The Manchester Free Press

Saturday • May 4 • 2024


Manchester, N.H.

Night Cap: Woodpeckers, Pine Cones, and Morning ‘Duty’

Granite Grok - Fri, 2024-04-05 02:00 +0000

Living in rural New Hampshire, even where the flatlanders roam, is very different from most urban settings. Most of America is like that, truly, so I’m not speaking to a fringe audience. But this is a group who, if not familiar with city living, has (hopefully) forgotten how different it is. For example, I live on a paltry 2.4 acres, give or take.

There are lots of trees (though fewer than when we bought the property). We have a yard big enough that I don’t look forward to mowing it and a keen understanding on a small scale of what happens when you don’t keep the jungle at bay.

What does that mean?

I had an acquaintance who claims to have spent some time in the Amazon (South America, not Seattle). They cleared a perimeter around their location away from a fence that didn’t stay that way for long if you didn’t keep it up. Daily, weekly, monthly, someone was clearing that land again and again, or the jungle would take it back. If you have any land at all, you’ll be familiar with the problem. The planet is eager to reclaim any swath of land you’ve cleared, no matter the reason and that’s something with which city-dwellers are unfamiliar.

Whacky concrete jungle environmentalists don’t get it either. Husbanding nature is a battle we are doomed to lose, and we could all save a lot of time and money if the focus were kept on specific incidents of industrial harm. All the money directed to fake global warming could roll back debt, pay reparations, help with “food insecurity,” and help house homeless vets (I’m not advocating reparations, by the way). Instead, we waste trillions on junk science – but I digress (hey, it’s a political blog, yes?).

If you don’t mow it (clear it, clip it, weed it), you are giving it back. Nature will begin to reclaim it immediately and take it over if you let her. Animals will move in, and in a few year’s time, that spot of land will be a copse, then woods, then forest.

My patch of nature is comprised of a decent mix of species. Oak, Maple, Chestnut, Sassafrass, Hemlock, Juniper, Beech, Birch, Poplar, and a few varieties of pine – White and Red. We’ve got plenty of Mountain Laurel, Wild Blueberry, Raspberries, and wild strawberries as well, but those are never the nuisance: the Oak (acorns in autumn) and the Pine, especially this spring. We’ve had what I call pinecone-mageddon. Massive acorn drops in the fall are not uncommon, but this 2023/2024 pinecone thing seems unprecedented in my thirty years in New Hampshire. There are pinecones everywhere, and the trees are not done. If I look up, there are massive clusters still clinging to the branches of both Red and Eastern White Pine.

What in the pinecone is going on, Batman? Stress, they say. If the trees have had a tough previous year or two prior, thy will respond with a massive seed drop. Drought is the easiest scapegoat, but insects are also a cause of stress, and we’ve had our share of pine borer beetles.

I looked back a few years at annual precipitation, and with the exception of 2020 (4 inches below the 100-year mean), we’ve had above-average precipitation year over year. 2021 and 2022 were two and one-half and three inches above normal, respectively, and 2023 was thirteen inches above the annual mean. Drought does not seem like a likely cause.

I did a bit of digging, and no one seems to have yet posted any explanation for this year’s bumper crop of pinecones, but it might be bugs. Every morning, when I bring the dog out to do his “duty,” I am serenaded. We’ve got two roosters within earshot. There has been a swelling in the number of birds and a growing chorus of woodpeckers. The latter is quite common, including small and large species, so that’s nothing new, but the number of peckers pecking has grown.

It’s better than the squirrel-mageddon that carpeted roadways in the fall of 2019, but does it explain all the pinecones?

No long-term weather stress. Annual rainfall totals have been at or above the norm, so there’s no solid evidence that this is the cause.

Pine borer beetles? Maybe. Bugs would explain the peckers, but there’s no shortage of pine trees or pinecones, so I’m at a loss for what it might be. They are everywhere (pinecones), and if you’ve got some thoughts, I’d love for you to share them.

The post Night Cap: Woodpeckers, Pine Cones, and Morning ‘Duty’ appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

A Call for Reason and Liberty in New Hampshire’s Housing Debate

Granite Grok - Fri, 2024-04-05 00:00 +0000

As a lifelong Granite Stater with roots stretching back to when my grandparents first sought a better life in Salem in 1954, I feel a deep connection to this land and its people. My story is not unique; it’s woven from the same fabric of hope and opportunity that has drawn countless others to New Hampshire.

Yet, as we stand at a crossroads, facing a housing crisis that threatens the very essence of our community, it’s time for a candid conversation about what the future holds for us and the generations that follow.

House Bill 1291 and House Bill 1399 have ignited a debate that goes beyond mere policy. It touches on the core values that define us: freedom, property rights, and the individualism that has long been the bedrock of our state. Critics of these bills have conjured up visions of high-rise apartments sprawling across our single-family neighborhoods and out-of-state invaders displacing our communities. These claims are not just unfounded; they betray a misunderstanding of what these bills represent and the principles they uphold.

We have over 250,000 Granite Staters under the age of 18 here in New Hampshire. On average, we will or have spent roughly $240,000 per student in public education. Where are these investments supposed to live upon their graduation and entrance into adulthood? Both bills are about empowering homeowners, revitalizing our communities, and ensuring that the investment we’ve made in our youth pays dividends right here at home rather than being exported as our young people leave for lack of affordable housing.

We want to thank Joe Sweeney for this Contribution – Please direct yours to
You can review our ‘Op-Ed Guidelines‘ on the FAQ Page.

Thomas Hobbes, in Leviathan, spoke to the chaos of a world without clear property rights: “It is also a result of this same condition that there be no propriety, no dominion, no mine and thine distinct; but only that to be every man’s that he can get, and for so long as he can keep it.” John Locke also famously held, emphasizing the law of nature that teaches us “that being all equal and independent, no one ought to harm another in his life, health, liberty, or possessions.” These philosophical foundations remind us that the freedom to use one’s property as one sees fit is a cornerstone of a free society.

