The Manchester Free Press

Friday • May 3 • 2024


Manchester, N.H.

Roveywade and Leaks They Made and Dems They Lose Their Mindsies

Granite Grok - Thu, 2022-05-05 14:00 +0000

I want to thank the Left for the unmasking. It’s not every day that you can get blubbering, safe-space, cry-baby libs to show their two faces with this much energy and conviction.

A coordinated exercise in self-immolation and a gift that keeps on giving.

Someone talked about “Fight Club.”

Never before in the history of the High Court has such a thing happened. Leaking a draft opinion to the press. It sends a message but not the one you think. If it is okay to abandon court tradition in favor of politics, it must be OK to abandon judicial deference to any previous decisions by that court. Especially the “political” ones.

This harpoons any reasoned argument about protecting Roe or Casey.

The leak aborted Stare Decisis.

Separation of Powers.

Some Democrats have discovered the idea that legislators should make laws instead of judges. Someone has been saying that since at least 1973 and it was not Roe Roe Roe your abortion Democrats. But now, it is as if “judicial legislating” was never what the Constitution intended or the crux of the issue with the original decision in Roe.

No matter how you feel about killing the unborn, letting Courts create laws instead of overturning them and returning the process to legislators to fix was a bad idea.

Ironically, Alito’s draft decision – if it holds up – begins to heal that wound.

My Body My Choice.

They spent the past two years telling women that the state had a legitimate reason to control their bodies (lockdowns, masking, pharmaceutical intervention). Refusing to embrace these demands meant no normal (no anything) and no job for some. But you’ve circled back to My Body My Choice. Women suddenly have rights, another mind-boggling, Rube-Goldbergian Left-Wing trap.

What Do You Mean by Women?

The newest appointee to the US Supreme Court doesn’t know what a woman is because she’s not a biologist. The SJW LGBTQ Gaystapo and their thug enforcers (all of whom could go by the nickname “Lefty”) have spent years telling us men are women, and you are a bigot if you don’t embrace that lie.

The Left erased women. No women, no women’s rights.  Arguing to the contrary invites questions about the questions. If you don’t have a uterus, you are prohibited from commenting; unless you are a man claiming to be a woman who also (by the way) has no right to “her” body when it comes to lockdowns masking, and pharmaceutical intervention.

If we ask you to get your story “straight,” we’ve violated your safe space, but there is no safe space from State interventions of the Dems leading them, and pretending otherwise is a lie.

And Not Entirely In Conclusion.

The coordinated messaging from the blubbering, safe-space, cry-baby libs is that anyone who disagrees with them is extremist—disagreeing with what, though? Judicial precedent, “women’s” rights, courts backing away from legislating from the bench. Or did you mean the opposite of those things?

The answer you’ll get is unintelligible screaming, crying, chest-pounding, whining, and name-calling.

That won’t change.


The post Roveywade and Leaks They Made and Dems They Lose Their Mindsies appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

For Midterms Dems Focus on Culture War Rather Than Issues

Libertarian Leanings - Thu, 2022-05-05 13:48 +0000

Mark Wauck, Meaning in History:  The Culture War Is Alive And Well

On the GOP end of the political spectrum, the wild success of Ron DeSantis—following on the wild success of Glenn Youngkin in VA—seems a clear indication that the culture wars will be front and center. Just as clear an indication is Trump’s continuing and overwhelming success in getting his selections elected in GOP primaries. Never mind the quality of some of his endorsements. The point is that Trump, the leader of populism in America, is showing that he owns the New Right and that the New Right continues to be the ticket for GOP electoral success.

In all this we see that cultural issues are combined with class differences, as well. The Dems are increasingly identified not only with cultural issues but those cultural issues are being recognized by Americans as the expression of class differences, as well. The aberrosexual issues that Dems are trying to foist on Blacks, Hispanics, and suburban moms are now seen to be part and parcel with the upper class of urban Whites. What happened in VA, and is happening increasingly across the country, is that people—like suburban moms—who may have once aspired to become part of the genteel urban Upper Class are having second thoughts. They are no longer certain that the class that controls the Dem party and despises their lifestyle is their kind of people, or that they want to entrust their children to them. Identifying themselves as the class that is willing to trash even the most cherished American institutions in their quest for power may also prove to be a losing card for Dems. Americans remain, in many ways, a people that is bound to tradition.

