implement a policy that specifically targets a reduction in plastic waste made by the biggest polluters—and that would fall primarily on the restaurants, food trucks, stores, and other businesses within incorporated areas of Los Angeles and its 7 million residents, not the 1 million residents outside those areas. Instead, they chose to prioritize enforcement among the latter, presumably because they have no recourse for redress except to the state legislature, and in deep blue California, that’s a non-starter.

One of the other commenters whom I’m typically friendly with, Bob Baal, argued vehemently that:

“[oceanic plastic pollution] is our problem – it’s your problem – it’s my problem – it’s everybody’s problem – all 8 billion of us.”

Well, yes, collectively it is all our problem, but there’s a difference between unintentional pollution and wanton disregard for consequences that requires further nuance when debating the topic. So while it’s true the U.S. is the largest producer of plastic waste in the world, very little of what we produce ends up in our waterways that connect to the ocean, according to the EPA’s 2020 federal strategy on addressing marine litter.

Thus, those who are contributing most heavily towards oceanic plastic pollution should be the primary concern for policy makers who are intent on ameliorating the problem. And that, no surprise, would require systemic change beyond what the U.S. can or should do:

“Systemic change, in contrast to relying on product-specific regulations, would require middle- and low-income countries to expand their waste collection rates to 90% in urban areas and 50% in rural areas and to support the informal collection sector. Achieving that goal would require adding 4 billion people to the world’s waste and recycling collection ranks, or 500,000 people per day, every day from now to 2040.”

Notice how the Pew Trusts’ report focuses on middle- and low-income countries for implementing systemic change despite the U.S. being the largest producer of plastic waste. In other words, one can conclude we deal with our own plastic waste quite effectively, thanks to our highly regulated waste and pollution abatement systems. I emphasized the difference between responsible behavior and wanton disregard for consequences by using an analogy about spending habits:

“If I’m responsible with my spending habits, if I save and invest, if I keep up my credit score by not defaulting on loans and paying my credit cards on time every month, if I go to college and further my education, if I go into a profession with good compensation, and don’t squander money on vices such as drugs or alcohol or gambling, why should I be held accountable for what the high school drop-out with a drug use problem and inability to hold down a job does? Why should my life be made more difficult when those who cannot—or simply refuse to—comply with societal norms of responsibility get a free pass of unaccountability?”

Bob’s response was this:

“A better model [for comparison] is the old family finance model. You have a pot in the middle of the dinner table. When a family member gets paid, he tosses the money into the pot. When a family member needs money, he reaches into the pot. It’s the family responsibility to make sure there is enough money in the pot for essential bills.

So, you and the high school dropout draw from the same pot – and his actions determine how much you can draw out.”

In theory, this is true—except when it isn’t, which is always, because as we all know every family suffers from dysfunction, sometimes severe dysfunction, whether readily observable or not. And Americans, as we like to pretend we’re one big family, have serious internal dysfunction that puts to shame even a “People of Walmart” collage. This extends to the idea of mutually contributing to a common by all individuals, i.e. the “old family finance model” of a pot in the middle of the dinner table, as I pointed out to Bob:

“Imagine some family members consistently put money into the kitty, but there was one giant suck who didn’t contribute at all—or did so, but infrequently, or at a miniscule level—yet consistently kept taking out far more than [he or she] contributed. Would all the other family members simply look the other way, or would they speak out? Would they encourage that individual to put more money in, or maybe suggest getting a better job, or working more hours, or merely not taking out as much as they had? If other family members knew there was something they were saving for, but could never achieve that goal because the money being taken by the giant suck kept undermining the family's goals, would there be any resentment or perhaps some kind of action, e.g. the giant suck not being able to use the money pot any longer?”

Sadly, these arguments went unacknowledged because to do so would have meant Bob had to address the pressing issue at hand: what to do about those who disavow their obligation to both collective effort and personal responsibility. But in his quiescence, one can clearly see his ideological rationale: that Little Red Hen alone is the primary individual from whom compliance can be successfully extracted, because the scores of dogs, cats, and mice far outnumber her and are impatiently waiting for that cake to finish baking.

The post DISQUS Doodlings: Socialism Disavows Individual Responsibility – The Old “Makers vs Takers” Connundrum appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Belknap County (NH) Candidates Wanted!!

Granite Grok - Tue, 2022-05-17 17:30 +0000

Even with the revising of the State House Districts in Belknap County based on the latest federal census, there are still 18 State Representative seats for the county, although the grouping of towns has changed. Principled, freedom-loving conservative Republicans, who will actually vote Republican if they are elected, are needed for the following state representative districts for which we do not yet have “suitable” candidates:

  • District 2- (Meredith)- 2 candidates needed
  • District 5- (Laconia Wards 1, 3 & 6)- 2 candidates needed
  • District 8- (Belmont, Sanbornton & Tilton)- 2 candidates needed

As far as the State Senate goes, all towns in Belknap County are in District 2 except Gilmanton which is in District 6. Tilton is in District 7 and Barnstead is in District 17- so we need 4 Senate candidates.

All Belknap towns and cities are in Executive Council District 1 except for Barnstead which (for some unknown reason) is in District 4- so we need 2 Executive Council candidates.

The 603 ALLIANCE conducts excellent training for prospective candidates. If you have already decided you’d like to run for office in 2022, or even if you’re just thinking about it, please mark your calendar and plan on attending one of the 603 Alliance training events. You only need to attend ONE Of the following trainings. Pre-approval and advance registration are required. If you’re interested in attending, contact the 603 Alliance via email at

Here’s the schedule:

  • Saturday, June 4th from 9 AM to 5 PM in Ashland, NH
  • Saturday, July 9th from 9 AM to 5 PM in location TBD
  • Saturday, July 30th from 9 AM to 5 PM in Bedford, NH

In addition, the 603 Alliance will be holding its biennial Issues Briefing for all Republican candidates. Mark your calendar for Thursday, July 14th from 6 to 9 PM in Concord. Watch the 603 Alliance website and newsletter for details.