Yet, there are those among us who, while loudly proclaiming their allegiance to property rights, seek to impose their will on their neighbors’ lands. This contradiction is not lost on those of us who value genuine liberty. If one truly wishes to control a piece of property, the market provides a clear path: purchase it. This principle, supported by libertarian thought and the teachings of the Bible, underscores the sanctity of private property rights.

I must level with you, my fellow Granite Staters. The generation that has been the most vocal against preserving individual property rights has, through their actions, shifted our once solidly Republican state towards a more divided political landscape. Their insistence on exclusionary practices and policies has not only undermined the principles they claim to uphold but has also pushed our state party to the brink. It’s time to reject the fearmongering and falsehoods peddled by those who have lost sight of what truly makes New Hampshire great. Exclusionary zoning and strict regulations on who can and cannot build is turning our state blue. The towns with the harshest zoning regulations are, in fact, turning blue the fastest; this isn’t a coincidence.

Our state’s history, including the post-New Deal era and the development patterns that followed, has led us to a point where our towns and cities face economic unsustainability. The infrastructure burdens and regulatory overreach have devalued our land and stifled our growth. HB1291 and HB1399 offer a chance to reverse these trends, allowing for the development of accessory dwelling units (or “cottages”) and duplexes, thereby revitalizing our communities and making them economically viable once more.

Let us not be swayed by those who bear false witness against prosperity. My Bible teaches me the value of truth and the importance of bearing witness to it. As we consider the future of housing in New Hampshire, let us remember the investments we’ve made in our youth and the promise of a better life that drew my grandparents—and many of yours—to this beautiful state.

In supporting HB1291 and HB1399, we affirm our commitment to the foundational values of liberty, property rights, and individualism. We open the door to a future where every Granite Stater and those who wish to join our community can find a place to call home. Let’s embrace these changes, not as a departure from our values but as a return to them, ensuring that New Hampshire remains a beacon of freedom and opportunity for generations to come.

The post A Call for Reason and Liberty in New Hampshire’s Housing Debate appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Conservatarian Exchange Podcast #200

The Liberty Block - Thu, 2024-04-04 23:07 +0000

Disney has won its battle in a proxy way to remain woke against outsiders; liberals keep fighting; conservatives often accept defeat as final; do establishment leaders in D.C. succumb to more than just peer pressure? threats? should republicans engage in issues such as “income equality”—turn the issue against liberal jurisdictions? Attacks on free speech in Scotland, Poland; if Americans don’t fight for free speech the “parchment guarantees” will never suffice

The post The Conservatarian Exchange Podcast #200 appeared first on The Liberty Block.

Carville Is Right, The Young People Should Flee The Democrat Party

Granite Grok - Thu, 2024-04-04 22:00 +0000

James Carville is an obnoxious loudmouth from Louisiana who has been a spokesperson for the Democrat Party since the Clinton years. Usually decked out in his LSU colors, though sixty years have passed since he walked the halls in Baton Rouge, he can still make sense with his political acumen. It was Carville who coined the phrase, “It’s the economy, stupid.”

He is sounding the alarm today, warning Democrats that they are going to take a beating in November if they don’t get their act together. His latest warning is the exodus of young people and the future strength of the Democrat Socialist Party. He is right in his assessment. The young are correct and should flee quickly.

The Democrats have invested a century and tons of money in using the education system to indoctrinate the younger generations, and they are seeing those efforts go up in flames as these adolescents are watching their future destroyed by foolish social programs designed to keep Democrats in power. They may be indoctrinated, but some can read and think for themselves, and what they see and hear concerns them.

The future of America has been mortgaged, and though so many zeros are challenging to comprehend, they know $31 Trillion is a number that will haunt many future generations. They also know that Washington is doing nothing to stop the debt number from growing except printing more money.

They see the cost of education growing exponentially, and the foolishness of “forgiving” student loans is only incentivizing colleges to hike tuition rates. Tufts University is not one of the elite schools in the country, but that doesn’t stop them from posting their tuition at $90,000 a year. Students graduating from Tufts will be strapped for years to pay off nearly $400,000 in school loans and then try to afford a place to live.

Starter homes are nonexistent, and apartments are becoming rare. Graduates will not hit their prime earning years for a decade, but they will need six-figure incomes to cover their loans and housing. Establishing a comfortable lifestyle is out of reach. The young recognize Democrat policies have eliminated the middle class, and they cannot be a part of that destruction any longer.

It is a positive element for Conservatives, watching the support of the Democrat Party erode. Democrats used to be able to count on the Jewish, Union, Black, and Brown voters. Remember the foolish comment by Biden in 2020 when he said, “If you vote for Trump, then you ain’t Black.” That is the disrespect he holds for people of color, but that is what happens when you put people in boxes.

Inner cities have been abandoned. The efforts and resources that used to be set aside for people of color are now used for illegal migrants. The Dems are bending a knee to the Radical Left who support Hamas and Palestinians over our greatest ally in the Middle East, Israel. Why should any Jewish person vote for Democrats who support their extinction?

The young have had an epiphany and they see the writing on the wall. Their future story needs to be rewritten, and that will not be done with a Socialist theme.

The post Carville Is Right, The Young People Should Flee The Democrat Party appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Zephan’s Bitcoin Sermon – March

The Liberty Block - Thu, 2024-04-04 20:07 +0000

In the Torah, in the Chapter of Leviticus 19:36, it states, “You shall have an honest balance, honest weights, an honest unit of dry good measurement, and an honest unit of wet good measurement. I יהוה am your God who freed you from the land of Egypt.” In ancient Israeli society, weights were used to measure goods as well as means of exchange, such as gold or silver, to facilitate trade.

The post Zephan’s Bitcoin Sermon – March appeared first on The Liberty Block.

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary

Granite Grok - Thu, 2024-04-04 20:00 +0000

This is an attempt to “break out” memes, links, and my commentary about the situation in Israel / the Middle East so as to not overload the standard meme posts that I do.  My last “normal” meme post.  In these Israel-related posts I don’t just have memes such, but lots of informative links as well as hopefully-insightful commentary.