Read the rest here.

Categories: Blogs, United States

Inflation is Worse Than They Say

Libertarian Leanings - Thu, 2022-05-05 13:39 +0000

Samuel Gregg, Common Sense:  'That Doesn’t Feel Like $150 Worth of Groceries'

In 2011, the last time inflation was on the rise, the then-president of the New York Federal Reserve, William Dudley, ventured into a working-class neighborhood in Queens, New York, to give a speech explaining why inflation wasn’t a big deal. Finding that he wasn’t making an impact, Dudley famously picked up an iPad 2 and told his audience, “Today you can buy an iPad 2 that costs the same as an iPad 1 that is twice as powerful.”

“I can’t eat an iPad!” someone in the audience shouted back.

I was reminded of this story recently while standing in the checkout line of my local grocery store. An elderly neighbor standing in front of me saw the total price of her purchases flash up on the screen. For a moment, her eyes registered shock. Then I heard her mutter, “That sure doesn’t feel like $150 worth of groceries.”

What my neighbor was sensing was the general increase in the price of goods and services and an associated decline in her money’s purchasing power. That’s the essence of inflation. 

I didn’t have the heart to tell her that a bag of groceries isn’t included in what’s called the “core inflation” measurement. 

Read the rest here.

Categories: Blogs, United States

Never Let a Crisis Go To Waste

Granite Grok - Thu, 2022-05-05 12:00 +0000

The Democrats have jumped on the Supreme Court leak like a Siamese Fighting Fish that jumped into the adjacent bowl. It has been revealed that the White House was aware of the Supreme Court leak a couple of days before the news appeared in Politico.

This advance notice was not enough time for Joe Biden to have an answer ready for the media yesterday when they asked about the leak. Two days to prepare for the most obvious question, and he had nothing. What a surprise.

The White House, specifically Joe Biden, was prepared with a web fundraising campaign geared around the leak fiasco. There also was an obvious synchronized message from the Democrats and the media. They were all on the same page as if they had been coordinating their efforts for weeks rather than one news cycle.

Kamala Harris was animated as she lied to a group she was addressing, claiming the Supreme Court was about to outlaw abortion. It just isn’t true. She screamed at the Republicans, saying “how dare they” repeatedly. It was loud but ineffective.

The overreaction was hyperbolic.

The Senate has called for immediate legislation to codify the right to an abortion for any woman in any state. The radical Left, Warren, and Sanders called for the immediate destruction of the two-thirds majority by blowing up the filibuster. It is not so much support for killing the unborn but placating the Radical Left. Abortion, or reproductive rights, is the number one issue of many members of Gen-Z.

If the leaked draft were to become the final Court decision, many say it would correct a mistake by the Court over fifty years ago. There is nothing in the Constitution that refers to terminating the life of an unborn baby. The Roe V. Wade decision took the control away from the states to set parameters on abortion to conform to the wish of its residents. Overturning Roe V. Wade will return abortion to the states where it belongs.

There is also no mention of any other issue in the draft. Biden’s statement that Same-Sex Marriage is also in the crosshairs is to fuel the misinformation. Instead of healing, he stoked the activists on the left, who quickly took to the streets before the ink was dry on the leak.

This overreaction did not start with the leak but can be traced back to 2020 when Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer stood on the steps of the Supreme Court and called out newly confirmed justices Gorsuch and Kavanaugh. He threatened they would have to answer for their actions should they ever rule against Roe V. Wade.

This abortion story will be the rallying cry for the Democrats. Biden calls Republicans the MAGA crowd that is the most radical in our history. He tells his listeners that they must elect more Democrats in November or lose control of the country. His words validate my belief that the leaders of the Democrats orchestrated this leak. The money has been flowing into Democrat coffers since Tuesday. The Dems show that this is a crisis that they will milk for all its worth.