If you have any questions about running for office- what it takes to win and what it takes to serve, or anything else you can think of, and how the BCRC can help your race, contact one or more of the members of the Executive Committee of the Belknap County Republican Committee (the “BCRC”), as follows:

Chair- Norm Silber
Phone: (603) 293-0565

Vice Chair- (Rev) Paul Terry
Phone: (401) 648-1607

Secretary- Priscilla Bean
Phone: (603) 455-6115

Treasurer- Dr. David Strang
Phone: (603) 520-0435

Member at large- Marc Abear
Phone: (603) 707-6538

Please note that although the by-laws of the Republican Party of New Hampshire prohibit taking positions in primaries, there is no such restriction on the BCRC.

The post Belknap County (NH) Candidates Wanted!! appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Meme Overflow

Granite Grok - Tue, 2022-05-17 16:00 +0000

As promised in the last Monday Memes, I have an overflow. My meme cup runneth over.

Now, let the mayhem, mockery, and ridicule resume:

*** Warning, a few possibly off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***






This post’s winner.

I do not agree with being a racist, though the last few years are forcing me to be more… cautious in general, but I find this to be spot-on accurate.  I am a multi-generational American on my father’s side, as “pasty white” as you can get visually.  Both my mother and wife are immigrants.  My wife is a non-white (nominally) Sunni Muslim woman.  And yet… and yet… if I disagree in the slightest with anything the Left wants, I’m a raaaaacist or whatever else.  I have, as a couple of examples, autographed-and-framed pictures of Larry Elder, Alan West, and Walter E. Williams on my wall at home – among others, of course, and anyone who has followed me for any length of time knows of my admiration for Thomas Sowell.

I’m tired of extending my hand only to have it slapped.  I’m tired of having my character judged by the color of my skin – an action that, were I to do it the other way, would rightly be called racist.



Regrettable.  But understandable.




I have several essays I’m working on, but none are “ripe” yet.  Also, got lots going on at the house.  Don’t worry, I haven’t given up writing.  And – hopefully – a piece coming out soon at Urban Scoop that I submitted about a week ago but it hasn’t popped yet that I’ve seen.

The post Meme Overflow appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Nothing to See Here, Move Along

Libertarian Leanings - Tue, 2022-05-17 14:23 +0000

Epoch Times:  EXCLUSIVE: Key NIH Research Executive Received 70 Secret Royalty Payments; Colleague Got 7

Two key National Institutes for Health (NIH) executives in positions of influence on decisions about who gets grants from the agency received a total of 77 previously undisclosed royalty payments from outside firms between 2010 and 2014.

The secret royalty payments, which were first reported by The Epoch Times, are among thousands estimated to total at least $350 million paid between 2010 and 2020. Long-time NIH Director Francis Collins received 14 payments, Anthony Fauci, who heads NIH’s National Institute for Allergies and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), received 23, and Clifford Lane, Fauci’s chief deputy, got eight payments.

Acting NIH Director Lawrence Tabak conceded during questioning last week by Rep. John Moolenaar (R-Mich.) that the undisclosed royalties have the “appearance of a conflict of interest,” but he insisted that the agency has sufficient internal safeguards to prevent such problems. Federal law and ethics regulations bar federal employees from activities that present either the appearance or an actual conflict of interest.

Read the rest here.

Categories: Blogs, United States

How Much of Twitter's Huge Userbase is Fake?

Libertarian Leanings - Tue, 2022-05-17 14:17 +0000

Mark Wauck, Meaning in History:  Briefly Noted: Twitter's Choice

I’ll be the first to admit that I don’t understand the specifics of what’s going on with the Musk/Twitter deal, in the sense of understanding the technicalities of possible shareholder lawsuits. I think most of us get the general picture: A massive fraud has been perpetrated. Zerohedge sketches out the unhappy alternatives that Twitter is faced with:

A number of additional thoughts occur to me.

  1. It seems pretty obvious that Musk must have had a pretty good idea of what was going on—nobody spends that kind of money on acquiring a business without having done a deep dive into the whole business model and the sustainability thereof. He certainly had the money to do due diligence even without selling off the Tesla stock.

  2. It also seems pretty obvious that Twitter management understood all this, which leads to the question: Who, really, is behind Twitter? Because how could this go on so long so publicly? Were the initial nonsensical attempts to thwart Musk’s purchase simply a desperate effort by Twitter management to avoid exposure?

Read the rest here.

Categories: Blogs, United States

Social IQ Test: Conspiracy Theory Edition – If You Don’t Believe This You’ll Believe Anything

Granite Grok - Tue, 2022-05-17 14:00 +0000

Depending upon in which circles you run, or chant among burning candles, the term conspiracy theory has no doubt been tossed around. Among most, it has become a pejorative term to dismiss those who voice their distrust in official narratives or reported stories of major world-changing events.

Among others, it’s a badge of honor indicating a healthy level of distrust for a world full of, often powerful and elite, criminal conspirators. At least that’s what Elvis told me at last’s weeks Tin-Foil Hat Brigade meeting.

It is important to note for a conspiracy theory to emerge there must always be an official story it is built to challenge.

Some of the more popular conspiracy theories include:

  • Official story: President Kennedy was assassinated by lone gunman Lee Harvey Oswald.
  • Conspiracy Theory: He was assassinated by a team of jilted female lovers working for the CIA
  • Official story: 9/11 was coordinated by Osama Bin Laden and Saudi Arabian Muslim extremists
  • Conspiracy Theory: 9/11 was an inside job coordinated by the FAA, Dick Cheney, and George Bush to raise awareness regarding the need for better airline pilots

The beautiful thing about both the official story and the conspiracy theories is their believability, or as one of my assets refers to it “plausible deniability.” What is plausible deniability? It’s the ability of the actual perpetrators (re: intelligence community) to claim denial of any wrongdoing on plausible grounds.

For you non-theorists, that’s a battlemented way of saying “lying.”

So, assuming JFK was shot by a coordinated effort among the CIA, anti-Castro Cubans, and the Mafia (as is assumed in Oliver Stone’s movie), all with shared means and motives, having Lee Harvey Oswald, a known Communist, at the scene and a narrative that claims he was the lone assassin, despite the reports of multiple shots from around the grassy knoll area, create a plausibly deniable scenario allowing the actual conspirators to escape.