Note that this is not meant to be a day-by-day update about what’s going on.  Rather, to highlight uncomfortable truths about the actual nature of the conflict, deep-history background, and so on, as well as to show the at-present immutable nature of Islamic hatred of Jews and why that matters to today’s events.

Also note that these posts generally do not repeat information (e.g., specific links or memes) – so there is a lot of stuff in prior posts.  Please do check them out too if this is a topic of interest to you.  In reverse chronological order:

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Still More Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Memes, Links, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Memes, Links, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: More Memes, Links, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Even More Memes, Links, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: More Memes, Links, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Memes and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Memes and Commentary – Granite Grok

With some Israel-related materials here:

Meme Overflow – Granite Grok

Don’t forget my special report on the *cough cough* hardships of pre-Oct 7 “Concentration Camp Gaza”:

Pre-War “Concentration Camp” Gaza – Granite Grok




Czech PM Fiala pushes embassy move to Jerusalem to show support | Reuters

Thank them.

Embassy of Czechia

3900 Spring of Freedom St NW

Washington, Dc 20008




So we have an airstrike.  And tragic results.

The Palestinians claim this was an IDF strike that killed the WCK volunteers.
To me this doesn’t look like a missile from the air but rather a mortar shell from nearby. A missile would’ve destroyed the entire car…


That’s a pretty damned small hole, in my non-military eyes, for a missile strike.  How is it that the front end seems wrecked but the doors didn’t get blown off?

Netanyahu acknowledges Israel launched airstrike that killed 7 World Central Kitchen workers in Gaza | Just The News

Even as the IDF investigates:

IDF: Announcement by the IDF Spokesperson, Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari, following the World Central Kitchen incident:

“Last night, an incident took place in Gaza that resulted in the tragic death of World Central Kitchen employees as they fulfilled their vital mission of bringing food to people in need.

As a professional military committed to international law, we are committed to examining our operations thoroughly and transparently.

I just spoke to WCK Founder, Chef Jose Anders, and expressed the deepest condolences of the Israel Defense Forces to the families and the entire World Central Kitchen family.

We also express sincere sorrow to our allied nations who have been doing and continue to do so much to assist those in need.

We have been reviewing the incident at the highest levels to understand the circumstances of what happened and how it happened.

We will be opening a probe to examine this serious incident further. This will help us reduce the risk of such an event from occurring again.

The incident will be investigated in the Fact Finding and Assessment Mechanism: an independent, professional, and expert body.

For the last few months, the IDF has been working closely with the World Central Kitchen to assist them in fulfilling their noble mission of helping bring food and humanitarian aid to the people of Gaza. WCK also came to help Israelis after the massacre of October 7th; they were one of the first NGOs here.

The work of WCK is critical; they are on the frontlines of humanity.

We will get to the bottom of this and we will share our findings transparently.”

Attached is the full video announcement in English:

So an open question to consider.  We know that Hamas et al routinely launch mortars and missiles that fall short, injuring and killing Arabs.  When’s the last time they were open and honest about that?  When’s the last time they came out and said anything that potentially accepts responsibility?  A video noting – among other things – that bad things happen in war, and that Israel has set a new standard of behavior in warfare in urban settings.  One that I suspect no other country will meet, or even attempt to:


World Central Kitchen Tragic Incident in Gaza | Hamas Wants This Video DELETED



Another take, by a former military man:

Bayou Renaissance Man: The aid convoy tragedy in Gaza

And from the comments, this nugget I had not considered:

It is called “The Fog Of War” for a reason, And I am convinced that hamas leaked the intel on the convoy movement to get the Israeli’s to fire a hellfire into the convoy to embarrass them on the world stage and heap further condemnation on them. To hamas, people dying for their cause is perfectly acceptable especially if it civilians and aid workers, better propaganda value. hamas learned well from their old soviet masters well how to manipulate the gullible western media.

The Gaza war: Asymmetrical rules, useful idiots, and worldwide enmity – American Thinker

Based on its track record, the US has no business chastising Israel about accidentally killing civilians ~ Elder Of Ziyon – Israel News







From here – never forget how many times a “Two State” solution was offered, and who rejected it:


Under Biden Administration, Iran’s Mullahs Enjoying Green Light to Go Nuclear :: Gatestone Institute

Under the third term of Barackus, you mean.




From here:


What have I said?  Our enemies – whether Jihadist or other – openly state their intentions.

The Israeli-Palestinian ‘Two State Solution’ :: Gatestone Institute

Curiously, like President Joe Biden and his top national security officials, the ambassador [Martin Indyk] ignores a crucial element: radical Islam does not tolerate the existence of a sovereign non-Islamic entity (such as Israel) on land that once was conquered by Muslims (dar al-Islam, “abode of Islam”). As most Palestinians have been creditably straightforward about, there is no place for an Israeli state.

I have the moral courage to take them at their word. Why do so many not do so?  Personally, I think that to do so would mean recognizing an evil – along with the survival-driven demand to do something about it – that is hard for most to wrap their minds around.  This is why I continue to post Oct. 7 atrocities (below), among other Islamic horrors, for people to attempt to grasp what we face.

See this video by Bill Whittle; it’s from him that I learned that “moral courage” argument.


Bill Whittle on holy war against Israel ( & liberals’ unwillingness to acknowledge & confront it)



Gaza: Truths Behind All the Lies (

Insights and pointed questions.

UNRWA: Rotten to the core (

Political warfare.

Sociologists on the Warpath—Against Israel – The Lid (

Israel doesn’t just have military enemies.

Trigger warning: This is a very unpopular opinion that will surely anger a lot of people.

We have a war between two sides who are playing a totally different game with different rules and different definitions of what constitutes victory.

You have one side with zero restrictions and zero need to behave morally. You have the other side that is held to a higher standard of morality than anyone, and one little mess up can cause an international crisis. You have one side that wants to minimize civilian death and one side that’ll do anything to maximize it. You have one side behaving like cockroaches and hiding in every corner and under every rock and you have another side that has to use cutting edge tech to kill the bugs.