This rhetoric is embarrassing and infuriating. To listen to Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Elizabeth Warren, and Bernie Sanders rant about the hypothetical next decisions that the Court will be handing down would be comical if not so serious. Biden says that LGBTQ students will be banned from classrooms. Harris says that the Court has told women they no longer have control of their bodies. Warren says that the Court has no legitimacy. Sanders wants to blow up the filibuster and pack the Court. NONE of these are true. These amateur hacks are doing nothing but stir the base with lies. You can throw Psaki into that bunch. She twisted words into pretzels during her briefing today. These people do not deserve our time or respect. With each sound bite, I am more convinced this whole charade has been orchestrated by the Dems, and it will have a short run.



Ray Writes for and the Liberty Loft

The post Never Let a Crisis Go To Waste appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Tweaking the ‘Grok!

Granite Grok - Thu, 2022-05-05 10:00 +0000

Every day, we have published at least eleven new pieces (one every 90 minutes) between 6:30 am and 9:30 pm, every day, for what feels like a long time. That’s a lot of content. Well, I’m changing it.

Effective yesterday, the new schedule is every two hours, beginning at 6 am and ending at 10 pm. The change means nine new posts every day instead of eleven.

We’ll still add breaking news when we can and any other content that needs to pop in here and there (or just because we feel like it), but the new default will be nine posts, one every two hours, beginning at 6 am.


Speaking for myself, I’d like to write “better.”

Without the time to focus on making the content more interesting or unique, it begins to get a rushed cut and past feel, and I’m Not Lovin’ it, and since this is a hobby, I need to be loving it.

Everyone has a tone or a “sound” to their work, and I think mine’s getting lost in the business side of being a prominent media source (which we still are), trying to keep a promise, so…I’m adjusting things a tiny bit to try and make a little more room.

Summarized: I hope to exchange a little quantity for better quality: small changes, and maybe, at least once and while, better results.

So, that’s the plan today. It is subject to change based on circumstances, but I wanted folks to know what’s up. Oh, and a reminder: GrokMeet in Concord on May 14th, 6-8 pm ET, Area 23 Pub in Concord.

We hope to see you there.



The post Tweaking the ‘Grok! appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Notable Quote – Radical Ideas CAN be the Right ones!

Granite Grok - Thu, 2022-05-05 02:00 +0000

History has shown that voluntary economic trade between individuals, without the “guiding” Hand of the Government, has lifted billions out of poverty and onto the road of a higher standard of living at lower costs and higher quality compared to when markets were controlled by others and such decisions were made beforehand.


Although Adam Smith is today often regarded as a “conservative” figure, he in fact attacked many of the dominant ideas and interests of his own times. Moreover, the idea of a spontaneously self-equilibrating system – the market economy – first developed by the Physiocrats and later made part of the tradition of classical economics by Adam Smith, represented a radically new departure, not only in analysis of social causation but also in seeing a reduced role for political, intellectual, or other elites as guides or controllers of the masses.  -Thomas Sowell (Basic Economics)


But look at that last part – “a reduced role.

Those that held such positions must have hated that they were getting cut out of the middle and no longer got their “cut of the pie” even if was just the satisfaction that their decisions were “for the betterment of all”.  Such hubris!  Such thinking is limited, self-avowing, and self-interested in one way or another.

It’s that limiting part that is the most important, however, as while it may reduce “friction” for some transaction, it completely closes off entire sectors of commerce from even being thought of. In short, it limits innovation.  Items like the microprocessor, the revolutionary iPod (at the time), personal computers, the shipping container, affordable cars, non-stick pans, clothes washing machines, floor vacuums, bike helmets; heck, even the “in house toilet”. Some interesting, some mundane but none, I believe, could have been developed if even just a small cadre of people were controlling the marketplace.

No, the innovational idea by Smith recognized that it was the Individual, looking out for their own self-interest in trying to make life better for themselves and their families by serving others with new and varied products that made their lives better, were the key to the marketplace.

It is at our own economic peril that we ditch this ever-so-important insight.


(H/T: Cafe Hayek)

The post Notable Quote – Radical Ideas CAN be the Right ones! appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Let’s Revisit How Obama Unleashed Islam on the American People. 

Granite Grok - Thu, 2022-05-05 00:00 +0000

I wrote this during Obama’s Presidency but never published but since Biden’s presidency is a continuation – “Obama’s third term” – let’s revisit how Obama unleashed Islam on the American people.