The goal of most crimes is to escape unless you’re a mass shooter, which is obviously a suicide mission meant to call attention to your plight. Lee Harvey was a man ahead of his time.

With that in mind, we at the GraniteGrok Conspiratory are offering the world’s first Conspiracy Theory IQ Test! Are you shrewd, silly, or a simple sheep? Let’s find out.

The Moon Landing was…

  1. Faked by Stanley Kubrick and company shooting footage in the desert
  2. Real despite the impassible Van Allen Belt radiation, poorly shot photos of differing shadows, and lack of adequate fuel to return to earth
  3. Faked by aliens who secretly run our government from Area 51
  4. Real in the minds of the American public who needed the incentive to stay in Vietnam
  5. Confirmed in all of the NASA documents that are suddenly now all missing
  6. A & D
  7. None of the above

The Reichstag was burnt down by…

  1. A mentally ill man who had nothing better to do
  2. Mentally ill NAZI conspirators who wanted a pretext to take over Germany
  3. Extreme global warming unique to German government buildings
  4. Deiter and the Sprockets
  5. None of the above

Examples of a false flag (list all – 1 pt. for each correct answer)

  1. Any school shooting as a pre-text to disarm the public
  2. Any flag with a rainbow on it
  3. The Gulf of Tonkin torpedoing of American ships
  4. The Gleiwitz Station attack
  5. Operation Northwoods
  6. Betsy Ross’ first twelve attempts
  7. All of the above

Jesus Christ was killed by…

  1. The CIA, Mafia, and anti-Castro Cubans
  2. The Jewish religious leaders and Judas
  3. The sin of the world
  4. The Clintons
  5. All of the above

The type of rifle Lee Harvey Oswald used to not kill Kennedy with

  1. Mannlicher-Carcano
  2. AR-15
  3. AR-14
  4. AK-47
  5. Red Rider
  6. All of the above

The SARS-COV2 virus originated in…

  1. Wild Geese
  2. A Freemason Meeting in the City of London
  3. Wuhan, China
  4. The mind of Bill Gates
  5. The mind of Dean Koontz
  6. A bowl of guano soup

The 2020 election was…

  1. The most secure in history
  2. Fair in all but 49 states
  3. A record turnout for dead people
  4. Overrun with 2,000 mules
  5. A textbook example of an international conspiracy
  6. An extended infomercial for My Pillow

The Piltdown Hoax was…

  1. The result of evolution
  2. Solved by Sherlock Holmes
  3. Contrived by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and friends
  4. The result of orangutan parts “discovered” by Charles Dawson, Edgar Willet, and Pierre de Chardin
  5. The first attempt at making My Pillow

The Paperclip Conspiracy was…

  1. Oddly started by Staples employees
  2. Named for Milton’s triumphal burning down of Initech
  3. A secret military plan to help Nazi scientists escape Nuremberg and to the west where they continued their “science”
  4. Solved by Peter, Samir, and Michael with a bat in a field

The Tuskegee Syphilis experiment was…

  1. The origin of the Feel the Bern campaign
  2. A prime example of why you should trust the science
  3. Concocted by the US government as a way to see the damaging effects of syphilis on unsuspecting black men who they deceived
  4. The subject of Anthony Fauci’s doctoral thesis and inspiration for his life’s work
  5. Slightly better than the Tallahassee Gonorrhea experiment


Put down your number two and let’s total your score!

Answer key:

1. A, B, C, D & E (max 4 pts.)

2. B (1 pt.)

3. A, C, D & E (4 pts.)

4. A, B, C, D & E (4 pts.)

5. A (1 pt.)

6. A, B, C, D & E (5 pts.)

7. C, D & F (3 pts.)

8. D (1 pt.)

9. C (1 pt.)

10. C (1pt.)

Add’em up and find your score!

25-20 points – You are from a superior race, most likely aliens

19-14 points – You quit watching mainstream media years ago

13-8 points – Your public school education has not been wasted

8-4 points – You’re still upset about your CNN+ subscription being canceled

3 or less – You don’t read good

Congratulations and keep that head on a swivel, because the next conspiracy against mankind starts in three…two…



The post Social IQ Test: Conspiracy Theory Edition – If You Don’t Believe This You’ll Believe Anything appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Stakes Are High This Year

Libertarian Leanings - Tue, 2022-05-17 13:48 +0000

Clint Siegner, Money Metals Exchange:  The Politics of Sound Money: What’s at Stake

An occasional critic will ask that we “stick to our lane” and limit commentary to metals and the markets. They would prefer we avoided politics. When it comes to gold and silver, that is easier said than done.

There is no separating the metals markets from the world affairs motivating people to buy physical bullion.

Good luck to a market commentator who sets out to explain the price action over the last few weeks without acknowledging the larger, unnatural forces at work. Rampant cheating, regulatory capture, and algorithmic trading have all but divorced market prices from fundamentals such as supply and demand.

Gold and silver have a very long history as honest money. And money is one of the central battlefields in the ideological war between globalist elites and those seeking limited government and personal liberty.

The globalists are preparing to roll out Central Bank Digital Currencies. If they can convince people to adopt this next evolution of fiat money, they will attain a level of information and control that prior generations of central bankers only dreamt of.

The alternative to a crooked and failing monetary system is a currency which is unprintable and beyond the control of socialists and sociopaths. Gold and silver are central to an honest money system.

Last Tuesday, West Virginia Republicans delivered an overwhelming victory to pro-sound money candidate Alex Mooney in his primary battle to retain his seat in the U.S. House of Representatives.

Sound money advocate
Rep. Alex Mooney (R-WV) trounced a
left-leaning Republican last week.

Representative Mooney is one of the leading voices in Congress for auditing the Federal Reserve and restraining its powers. And he has put forth legislation that would repeal discriminatory capital gains taxes on gold and silver bullion as well as comprehensively audit America’s gold for the first time in 70 years.

Our company’s leadership, like the vast majority of our clientele, has chosen a side. We are committed to sound money principles that include limited government and personal liberty.

Money Metals is located in Idaho. In “red” states, such as Idaho, the primary election is where the real choices are made.