Remember this video from a post a while ago:


Any Muslim who dies in Jihad against the infidel is guaranteed a place in paradise.  And a new one:


Against an enemy with this reward system, there’s only one solution: publicly denying them their paradise via the Jack Pershing method:

How American Soldiers Used Pig’s Blood and Corpses to Fight Muslim Terrorism | Frontpage Mag

The airstrike in Damascus appears to have been legal under international law ~ Elder Of Ziyon – Israel News

Interesting analysis.




Whalid Phares on who’s next after Israel (

This is the thing that truly confuses me.  Islam, openly, states their goal: the entire world.  And yet so many refuse to take them at that word.  But then, deceit is the way of Islam, and there are many “useful idiots”.

Taqiyya: Deception and Lying in Islam (

From here:

Hamas member is confessing:

“Units of the military intelligence operated from Shifa Hospital. The Interior Ministry, the Emergency Committees and the government of Hxmas also worked from there. It’s a safe place.”


Using a hospital for military purposes removes the Geneva Convention protections.


The @IDF is proven right again. And again. And again. ~ Elder Of Ziyon – Israel News




Never forget how they behaved on Oct. 7:

Take a look how Palestinian “civilians” are cheering as they carry the body of Israeli girl Shani Louk.

This is what we are fighting against – pure evil radicalism.

Video.  Link only.  Graphic.

From here:


There are 2 different movements (at least until recently they were different…):

1. “Free Palestine”. Exists only in the West.
Completely disconnected from reality.
Totally fake invented cause that doesn’t exist on Planet Earth.
Chants about Palestine, a country that never existed.
All the chants only in English, “From the river to the sea Palestine will be free” rhymes only in English, there is no such thing in Palestinian language…
Oh wait, Palestinian language doesn’t even exist. Ever wondered why?

They don’t fight for anything real. They are not helping anyone. They invented a cause because they are bored and violent.
They need to hate someone. And hating Jews is the safest and has the least consequences.

2. The real Gaza. You can see it in the video.
No one there chants “Free Palestine” or has a Palestinian flag.
No one there wants freedom from occupation, they know very well that there is no occupation, because they actually live in Gaza.
They have absolutely no idea what is apartheid, white colonization, etc. All these terms were invented only to fool the West and to get money from the West.

And what the money is used for?
This. Barbaric slaughtering of Jews, while yelling “allahu akbar”.
That’s what Arabs were doing long before Israel was even established.
Slaughtering Jews. That’s what they like to do, that’s what they want to do. They have no reason for it, they are not oppressed, not occupied, not miserable.
They are perfectly happy and they want to slaughter Jews.

Lately, these two different movements seem to merge into one.
The “Free Palestine” movement is realizing what they are actually supporting.
But instead of being horrified, they are fine with it now.
Western Liberals now want to slaughter Jews. Probably they’ll also be yelling “allahu akbar”.

(lelemSLP on X)

Link only – civilian casualties of Oct. 7.

Watch this filmed segment of Amit’s testimony in the documentary “Screams and then Silence”.

Text and video at the link.




POETIC JUSTICE for ‘Queers for Palestine’ (

Mrmph.  Sorry, muffling my laughter.  Related:

UCLA Med School Students Forced to Pray to ‘Mama Earth,’ Scream ‘Free Palestine’ (

When Feminists Stand for Hamas, You Know the West Is Over :: Middle East Forum (

The West went from “believe women” to “believe terrorists.”

Nothing seems to interfere with the ideological excitement these old and perverse peacocks derive from a barbarism they mistake for rebellion in an unholy marriage of Western self-loathing and Islamic Jihad. They are willing to do anything to save the most squalid moral vanity and be able to continue selling us their “goodness.” Except that it is really evil.

Where Were These Ceasefire Bleeding Hearts for the Past 20 Years of Hamas’s Carnage? (



So, now, at the fascist state of Harvard University, you can be stopped and questioned by police for wearing a “Bring Them (Israeli hostages) Home” dogtag necklace (

Occupied territory.  No, conquered.




From here.  Look at that marketplace.  Might be price gouging and theft of aid goods, but… not starvation!


From here:


Not sure what’s in those pots, but… that is NOT starvation.  That poor child on the left?  THAT is starvation.  More, from here (video at link):

Famine in Gaza?

This market in northern Gaza is well stocked,

Especially after all the huge humanitarian aid that arrive from the air, sea and land for free and for some reason are sold in the market at high prices.

There is no problem of hunger or shortages, there is a problem of high prices.

1kg Flour – for 20 Nis ($5.40)
1gk – Chicken breasts – for 110 Nis ($29.80)
Cooking oil – 20 Nis ($5.40)
Corned beef – 60 Nis($16.25)
Tuna – 15 Nis ($4)
Canned hummus – 20 Nis ($5.40)
Can of soda – 10 Nis ($2.70)

(Nis – new Israeli Shekel)

Gaza food prices plummet as area flooded with aid | World Israel News

Islam codifies wife beating.  Where are the feminists?


Fortunately, Not Everyone Depends on CNN For Gaza Coverage (

Other news sources exist.

Hamas makes up lots of lies for Shifa Hospital, and media believes them ~ Elder Of Ziyon – Israel News




From here.  Looks like they’re already here:


Remember, the Left and Islam are allies:

Unholy Alliance: Radical Islam And the American Left (2006-02-17) [Paperback]

United in Hate: The Left’s Romance with Tyranny and Terror

I think in part this stems from their hatred of Western Civilization, and also from the fact that they’re both supremacist, totalitarian ideologies.

“There’s a real frustration growing among anti-Israel students that no matter how loud they scream … it’s really not getting them anywhere” (

As that frustration grows, their tendency to be violent will too.  Related:

What it’s like for Jews who are living and/or working in Manhattan now (

Poll Shows U.S. Muslims Support Hamas – Daniel Greenfield / Sultan Knish Articles at





Matthew Continetti: Biden Has No Israel Policy | The Patriot Post

I think he does.  I think he hates Israel; certainly his puppet masters do.  And IMHO in the depths of his thoughts, such as he has these days, is a recollection of when Begin told him off.