This started as a conversation, but it actually is a monologue, since Mr. Obama is extremely swamped with other important time-consuming activities to bother with nobodies like me. I don’t like it, but I don’t blame him.

I think I took to task, somewhat at length, a former British Prime Minister Tony Blair for what I found to be braying—perhaps others may have found it to be singing—the praises of Islam.

To be even-handed and not be blind to the actions and words of our own leaders, I want to say my piece, ever-so-briefly about Mr. Obama.

*Staffing of Administration. Mr. Obama has had intimate exposure to Islam during his childhood. In fact, his father and paternal relatives were and are Muslims. But, Obama says he respects Islam as one of the great religions of the world and peaceful religion but considers himself Christian. In a way that’s very Christian of him. In his great practice of Christian charity, he has staffed several high-level sensitive posts in his administration with not only Muslim Americans but with “fanatically Muslim” Americans.

Again, we can chalk that to his desire for promoting and including the diverse people of this nation in their government. And given that Muslims now number second in population after Christians, then they have the right to be significant players in his administration. All this seems reasonable enough. But, I have trouble with Obama, in subtle and not so subtle ways, time and again, lending his prestige and that of the office of the Presidency to the promotion of Islam.

It is theoretically true that the White House is the house of the American people and all Americans are welcome to visit it. But, I am opposed to the practice of inviting members of religious orders to celebrate their special holy days. Why? It smacks of placing the stamp of approval on those religious orders that make the cut. Those who have the numbers, money, and influence are invited. Those who don’t, are not. And those who don’t have any religion are not given a place at the table or even let into the place.

Across the board, fairness is a hallmark of democracy in general and a representative republic in particular. All minorities and “insignificant” people are entitled to the same exact treatment as the majority and the “significant” ones. That’s the way I read it.

*Visiting King Abdullah. I was deeply disappointed by seeing our President paying homage to the Saudi Arabian king and in the manner, he did so. I was shocked to see him bend down so low to grasp the man’s hand as if he was going to kiss it. A great sigh of relief when he didn’t kiss it. Also, in bending down so low and with such intensity and reverence, good thing he didn’t throw his back out. We would’ve been in very bad shape if he had thrown his back out and couldn’t spend all those endless days playing gulf and scrimmaging basketball. What a catastrophe that would’ve been.

Seriously, Mr. President, the man you honored by your visit, is the 21st century Caliph wannabee. He, his royal clan, a raft of businessmen, enriching themselves at his trough are lead backers and bankrollers for spreading the Wahhabi sect of Islam in the world. In order to achieve their objective, they let their money solve any problem that gets in their way.

Mr. Obama, these diehard zealots are dead set on destroying the very open democratic system that voted you into office as the standard-bearer for democracy in the world. These Allahists don’t believe in democracy. They like autocracy and religious autocracy is just fine. It gives them everything they want and does everything they wish without being accountable to their own people. They see themselves as appointees of Allah and they say that they are accountable only to Allah and not the people. A terrific deal they have and they aim to keep it.

People like the Saudi king, the Emirs of the Persian Gulf, the Sheiks, and other despots should be called for what they are and far from being condoned and respected.

*The Praise for the Adhan. Mr. Obama, it sounded very touching the way you expressed your reaction to the Muslims’ call for prayer—adhan. You said that the call emanating from the minarets of mosques was one of the most beautiful sounds you have ever heard. That’s indeed very touching,

Question. Did you, Mr. Obama, not hear the wailings and screams of the thousands of prisoners of conscience rising from the dungeons of Islamic torture chambers, but you only heard the adhan from the prison’s minaret?

You say you were nowhere near any prison to hear their cries for help that are answered with only greater torture? Great thing for you. You definitely don’t want to be anywhere near those slow-death and sometimes not-so-slow death chambers.

Mr. Obama, does it come as news to you that wherever Islam rules, it does so on the bent backs of many prisoners of conscience? Only those who lack conscience, who don’t deserve to be called human, can ignore the suffering of humanity’s best children while singing the praises of the belief system that is the lead tormentor of people it deems as kefir or those brave people who resist its savage rule.