Tomorrow a small minority of Idahoans will vote in the state primary along with voters in four other states. And many other state primaries lie just ahead.

The stakes are particularly high this year. Most Americans can feel it, but they won’t bother to vote in their primary.

We hope goldbugs will be an exception. If we don’t seize this opportunity to elect leadership with values matching our own, there may not be another.

Clint Siegner is a Director at Money Metals Exchange, a precious metals dealer recently named "Best in the USA" by an independent global ratings group. A graduate of Linfield College in Oregon, Siegner puts his experience in business management along with his passion for personal liberty, limited government, and honest money into the development of Money Metals' brand and reach. This includes writing extensively on the bullion markets and their intersection with policy and world affairs.

Categories: Blogs, United States

Why are GPT Sites so Popular?

Granite Grok - Tue, 2022-05-17 12:39 +0000

Get-Paid-To (GPT) are websites that pay users in small amounts for the tasks they are given to complete. Users can earn good money from such sites, and the work they are required to do is simple.

This phenomenon automatically makes the GPT sites a popular choice for traders or other market users. There would be less people who would not prefer GPT to get an extra income or rewards.

To analyse the website and why it is so popular among the masses, we have a brief discussion on the topic. So, let’s understand the importance of GPT websites.

Defining GPT Sites

GPT sites are the websites that work online to help traders or users earn money in small amounts. Users can go to such sites and complete the tasks available to earn points and gradually get against the points earned.

The points carry some value for the sites, although every website has its earning point value. In addition, there are payment methods like PayPal, e-wallets, Neteller, etc.

Users can go for one task or complete multiple tasks to make money within a short time span. The money earned is used for getting gift cards such as Amazon vouchers, Starbucks gift cards, and many others.

How Users can Earn Points at GPT Sites?

GPT sites have a range of offers for the users to earn, and they can go for a single or many at a time tasks to get earning points. Below mentioned are the ways to earn points at GPT sites:

  • Online Surveys
  • Rewards or Earning rebates
  • Sign-up rewards
  • Watching videos
  • Playing games
  • Reading Emails
  • Completing offers
  • Listening to radio stations
  • Cash backs on shopping online
  • Internet searches
  • Referrals
  • Completing small tasks
Pros of GPT Sites

Users can have advantages of GPT sites as they are online and a great medium to make money. Here, we have a brief overview of the website and how users can make the best of it, considering its pros:

  • Cashback offers
  • Multiple revenue options
  • Connects with major online retailers
  • Profitable for small earnings
  • A good way to spend time
  • Interesting contests and opportunities for users
  • Good money for task completion
How much can Users make with GPT Sites?

GPT site users can have small profits with their online task completion, but to know how much is this amount, here we are. As the amount for the tasks we generally do is based on the work, the same goes with these GPT sites.

Users are paid on the basis of the work they are doing and the time used. Therefore, the length and complexity of the task are of great importance to analyse the price earned for it.

Tasks that are small and easy to do will have low value. For example, reading emails or sign-ups may cost a few cents, but the tasks that are difficult and long may offer dollars.

There are even point systems used with many GPT sites, and each has a different value. Traders can check the point value and get the funds used.

To have a brief understanding, users can have a look at the data available:

  • Surveys: $2 to $6
  • Email reading: $0.2 per email
  • Partner surveys: $3 to $5
  • Click website links: $0.01 per click
  • Watch videos: $1

In similar ways, other tasks can have their value, and these can vary for different websites.

Some Popular GPT Sites

GPT sites are known to many users of the market and internet users but to consider the reliable and genuine websites; we have selected the best and most used GPT sites.

Hee’s the list of the famous GPT sites:

  • SwagBucks
  • Earnably
  • Prize Rebel
  • Cointiply
  • My Points
  • InboxDollars
  • Quick Rewards
Are GPT sites Legit?

Certainly yes, GPT sites are legitimate and have a rich scheme to entertain users and attract them with the rewards of money or cryptos. Users of such websites work to get paid for their efforts which could be in any form.

The earning is not a 10 to 6 job but an open network of small tasks that are interesting for the user and help them have some profit in their free time. A pleasant way to earn money online without risking anything.


GPT sites are legitimate, easy to use, do not require degrees, have unique tasks, and engage many online users. These are popular because of the money they offer with small tasks that are engaging for the people.

In their free time, users can go to GPT sites to make a small amount of money, which can be a few dollars for a month. The article has discussed GPT sites, their advantages, how users can earn from them and how much they can earn.

All these points, along with the site being a legitimate place, make it highly popular among the crowd and support them.



The post Why are GPT Sites so Popular? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

There’s No “Baby Formula” Shortage in Canada – Why Does Facebook NOT Want You to Know That?

Granite Grok - Tue, 2022-05-17 12:00 +0000

I think some Republicans would like baby formula to be the ‘George Floyd’ of the empty shelf crisis. “I can’t eat. I can’t eat.” A systemic supply-chain failure that also hits women and minorities hardest. Something that stirs up the outrage. Shelves are empty but is there a “shortage?”

One reader attempted to provide some helpful information on Facebook about that. She discovered that if you use Amazon and change the country from US to Canada, they’ve got baby formula. Lots of it. Just order it and have it shipped to your door.




It never occurred to me to try that, so I did.





There is plenty of formula on the US Search, but many are increasingly unavailable or out of stock. It is clearly a problem.

And I can’t speak about the prices. I’m sure they’ve gone up as supply has been pinched, which creates a shortage by pricing people who may need it most out but the Biden economy has been doing that to everything, and now this.




On Amazon’s Canadian site, they have no shortages that I could find, so – an excellent tip for moms looking for formula? I guess if you can’t get any in the US.

So, why did Facebook yank that message?




Was it an honest mistake? Did Zuckerberg’s bots get it wrong? Does it matter because what’s up with the war against moms? Better yet, what do they have against women’s rights?

Women, with a few exceptions, can feed their babies. They don’t need the government, Amazon, Mark Zuckerberg, or even Canada to do it. But it interferes (or so the messaging goes) with their career potential. It infringes on their right to equal pay or hours potential and what have you. And isn’t that why they say we have abortions?