Senator under fire for using Easter message to roast Israel, demand end to military aid | World Israel News

Democrat.  As is this guy:

Top Democrats endorse anti-Israel ‘Squad’ member | World Israel News

Is Biden Normalizing Hamas? :: Middle East Forum (

Yes.  And helping Iran:

Thanks to Jihad Joe Biden, Iran’s oil exports Reached $35 billion in Last 12 Months – Geller Report






Natasha Hausdorff responds to the ICRC on the Geneva Conventions



Since the Geneva Conventions are being used against Israel, understanding that – and the Conventions – is critical:


The International Legal War Against Israel with Natasha Hausdorff – Australian Jewish Association



Hamas really does think they’ll win with lawfare.  Understand the ways of the enemy.  Other videos featuring her:

The myths and facts of the laws of armed conflict in Gaza (

Why Israel has no legal obligation to give aid to Hamas (

Jerusalem and the Israeli settlements according to international law – Natasha Hausdorff (

Natasha Hausdorff: Why there is no illegal occupation (

Barrister Natasha Hausdorff addressing Proportionality in International Law on the BBC. (

From here – video at the link:

One of the worst horror images that haunted me at night since October 7 was video of the running wounded dog shot by Hamas terrorists. Dogs in kibbutzim were so trustful and were simply running towards people without knowing that it was their last run…

“Israeli soldiers find the time to pet and take care of animals in the Gaza Strip.

I tend to be wary of people who dislike dogs (and any animal), yet I have confidence in a dog’s judgment when it takes a disliking to someone.

The Israel soldiers may embody strength, but they possess a gentle spirit and a kind heart towards animals”.

”Who’s afraid of the big red cow, the big red cow, the big red cow?” ~ Elder Of Ziyon – Israel News

People are going bat-guano crazy here.

Latest EoZ cartoons and memes ~ Elder Of Ziyon – Israel News

Good ones!




You can’t go wrong with a donation here:

Connections Israel

And please share this post far and wide.  There’s a lot of info here that many people don’t know.  Post it, email it, share widely.

Also, if you’re willing:

Buy Me a Coffee





If the West abandons Israel, we all lose – spiked (

Israel is the front line against the 1400 year old murder machine that is Islam.


As I posted on one website to a person who advocated abandoning Israel to Islam, to get peace… “First Saturday, then Sunday”.  Appeasement of those who hate you does two things:

1. It feeds their desire, not slakes it.  They see weakness and it excites them.

2. Appeasement has been tried time and time again.  E.g., the Sudetenland.  And it never works.  Santayana weeps.

Ultimately, force is the only language these people understand.


They want war.  Give them all the war, and all the pig blood and carcasses (see Pershing link above) they want.



Wars are won when the enemy’s spirit is crushed.  Not when it’s appeased.



And there’s a reason there was no Fourth Punic War:



The post Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Goldback Hits All-Time High; Dollar In Freefall

The Liberty Block - Thu, 2024-04-04 19:34 +0000

As I prepared to pull out my Goldbacks for my sandwich at Robie’s country store and diner Wednesday, the co-owner informed me that the dollar had fallen below a fifth of a goldback. I remember when the exchange rate was around 3.20 dollars for each goldback just before the scamdemic. It’s been around four for the past few years. I had never seen it above five.

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The Conservatarian Exchange Podcast #199

The Liberty Block - Thu, 2024-04-04 19:07 +0000

The bridge collapse in Baltimore, just a freakish accident, hopefully not related to DEI/competency crisis; RFK’s pick of VP, which will probably hurt the dems more than republicans; could this help RFK win any states? Did Mike Johnson screw the republican party and their voters with the budget agreement last week? Why are republicans retiring before the election? Are they being paid off by a rich dem? Is Putin protecting Islamists by minimizing their involvement in the terror attack last Friday?

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The Key To Wealth Preservation: Hide Your Silver In Plain Sight?

The Liberty Block - Thu, 2024-04-04 18:56 +0000

The Local Silver Mint has just unveiled what may be their most innovative silver product to date. This is quite a statement, considering that this is the creator who invented the Silver Card, Barter Bags, Tenth-Ounce Silver Rounds, Cig-Savers, Building Blocks, and so many other creative iterations of silver. But if you were looking for the best tool for covertly preserving your wealth in plain sight, you needn’t look any further than Weare, New Hampshire. 

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Support Anti-White Racism … Vote For Rep Alissandra Murray

Granite Grok - Thu, 2024-04-04 18:00 +0000

Stae Rep Alissandra Murray … you may have heard about her? The State Rep who as a practical matter was/is being paid to be a State Rep by some abortion-advocacy group. From NH-NeverTrump Journal:

In an article highlighting transgender state legislators across the country, The Nation reported on the work of Josie Pinto, a registered lobbyist for the Reproductive Freedom Fund of New Hampshire (RFFNH), and her fellow community organizer, Alissandra Murray.

Murray is currently employed as the RFFNH’s deputy director and appears on the organization’s website.

Murray is also a Democratic state representative from Manchester.

Alissandra is also an anti-white racist:

What I said in a prior post about Damond Ford applies equally to Alissandra. The only thing that really distinguishes Woke-Communists like Damond Ford, Alisssandra Murray, etc., etc., etc. and their ilk from Pol Pot, Mao, Stalin, etc., is that the latter obtained sufficient power to destroy the lives of hundreds of millions. Pray that Ford, Murray and their ilk never obtain such power.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Bananas: Israel & Hamas Agree to Cease-fire Thanks to Lebanon

Granite Grok - Thu, 2024-04-04 16:00 +0000

Shocking news has emerged from the Middle East where Israeli and Hamas forces have been in the throes of a sectarian war which began on Oct. 7th, 2024, B.C.E., when a young man named Esau took issue with his half-brother Jakob eating some of his goat porridge.

This act of aggression has led to nearly four thousand years of bad blood between the two culminating in the most recent bloodshed seeing nearly thirty thousand dead Semites and semi-Semites in the Holy Land and surrounding areas.  Luckily the members of the Lebanon City Council and Diversity, Equity and Inclusion committees banded together to let these centuries old enemies know that they have had quite enough.