It’s actually to exterminate millions of minority babies, but they like to claim it protects women’s freedom from the natural constraints of motherhood.

I know. Democrats suck at math, but we need a few babies to grow up and become good little serfs to pay for the Progressive experiment. We gonna need some babies. That “Trophy Wife” ain’t cheap.

AND yes, before you say it, Bill Gates stopped stroking his Persian long enough to invent synthetic baby formula or something. I heard the story. So, maybe that is a thing too but excuse me? Baby Formula is already a suitable replacement for mother’s milk.

Why didn’t Bill buy up the Baby Formula “farmland” and corner the market? Why all the supply chain voodoo? And to what political end.

Remember, everything is political.

And the shortage, whether contrived by Democrats or another deliberate “failure” of their poor leadership, limits women more than anyone. Is this just another flank in that war?

And what about the chest-feeder class of Progressive? Men need baby formula or a womban to feed a baby (*womban being a woman who has a right to an abortion because she has a womb).

The shortages potentially harm them too but self-harm? Looking for Canadian baby formula is ‘self-harm’?

We’ve also got the more obvious problem. Canada has tons of baby formula. How about Mexico and everywhere else? Is this like oil? The Biden administration is undermining our supplies so he can beg our enemies to increase imports of … baby formula?

Is there a strategic national reserve about which we don’t know?

Is it in Canada?




The post There’s No “Baby Formula” Shortage in Canada – Why Does Facebook NOT Want You to Know That? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Diesel and Food

Granite Grok - Tue, 2022-05-17 10:00 +0000

I wrote this 10 days ago and now we have the baby formula problem to add to the food shortages.

While I understand the importance of protecting our freedom of speech and the right to bear arms, we should be gravely concerned with outrageous energy prices and the “under the radar” war on our food supply.

Joe Biden, on his first day in office, signed executive orders destroying our energy independence, making the U.S. dependent on hostile foreign governments in the name of global warming. He sabotaged our energy needs and preeminence.

Driving down I-93 the other day I noticed the price of diesel gas was $6.25 per gallon. I thought about my recent road trip through six states to Delaware and how I encountered an endless stream of hero truck drivers keeping America fed and supplied with goods.

If the price of diesel fuel continues to escalate, as is the Biden Plan, the transportation of food and goods will be in great jeopardy shortly. Many of these truck drivers are independent and will soon find it economically impossible to bear the exorbitant cost of fuel. Who will replace them if they stop driving?

We want to thank Marie Bradley for this Op-Ed. If you have an Op-Ed or LTE
you would like us to consider, please submit it to

Now I’ve learned that 20 food processing plants in multiple states have been shut down due to suspicious fires, explosions, and animal destruction over the last two weeks. Additionally, the FBI’s cyber division issued a flash alert on 4/20/22 that “ransomware actors may be more likely to attack agricultural cooperatives during critical planting and harvesting seasons”.

When the food supply is already vulnerable, what is occurring is obviously suspicious and will lead to serious food shortages. This is not being reported by the mainstream media. Please read the article on “American Thinker” to learn more about the attacks on our food supply.

America as we’ve known it is being quickly destroyed by senile Biden and his puppet masters’ outrageous policies and inaction!



The post Diesel and Food appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Global Pandemic Treaty Must Be Stopped

Granite Grok - Tue, 2022-05-17 02:00 +0000

Americans ought to ask why the Biden Administration is moving to amend International Health Regulations (IHR) to give global unaccountable bureaucrats authority to license the Center for Disease Control to justify detaining American citizens?

Should Americans feel safe that these actions of far-off global government will act in the best interest of their health? George Orwell projected into the future how that Government will solve all our problems: “imagine a boot stamping on a human face – forever.”

But, take heart! Our Christian Founding Fathers knew how the potential dangers of “treaties “ could compromise domestic law. So in their wise provision, they have  provided a powerful tool to defend our Liberty from such infringements: “The Constitution is the solution.”

Within it there are blessings from their Biblical wisdom that tragically have been ignored by our leaders for well over a half-century. “Voting and trusting” has replaced this wisdom advocated by our founders: “ The Price of liberty is eternal vigilance.” State legislatures have a key role in harnessing such abusive rogue powers, ever-increasingly more since we joined the UN, that has threatened our People’s inherent rights.

We want to thank Russ Payne for this Op-Ed. If you have an Op-Ed or LTE
you would like us to consider, please submit it to

We, as citizens, must remind them they are bound to “Nullify” WHO’s power  authorized by Article VI:

“This Constitution, and the laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States , shall be the supreme law of the land; and the judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any thing in the constitution or law of any State to the contrary notwithstanding.”

Notice these ingenious words defend the People of the several States from all Federal abuses of power by expressing the need for all “laws and treaties” to be made in “pursuance of the Constitution.”

The WHO is but another totalitarian tentacle of UN.

It isn’t by accident that this perversion of Article VI was ignored in 1945 by the major author of the UN Charter, Alger Hiss. He was its first Secretary-General and was also a major advisor to FDR at YALTA. Later, he was identified under oath as a Soviet agent. Since this UN treaty signing, first initiating the breaching of Constitutional limits by the UN , many UN agencies have usurped this power based on this perverted precedent. Without Constitutional limits being enforced, there is the potential for a 100% total government can increase.

As citizens today blessed with more freedom than any people who have ever walked the face of the earth, it is our generation’s turn to stand in the gap between freedom and slavery. Urge your State legislators to “Nullify” the World Health Organization’s (WHO) new Pandemic Treaty with the added amendments by the Biden Administration.

Let us use our freedom while there is still time, and for once prove Orwell’s prophetic words wrong by being a part of this call for action to defend our liberty through our State legislatures who are bound by oath to “Nullify” all federal abuse of power. Freedom is not free! A price must be paid for it in each generation.

For more information go to


The post Global Pandemic Treaty Must Be Stopped appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

NH State Rep Carol McGuire – Your State House 05/13/22: Winding Down

Granite Grok - Tue, 2022-05-17 00:00 +0000

This week, the House met to agree (or not) on Senate amendments to House bills and set up Committees of Conference on those we want to either learn more or compromise between the House and Senate positions.  SB 200, congressional redistricting, went to Committee of Conference, as expected.