“Knock it off” began the five page letter to the combatants. Several strongly worded words later, the sentiment was reiterated – “Stop it.”  This unusually laconic phrase in the otherwise verbose letter seemed to be almost what was needed to get the two sides to come to their senses, however it was the carefully worded “Quit being silly” that was crafted by current council member David Wilkie that was the straw that broke the camel’s back (Editors note:  we apologize to anyone who is offended by camel references).

After sending copies of the re-resolution by carrier pigeon to the Middle East leaders from both sides issued a joint statement thanking the council for straight-talking some sense into the historic belligerents.  Signed by both the Israeli Minister of Defense and the Head of Hamas Terror, the letter read in part:

“We have agreed to do as you suggested and sit down and talk out our differences.  We humbly apologize to the people of Lebanon, NH for any inconvenience we have caused you and publicly pledge to honor diversity, equity, and inclusion,” after which they held hands while lighting a menorah, raised a pride flag over the capitol of Gaza and then started a Go Fund Me for displaced members of the Middle East Trans-community.

In an act of solidarity singers Taylor Swift, Lady Gaga, Beyonce, Pink, Lizzo and Madonna agreed to hold a fundraising concert to honor women’s rights in Gaza, yet have agreed to wear burkahs out of respect to the austere Muslim culture among Gazans.

“Who doesn’t like to jam to these broads, am I right?” asked local Imam Mohammed Al-Bin Al-Bin-Binny before reminding those standing in line for tickets that it’s not halal to buy tickets during Ramadan.  The undernourished and emaciated faithful would have to wait until after sundown before spending what little they have left on seeing these Western icons.

Also moved by the bold stance taken by the Lebanon City Council the Biden Administration has agreed to stop quietly sending weekly shipments of armaments to Israel, while stakeholders at Lockheed Martin, Boeing, General Dynamics, Halliburton and McDonnell-Douglas pledge to donate this year’s dividend checks to end Climate Change in the Middle East.

Local residents were asked to comment on this council’s re-resolution.  One business owner preferred to remain anonymous but said, “I know the crime rate in the area and the roads in town look like they belong in Lebanon, you know, the country, but it’s a small price to pay for peace in the Middle East.”

Shalom to your mother.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

New Cross Referenced List and Merrimack Reps.

Granite Grok - Thu, 2024-04-04 14:00 +0000

Think of me as the guy who doesn’t always drink beer, but when he does, he prefers Dos Equis. It’s funny I should think of that because I am presently a paying customer in the new Mexican joint in the Bertucci’s building on Amherst Street, using their Wi-Fi hot spot because my former employer’s product is being a POS.

Anyway, I don’t always agree with Melissa Blasek, but she was my favorite Merrimack rep.  One might ask who cares about someone’s opinion of a rep in another district.  To that, I point out that I have no representation in the House and therefore must, as Nurse Terese would say, “lift up in battle” the decent reps in the suburbs. Sadly, as many already know, Melissa is no longer in office, and neither is Gary Daniels, just to add a comment about the “other side of the wall.”  Merrimack is turning into a hot mess, and I do hope, on behalf of all of us who aren’t represented in the House, that they turn the tide the right way this November. Anyway, onto MY list.

I’m calling it “MY list” so as not to be confused with that nutjob Dietsch, Angie’s list, Schindler’s list, or (for Beth Scaer’s amusement) Emily’s list.
My list is a cross-reference of the 31 Republican Enemies of Transparency and the 67 Republicans on another list I will call Ed Mosca’s list.

Melissa has pointed out that just because someone disagrees, it doesn’t necessarily make for a RINO. Fair enough. I have my own disagreements with a vast part of the Republican membership; hence my being an independent for decades and off and on over the past few years between candidacy for state and local office.  It’s also worth pointing out that I have supported and/or voted for Republicans in disagreement with me, sometimes more than once.

“What’s the point of this cross-referenced list,” one might ask, and my answer is still a work in progress.  The list of 67 definitely has plenty of people that I happen to like, and I will make no special concessions for them; as I said in my previous article, I gave no special treatment to any of its 31.  The overlap is a list of 9 reps, and here it is:


Do what you want with it, but let it be known that McGough is the arch nemesis of Melissa, kind of like Lloyd Braun is to George Costanza.

My hope for Merrimack and all of NH is that they can nix him along with the rest of the incumbent slate. Yeah, I said that. It includes three enemy camp members and mask lover Bill Boyd and his anti-RTK ilk Rs.  Let’s get eight decent freshmen elected in Merrimack because that’s a tall order here in Nashua, an order taller than Alderman Comeau, who is sadly no longer in office, or Elliot Gault, or even the cardboard Shaquille doll in Staples, just to give it some perspective.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Oregon Re-Criminalizes Hard Drugs After Four Years of Decrim Disaster

Granite Grok - Thu, 2024-04-04 12:00 +0000

If you need an example of bad drug policy vs. human nature, then Oregon is your gal. She decriminalized hard drugs in 2020 and was rewarded with a 200% spike in overdose deaths. People were not more likely to seek treatment, but they were more likely to become unproductive criminals if they didn’t kill themselves.

Oregon has assisted suicide, but this isn’t what they meant, and four years of failure with an exponential rise in unplanned deaths required action. This week, Governor Tina Kotek signed House Bill 4002.

According to Oregon Public Broadcasting, the bill comes into effect on September 1. After that, anyone caught with small amounts of cocaine, fentanyl, methamphetamines, or other similar substances will be charged with a misdemeanor.

Oregon has re-criminalized hard drugs but with a twist.

Under the new law, those apprehended by police for possessing drugs will be given the option to “deflect” from the legal system into treatment programs, however whether individual counties choose to go along with that system has been left up to local leaders.

A majority of counties are on board, but it will be five months before the new law replaces the old referendum. The trouble created by decriminalization, more crime, and death, will continue through the summer, after which the also broken Orgon criminal justice system will attempt to address the problem the new law creates. There are too few public defenders to represent the expected rise in individuals in need of their services.

I’m also not clear on how restrictive the rehab route rules are or who pays for that.