My committee asked for a conference on HB 230, about child care licensing; the Senate made a number of changes and we want to go over them together. We agreed to Senate requests on SB 358, which was completely rewritten to revise the administrative rules process, and SB 313, where we added a new oversight committee for the office of professional licensure and made a number of other changes. All should be amicably resolved (I hope!)

There were very few debates; the only real one was on HB 1022, allowing pharmacists to dispense ivermectin by a standing order. The Senate had included a two-year sunset and a study commission; the debate was that ivermectin had not been proven to cure COVID. Well, no, but it has been proven to be safe to use, and if nothing else the placebo effect should be helpful. The House accepted the Senate changes, 157-148.

We want to thank NH State Rep Carol McGuire for this Op-Ed. If you have an Op-Ed or LTE
you would like us to consider, please submit it to

Most of the real action will be on the House bills the Senate loaded up with their pet positions. They had killed most of the House attempts to load up Senate bills, including SB 227, first responder death benefits with asset forfeiture reform; SB 299, increasing the penalty for escape plus cannabis legalization and home grow; SB 329, housing study commission with a revised procedure to override a local tax cap; SB 333, licensure of case management agencies, with a 7.5% state contribution to local retirement costs; and SB 438, “buy American” steel, with niche beauty services attached.

Representative Carol McGuire

The post NH State Rep Carol McGuire – Your State House 05/13/22: Winding Down appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Quick Thought – Laconia School District Superintendent Steve Tucker – such a MAHVALOUS Staff Manager, He is!

Granite Grok - Mon, 2022-05-16 22:50 +0000

Ayup, we’ve been blogging a bit about his skills with people – Steve Tucker, the Curriculum Director reject from the Gilford School District is now, as word has come to me, 3-0 on managing and encouraging his School Principals working at Laconia’s Elementary Schools. Three for three…

…he encouraged them to quit.  Leave. Vamoose.   So what kind of hostile work environment has this petty, revengeful little man created such that ALL THREE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL PRINCIPALS have quit.  In one year.  Almost simultaneously.

Tara Beauchemin, formerly of the Elm Street School has just resigned.  The reason?  A little birdie told me because of Steven “I don’t know what the Scientific methodology is” Tucker.

So, dear reader, how BAD does a Superintendent have to be for three Principals, well beloved by their communities from what I’ve been told, up and leave?

And how BAD is Steve Tucker in LYING about Dave Levesque’s accepting a position in the Franklin School system?  That Dave, who was watching the previous Tucker sponsored witch trial over Zoom, had to come in and confront Tucker for….what’s that going word…ah, yes….”misinformation. To correct the record – Dave had NOT accepted any such position.

Plainly speaking, Tucker lied.  Which begs the question – how much has he lied in the past?  And having lied, how much will he continue to lie in the future?

IMHO, Tucker was trying to cover his tracks “Oh, he landed nicely a couple of towns over”. So Dave’s PUBLIC hearing (Tucker wanted it non-public but Levesque used RSA 91-A to make it PUBLIC – bring lots of smoke and mirrors, Tucker!) is Wednesday, according to scuttlebutt.  However, tomorrow is the next Laconia School Board meeting.

I also hear that the Board is starting to shift concerning Tucker – does he do a mean tap dance as well as he does in seeking retribution against employees that complained about Tucker’s hostile work environment?  Shooting the messengers??

What about the others that you’ve been gunning for, Tucker?   And what about that report?

The post Quick Thought – Laconia School District Superintendent Steve Tucker – such a MAHVALOUS Staff Manager, He is! appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Data Point – SpaceX Is about to Disrupt the Airline Industry

Granite Grok - Mon, 2022-05-16 22:00 +0000

I should read it more often but I haven’t just yet.  This post from there is from February and the numbers that will tilt to make SpaceX a more efficient, more cost-effective, and MUCH faster transport mechanisms have only continued to get better from it. What Brian Wang is postulating is that SpaceX’s StarShip, along with its mass-produced Raptor 2 rocket engines, may well put most aircraft manufacturers out of the Big Jet long haul biz both for passenger and cargo flights.  It’s all about the payload, up-front and recurring costs, and turnaround times.

I’m not going to regurgitate and extremely detailed tabular data Wang has assembled outlining the costs of the “Heavy” jets but I would suggest that if you have the hankering of reviewing data, you should go and look. Instead, a few “narrative snippets (reformatted, emphasis mine). First the Summary:

I have some detailed calculations. Starship will double the payload capacity. Full fueling costs are about the same for the 1200 tons of fuel for Starship versus 50,000 gallons of jet fuel for a long-range cargo plane for each flight. However, twice payload means half the cost. Non-fuel costs for the vehicles and the frequency of flights are hugely in Starship favor. Starship should have twice the payload.

Starship starts off at half of the loaded cost per flight and four times cheaper per ton of payload and then will proceed to be ten to fifteen times cheaper. Plus they will have some initial new no competition markets for ultra-fast delivery.

About the “heavy” jet costs:

The average price for a pre-owned BOEING 787-8 is $175,000,000. A new 787 is about $300 million. A $87,500,000 loan over 120 months including $364583 per month in interest equates to a $4,387,575.02 per-period payment. Based on 450 annual owner-operated hours and $4.25-per-gallon fuel cost, the BOEING 787-8 has total variable costs of $4,056,300, total fixed costs of $532,500, and an annual budget of $4,588,800. This breaks down to $10,197 per hour. Currently, higher fuel costs push this towards $11,000 per hour…A fully fueled 747 costs about $280,000 per long flight. A A350 might be fully fueled for $170,000 per long flight.

And for Starship? The cost savings are almost immediate if a trip (passenger or freight) isn’t orbital – just go up high enough to then descend.  And Musk’s folks have all of that stuff down to a “T” – minimal testing is required, IMHO.

Point to point SpaceX Starship (no heavy booster needed for non-orbital flights) will be able to carry 180-230 tons in payload. This about double the payload of the largest long haul airplanes. The cost for each Starship is currently about $30 million – made mostly of steel and with 6-9 Raptor engines. Raptor 2 engines are half of the cost of Raptor 1. SpaceX will mass-produce Raptor engines and targets engines costs getting down to $200,000 to $300,000 each. This would put the price of the SpaceX Starship as low as $3-5 million each. The SpaceX Starship is already 5 to 10 times cheaper than an airplane. The SpaceX Starship costs will become sixty to one hundred times cheaper.

That’s what happens when new tech is brought into an “established” industry – a new way of looking at a problem and then working towards it. This is a TOTAL disruption of the airline industry financial story.

…SpaceX Starships will be 20 times faster than current passenger aircraft. They will be able to have ten to twenty long-haul flights per day versus one to two long haul flights for passenger aircraft. This means more flights in a day to spread labor and other non-consumable costs.

…SpaceX will be start at four times lower cost per ton of cargo payload for earth-to-earth long distance delivery and then drop to ten to fifteen times cheaper.

Passenger flights for SpaceX Starship will be moving 1200-2000 people per flight. People will be seated like being strapped in for a roller coaster. The flights will be 30-45 minutes long and involve no food or restroom breaks. People will load, fly up and then unload. Again the costs of each flight will be reduced for each person because more people will be on each flight.

SpaceX will be able to bring costs down below $1000 per long haul ticket and then approach $300-500 per long half ticket.

And instead of the regular passenger cattle-call way of loading passengers on and then off, SpaceX will further use the idea of cargo containers that are loaded into a freight cargo jet for passengers as well:

I believe that the passenger compartments might be swapped in and out of each Starship using a Mechazilla.

A fast load in and out could then take less than a minute. The cargo or passenger section gets leisurely loaded and unloaded and then the section gets lifted in and lifted out.

So all the time necessary for cargo (passengers, freight) is spent “offline” while waiting for a StarShip land, being serviced for its next flight; that becomes the bottleneck instead of folks stowing their carry-on luggage and squeezing into their seats yielding even faster turnaround times.

I’d certainly try it!

The post Data Point – SpaceX Is about to Disrupt the Airline Industry appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Nationalism vs. Globalism

Granite Grok - Mon, 2022-05-16 20:00 +0000

The alternate title for this post is America First Vs. America Last. There could not be two opinions or philosophies that are more diametrically opposed. Sovereignty Vs. Open Borders. Limited Government Vs. Central Government.

This administration is in no way committed to America First and is more concerned, as the Radical Left, with tearing down all borders and destroying our nation’s sovereignty.

Nationalism aligns with the Conservative sector of the Republican Party. Donald Trump and Ronald Reagan were prime examples of leaders committed to Nationalism and America First. These men and their followers drive the Left crazy and are accused of being isolationists with no concern for the global society. This accusation is based on a false belief. Nationalists believe that we have to have a sovereign country and a society in harmony at home before interacting outside our borders. The borders need to be secure, and the military equipped and ready to defend on all fronts. The economy must be sound and employment levels adequate to meet demand. Your trade balance must be in equilibrium, and your leaders must be strong enough to fend off threats from rogue regimes.

Nationalism celebrates our collective pasts and recognizes our faults and efforts to correct them. It is an acknowledgment that we are not perfect but strive to be the best we can, and most of all gives the freedom to allow each individual to excel to their highest levels. It is individual rights with a common goal of excellence for all. It is what we have sent our men and women to battle to fight for over two hundred and fifty years. It was the brainchild of a few men wise beyond their years who crafted documents that saw into the future, and we still live by today. It was called an experiment that has served generations well when allowed to work as designed. It is why people from all corners of the world have risked everything to come here and enjoy the American Dream.

On the other hand, Globalism strives to stifle individualism. It is the dream of Progressives who, by definition, are forward-thinking with no regard for the past. That is why those who aspire to this philosophy are so quick to destroy any records of our history. They do not want people to look back and relish in their path, but to only look to tomorrow and how all can unify as one. Personal achievement is of no importance, for it is only the success of the collective which is the priority. Borders mean nothing, for they denote a difference, which is antithetical to their plan. To look back is only to show how evil those who went before us were and how the new vision of the future is pure.

The irony is that though Progressives preach equality, it requires a certain few, the anointed, to guide the flock, and this is where the system breaks down. This is where you have the haves and the have-nots. Progressivism, or Globalism, is a two-tier model. This fact destroys the theory of DEIJ and shows it as a scam perpetrated on the many by a chosen few. There may be equality in the masses, but that does not apply to the elite who shall rule and reap the rewards from the efforts of their minions. This fault is why Globalism will never work. There are no incentives for the individual, and eventually, they will recognize their plight and turn on the leaders.

The biggest contradiction for Globalists is why with all of our faults, why with us being the worst Racists man could imagine, and why people die in their efforts to breach our borders with our oppressive ways. These global migrants have one dream: to be a part of our experiment, for it is still superior to any other on earth.



Ray Writes for and the Liberty Loft

The post Nationalism vs. Globalism appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

So McDonald’s Thinks It Can Force “Ordering Compliance”? The Follow Up – Part 1

Granite Grok - Mon, 2022-05-16 19:00 +0000

Although I finished my previous post concerning the bad Customer Service experience we had, as well as emailing its contents to the two entities whose dreary jobs must be in handling complaints,  late last night, I kinda figured that some kind of contact would be made by now. After all, one (that would be me) would be a mere anecdote.  Two, the lady customer who also experienced the same problem, starts to think “perhaps there’s a real problem”.

However, no contact – no email, no call, no smoke signals.  So I called them: 603-723-0864.  Hit “0” when the automated attendent said “Customer complaints” and was routed to nice sounding lady, after hearing why I was calling, said she’d transfer me…and then promptly picked up again as the right person was in a meeting. Took my name, my phone,  and I gave her my email address.

Then for giggles, told her that my email to them has probably now been seen by 8-10,000 people as I run the largest and most influential NH political blogsite.  Kinda stunned silence at the other end.

Let’s see how long it now takes – although I’m heading out shortly to take the Grandson to a book faire.

To Be Continued – the case of “you can order your hamburger anyway you want but you can only order it in the way we allow you to“.