Seeing as this is Oregon, I’d have to imagine there is a herd of treatment pigs lining up at what looks to be a rather substantial trough. And while they won’t be able to find enough lawyers or possibly even police officers, the number of therapists will rise to meet the funding available to meet the “need.”

And no, I do not expect matters to improve much after September. Things that are easily broken are not so easily repaired.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

50,000 Eversource Customers Without Power This Morning in NH (34K NHEC, 8,400 Unitil)

Granite Grok - Thu, 2024-04-04 11:00 +0000

Welcome to the weather in New England, where it can be 60 degrees one day and snow-driven power outages the next. We lost power from 2 to 4 a.m. last night but woke up to warmth and light, only to lose it again at 6:30.

I fired up the Genny, and we’re live. We still have internet, so I’m back to work. The first order of business was checking the outage map. Eversource reports that 50,000 of its New Hampshire customers have lost power due to the heavy snow and wind bringing down trees or branches. I was out clearing the end of the driveway (when we still had power), and it’s gusty as get out, so we’re not betting on our power coming back (it was out when I came back in) for a few hours.

just under 34,000 NHEC customers in the Granite State are unplugged with 8400 Unitil customers joining them without power. Liberty customers, have zero outages as I write this.

NHEC Map –  Updated: I momentarily had the wrong map here for NH Electric Co-op.

Unitil Map

Liberty Map (nothing to see here; please move along.

And Here’s the Eversource Map: you’ll want to go to the link and drill down.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Fat Jerry Nadler Says Men Don’t Compete In Women’s Sports …

Granite Grok - Thu, 2024-04-04 10:00 +0000

Fat Jerry Nadler is nothing if not committed to the narrative. Someone says men should not compete in women’s sports, and he insists that transwomen are not men, so that never happens. Funny thing about that, though.

If a woman and a transwoman pissed off the Clintons, “committed suicide,” or “buried themselves” in a swamp somewhere in Arkansas for a few decades, when some bluetick hound ran up the sent, and they pulled out the bodies, the corner would say it’s a man and a woman. No word of a lie. And that’s how they’d be identified, no matter who it triggered, ’cause all the pretense was rotted away by nature until all that was left was science.

In this case, biology matters. has cataloged 894 instances of biological males placing or better in a girl’s or woman’s competition. There are undoubtedly more. Talk about #MeToo? No medal or ribbon for you; we had to make room for what is characteristically a C-team male who identifies as female. Accolades, scholarships, a reward for years of hard work. Sorry. Step aside. It has gotten the attention of Congress on numerous occasions, recently summoning the umbrage of Fat Jerry Nadler.

“Men do not compete in women’s sports,” far-left New York Democratic congressman Jerry Nadler claimed during a congressional hearing several weeks ago. “Transgender women [sic] may compete in women’s sports,”

He’s not having any of this biology business, so I hope he has a plan for work pathologists who can “identify” the gender of the deceased at the time they died, given how subject to change that can be these days.

Nadler, who objected (ironically) to prevent non-truths from entering the Congressional record, was responding to “Republican congresswoman Harriet Hageman of Wyoming [who] wanted to enter into the record stats on females injured by male athletes as well as stolen titles. has cataloged the stolen titles, proving that men, in fact, do compete in women’s sports.”

At least he’s consistent. His position here, like many of his previous contributions to the Congressional Record, is a half-truth feeding a lie.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Night Cap: What Does The Stratford Fire have to do with the Worcester 6?

Granite Grok - Thu, 2024-04-04 02:00 +0000

WMUR has been covering quite a few fires lately, including this one.    Since the story is not very old, not much detail is available. However, one can adjust their searches of coverage of recent fires by dates, location, damages, victims, and media outlets and come up with a variety of data.

However, what got my attention was the most recent one being far from the others and interestingly close to Canada.  I think you know where I’m going with this.

Stratford is not an urban community where the alarm sounds and interrupts the fire station’s spaghetti dinner, and everyone slides down the pole and hurries to the fire. Most people know that rural firefighting is mostly done by volunteers with day jobs who get paged. I’m just a layperson, so you don’t have to take my word. Ask your homeowner’s insurance agent or former Rep. Tom Lanzara if you want to learn more. Tom recently became a Lieutenant.

While rural areas are not necessarily exempt from all urban fire hazards, this Stratford fire reminded me of the Worcester 6.

For those whose photographic memories don’t go that far back in time, Mr. Levesque and another homeless person were living in an old abandoned building in December 1999 when they knocked over a candle, starting a fire that ultimately killed six Worcester firemen who were looking for additional occupants while fighting the fire.

Considering that people like Senator Twitley want you to think that there have only been 21 illegal border crossings in/near Pittsburg, I offer the following supposition. Perhaps those responsible for the Stratford fire are NOT locals.

“The cause of the fire is under investigation” is the last sentence of the WMUR article, which is not an uncommon word choice for a breaking story.  One would hope that the investigation will include some rigorous interviewing of neighbors and locals with the same fervor that the viewer observes the detectives using in most Hollywood crime drama shows.

If interviewed people say they saw suspicious activity in the area, particularly involving strangers, it will be interesting to see if WMUR and/or its ilk give it the same follow-up attention as they would with stories that prop up their agenda. An example of that would be what’s going on locally in Lewiston. That shooting happened in November, yet WMUR regularly scrapes the local barrel bottom for fundraisers or follow-up stories that have no ties to NH.

My message to the readers is not to let the Stratford fire investigation fall off the radar because that’s what WMUR would want to have happen during an election year.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

NH Trans Rights Activists are Desperately Fighting to Stop the Tidal Wave of Bills to Protect Women and Children

Granite Grok - Thu, 2024-04-04 00:00 +0000

Bills to protect women and children from the trans cult are advancing in the New Hampshire House and Senate and the trans rights activists (TRAs) are desperate.

Starting in 2018, Governor Chris Sununu signed a slew of terrible bills, including a bill to allow males to self-id into women’s restrooms and locker rooms, a bill to allow males to compete in female school sports,  a therapy ban, and other anti-child and anti-women bills.

The TRAs thought they were sitting pretty. They believed as Martin Luther King Jr. said that “the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.” They expected that New Hampshire residents would learn to accept the new laws and that everyone could live in peace.

We have not been living in peace. Instead, we have been living with the horrible consequences including males invading female locker rooms and restrooms, boys winning in girls’ school athletic competitions, and gender-confused children having their bodies irreversibly damaged by puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and having healthy body parts removed.

Finally, bills are advancing in New Hampshire to roll back some of these awful attacks on women and children.

These bills were given an Ought to Pass in committee and are being voted on Friday, April 5 by the full NH Senate. Contact your senator and ask him or her to vote to concur with the committee report of OTP on these bills.

  • SB341: relative to mandatory disclosure by school district employees to parents
  • SB375: relative to biological sex in student athletics
  • SB523: relative to the regulation of public school library materials
  • SB562: relative to state recognition of biological sex
  • SB573: establishing a committee to study consent and confidentiality laws applicable to adolescent and young adult health care in New Hampshire

This bill was voted as Interim Study in committee and is also being voted on Friday by the full NH Senate. Contact your senator and ask him or her to vote to override the committee’s report and vote OTP on this bill.

  • SB304: creating a cause of action for medical injuries resulting from the administration or prescription of gender transition surgery, cross-sex hormones, or puberty-blocking drugs and providing protections for individuals who receive medical detransitioning

Related: New Hampshire Bill Would Protect Young People From Modern-Day Lobotomies

These bills were passed in the NH House and are soon having hearings in the NH Senate. There is no action to take now.

  • HB1660: relative to coverage of certain procedures for minor children under the state’s Medicaid program
  • HB1312: requiring parental notification of student health or well-being and certain curricula by school districts
  • HB396: permitting classification of individuals based on biological sex under certain limited circumstances
  • HB1205: relative to women’s school sports
  • HB619: to require a person to attain the age of majority for genital gender reassignment surgery

This week the TRAs are making an all-out attack on these bills with attempts at convincing the senators to turn back the tidal wave.

  • They held a press conference attacking the bills. Watch the coverage on WMUR.
  • They published a letter to the senators and governor to stop bills to protect women’s sports. Read the letter and see the signatories.
  • They are promoting a list of businesses that declare these bills as harmful. See the list of businesses.
  • They are holding a rally outside Friday’s NH Senate session. Visit it on Facebook.

I expect their desperation and efforts to increase as these bills advance closer to Governor Chris Sununu’s desk.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Marijuana Legalization is NOT Inevitable

Granite Grok - Wed, 2024-04-03 22:00 +0000

I hope you had a nice weekend. I am sharing a very important update with you below in regard to marijuana legalization. As you can see by the leadership in Virginia, Governor Youngkin proved marijuana legalization is NOT inevitable.

He vetoed the efforts in that state based on public health safety. His full veto statement supporting the reasons why is provided here.

“The proposed legalization of retail marijuana in the Commonwealth endangers Virginians’ health and safety. States following this path have seen adverse effects on children’s and adolescent’s health and safety, increased gang activity and violent crime, significant deterioration in mental health, decreased road safety, and significant costs associated with retail marijuana that far exceed tax revenue. It also does not eliminate the illegal black-market sale of cannabis, nor guarantee product safety. Addressing the inconsistencies in enforcement and regulation in Virginia’s current laws does not justify expanding access to cannabis, following the failed paths of other states, and endangering Virginians’ health and safety,” said Governor Glenn Youngkin in his veto statement for HB 698 and SB 448.

Thank you for taking the time to learn about this important issue and understand its impact on our state and all of our citizens, most importantly our young people, who are the future generations to come. We should never rush into doing something just because others are doing it. That, as many of us know, is primary prevention.

This was sent to every NH State Senator and the Governor.

Celeste Clark is the Executive Director of the Raymond Coalition For Youth

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The American College of Pediatricians Says ‘Gender-Affirming Therapy’ is Not Beneficial to Youth

Granite Grok - Wed, 2024-04-03 20:00 +0000

The headline will annoy the gender cult, but it is indicative of a transformation that has begun to crack the woke carapace of medical and chemical gender treatments for children. Corporate medicine is all in on this profit silo and the narratives supporting it, but it’s all a lie, and we’re just hurting children.

The American College of Pediatricians (ACPeds), based in Florida, released a position statement on Feb. 7 stating that “social transition, puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones have no demonstrable, long-term benefit on the psychosocial well-being of adolescents with gender dysphoria.”

“A review of at least 60 research papers demonstrates no benefit to social affirmation, puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones or surgical interventions for these youth,” lead author and vice president of ACPeds, Dr. Jane Anderson, wrote in an email to Fox News Digital.

The trouble began when The World Professional Association for Transgender Health got busted by an investigative reporter for telling truths in private that proved what they advocated was dangerous to the patients with little demonstrable upside. Shortly after, the UK health service banned hormone therapy for minors (ending the surgical freight train with it). Related: Transgender Hormone Therapy Increases Risk of Heart Attack and Stroke

The UK made its decisions after conducting a four-year study that showed the practice had no mental health benefit or made matters worse. An opinion shared by regulators in France, who “want to ban gender transition treatments for under-18s, after a report described sex reassignment in minors as potentially “one of the greatest ethical scandals in the history of medicine.”

We agree, but will the trend continue, and can it gain momentum in the US?

Abortion, another controversial topic, is a political holy grail on our shores, but most of the rest of the world prohibits it after six months, if not sooner. Given the political capital capable of sustaining such extremism, does common sense have any hope of breaking through to protect children from adults hellbent on stuffing them with puberty blockers and hormones?

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Conservatarian Exchange Podcast #198

The Liberty Block - Wed, 2024-04-03 19:03 +0000

Chuck Schumer’s statement on Netanyahu and elections in Israel; Trump’s statements on Jews and democrats; Extremely high fines against Trump and his appeal; should Trump fight harder and more publicly/be more provocative; Fani Willis and Nathan Wade and the judge’s ruling regarding disqualification.

The post The Conservatarian Exchange Podcast #198 appeared first on The Liberty Block.

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