The post So McDonald’s Thinks It Can Force “Ordering Compliance”? The Follow Up – Part 1 appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

America is Suffering from Political Malpractice

Granite Grok - Mon, 2022-05-16 18:00 +0000

The year was 1992. It had been thirteen years since college graduation and the newly board-certified Urologic surgeon finally had achieved society’s green light to care for human beings. Thirty years later he had seen much of what the medical world could offer; surviving the journey by relying on his training, continued learning, and a time-tested medical method to solve complicated problems.

First, the chief complaint obtains the history from the patient, then a physical exam, and after appropriate objective data was obtained a diagnosis was made. It was then his responsibility, using the best evidence-based information, to treat the patient. He had seen what happened when a diagnosis was delayed or incorrect.

Delaying a diagnosis, or the wrong diagnosis led to the advancement of the disease often making treatment much more difficult and sometimes impossible. Sadly, the patient often made things harder by not being willing to accept their diagnosis.

Why do the progressive elite fear people like Elon Musk and Donald Trump?

The usual answer is these folks cannot be controlled, but the real answer is Musk and Trump types can solve difficult problems progressive elites do not want solved.

We want to thank J Betti for this Op-Ed.
Please direct yours to

Not being beholden to special interest, the need for power or the dogma of progressivism (think climate change, equity, and gender identification) these gifted individuals can use a version of the medical problem-solving approach to make a proper insightful diagnosis. Clearing the way for effective evidence-based treatment. Issues such as suppression of free speech and minority poverty along with its pernicious dependence on government can be addressed. Problems elite progressives need to keep unsolved in order to maintain power.

Elon Musk

Born to a Canadian mother and South African father Elon Musk’s rise to being the richest man on the planet in no way reflects the “Elites” of the world. Although he graduated from the Ivy League University of Pennsylvania, he never took the path of the typical Ivy League woke CEO.

Not constrained by woke corporate brainwashing and motivated only by wanting to do the right thing Musk probably used a decision process not much different from the standard medical technique. He made the diagnosis that the entire world was on the brink of losing “free speech.”

Realizing he was the only person with the resources to put a stop to worldwide woke propaganda, Musk bought Twitter.

To a mind like Musk’s, this was not something done in a capricious fashion. He did not like where the progressive elites were taking the world, knowing the end result would be the catastrophe of socialism. When Musk is done with the company, he will not only have saved the planet from an Orwellian future; Twitter will be even more profitable, and Musk’s massive wealth will once again expand.

The Progressive elites are beside themselves with anger. Losing their ability to suppress free speech and the inevitable exposition of the media/Democratic Party’s coordinated suppression of Hunter Biden’s laptop/Biden family corruption will be a brutal blow to progressive power.

Donald J Trump

During the ramp-up to the 2016 Presidential election one of Donald Trump’s most famous quotes was asking the black community; “what the hell do you have to lose.” With this one statement, Trump showed he had gone through the necessary decision process and diagnosed the disease which is pandemic in the black community. For the last 50 years, they had listened to the little progressive devil on their shoulder whispering the lie that assimilating into America’s culture and chasing the American dream was bad, and it was white systemic racism that kept them down.

After Trump was elected, he did something no other president ever accomplished. Criminal justice reform was enacted and paradoxically Joe Biden’s signature legislation, which placed massive numbers of blacks in penitentiaries, was partially reversed. Trump permanently funded Traditional Black Colleges.

Ben Carson, his HUD Secretary, pioneered enterprise zones. Trump’s economy was so strong black unemployment dropped to the lowest on record. For the first time Blacks could see hope. Sadly, the virus came, and George Floyd died under the foot of a white policeman. The progressives jumped on the opportunity to enrage the black community and Trump’s Black Renaissance was destroyed.

Fifteen months after Joe Biden took office

The black community is no longer striving to achieve. They have been told because of systemic racism they are owed “Equity” and do not have to earn their place in society. Universal standards of excellence have been abandoned because progressives say race is all that matters.

Math is racist and 2+2 does not equal 4. Proper use of the English language is racist. Pointing out the breakdown of the black family and the fact that 70% of black children are raised in fatherless homes is racist. Standardized tests are racist.

The easy way out is to blame someone else for your lot in life and the progressives are right there to reinforce the toxic false systemic racism equity narrative, and then gleefully harvest the black vote.

If the patient (in this case the affected minority group) does not accept their true diagnosis treatment is impossible. Until black leaders accept the true diagnosis, that much of their plight is black culture driven and then call out the self-serving progressives for their part in encouraging the corrosive culture, it is only going to get worse.

Cognitively impaired President Biden

Biden lacks the capacity to methodically analyze the big problems America faces. The people around Biden and the majority of progressive lawmakers have perverted the diagnosis process in favor of their personal woke agenda and their failed treatment results are plain for all to see.

The border is now overrun with illegal immigrants, human trafficking, and smuggling of American-youth killing fentanyl is a daily occurrence. Ukraine is on fire; the stock market is in free fall with inflation destroying retired folk’s savings. Our cities are war zones. Food shortages loom Think baby formula) and the cost of energy/living is soaring. In short, President Biden and his progressives do not possess the skills or refuse to deal with objective reality in order to make the correct diagnosis and institute an evidence-based treatment.

In order to save America

The 2022 elections need to be a Republican landslide. But all this will accomplish is to slow America’s progressive induced decline. In 2024 we need to elect a President with the strength and character to ignore the power-hungry special interest/woke progressives and put America first.

Solving the difficult problems facing America requires empathy for the inevitable hardships that will come with the needed treatment. Despite these hardships, the new President’s resolve in the face of the painful treatments must be unwavering because there is no easy way out {Think President Lincoln}. The longer the delay in diagnosis and treatment, the more painful the remedy will be, and many of these problems have been festering for generations.

The person who rises to this very high bar has yet to surface but clearly cannot come from the progressive camp. When this person wins the 2024 presidency America will finally move from the malpractice of President Biden’s administration to a place of a correct diagnosis, treatment, and recovery. And once again become the shining light on the hill, the land of opportunity with equal justice and liberty for all.

2022 is here! Vote!! And 2024 is right around the corner!!!


JBetti can be read on his Substack and the Newsletter is free at

The post America is Suffering from Political Malpractice appeared first on Granite Grok.

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