The kind of praise lavished on Islam while millions are brutally treated by Islamic governments is counter to the highest ideals of enlightened humanity. Justice must reign supreme. Justice is another precious blessing of the Creator for all people, without a single exception.

A little sharing here, Mr. Obama. The chairman of an African American Studies Program at a university was invited to give a talk about peace. The speaker opened his talk by saying: To hell with peace, give me justice. Justice indeed. What use is peace without justice?

I am certain you know what another American, a champion worker of Justice, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. felt about the importance of justice: “Threat to justice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.” Many good sons and daughters of this nation have heeded Dr. King’s call and have joined the ranks of upholders and defenders of justice.

It is the minorities that suffer immense injustice on an ongoing basis. I expect the President of this great nation to be the lead promoter of our pledge: one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all



The post Let’s Revisit How Obama Unleashed Islam on the American People.  appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

So How Did It Feel, Gilford School Board, to Watch Your Principal Lie to Me in Public Because of Your Policy JBAB?

Granite Grok - Wed, 2022-05-04 22:00 +0000

Dear School Board Members,

How DID it feel watching your staff member being humiliated, in public, because of YOUR Policy JBAB that compels her to lie to parents? To ME? 

This is what happens when Elected Representatives implement policies in which they will NEVER suffer the consequences from doing so – only others.

Did you ever think that a Parent would NEVER ask such a question?  I’m betting that you didn’t – after all, how many Parents ever read the policies that you are putting into place. I’m betting that you ARE betting that JBAB would continue to fly under the radar such that very few Parents would ever know the evil you have unleashed. In fact, on that point, how many new policies are you getting ready to place upon the community that you lead – do you realize that you are following in the path of Laverentiy Beria in that having so many laws policies in place, you will almost always be able to condemn some student or staff member?

“Is my son transgender or not?”

“This is not a Question and Answer time”

“That’s a dodge”

“I’m just following this rule here (pointing and tapping on her notes)”

“I was just following orders”; does that ring any bells for you? It should if you know your history.

I am betting that when you went into non-public, I was mentioned and most likely not in a terribly good fashion.  To be truthful, I don’t care. You invoked, unknowingly, the Law of Unintended Consequences when you rushed that Policy into place. Did you never give one thought that a Parent would ask that question at a public meeting? YOU ALL PUT HER AT RISK for having that question asked of her.  In fact, all of your staff is now at risk.  While I could not see their faces, I’m betting a few of the Parents behind had looks of disbelief as to what you have set into motion.

Engineers, when confronted with problems that must be solved will look at the symptoms, formulate a hypothesis as to what is wrong, and then work their way through that problem to find the answer – what we call Root Problem Analysis.  THE issue/malfunction/”failed part” that causes the issue.  Monday night, that root problem was not me – I was a symptom.  Danielle Bolduc was also not the root problem – she was also a symptom; she was an “effect” of the “cause and effect” process that you, the Gilford School Board, put into motion.

Note that she is not the one at fault – you all are for putting her AND all other staff members into the same place.  I have railed for two years that you CANNOT force government speech onto people – that you, as part of Government, are forcing your staff and students (and anyone else that comes onto school property) to speak only in terms that the Board’s Policy JBAB approves of in a mandatory way when it comes to using a very small subset of pronouns when talking about a transgender student. Government Speech, not Free Speech.

Coerced speech. A deliberate decision to remove one of America’s most valued attributes – the Freedom of Speech and the Right to one’s conscious of belief. I will be truthful – until Monday night, I had only concentrated on the situation where MY Freedom of Speech (and others) was being removed from me (in a mandatory fashion as told to me by Superintendent Beitler).

But I learned something new Monday night that I hadn’t realized.  Watch the video starting at 8:41 – it has that partial transcript above at its start.  However, you NEED to listen what I said afterwards which is also important

“I appreciate the honesty. But your employer has put you into the situation to lie to me…It also means that I can’t trust Principal Bolduc. I can’t trust his teachers because I’ll never know if they are lying to me or not.”

Your staff no longer has the Freedom of Speech and you have taken away their ability to tell the truth.  This is “progress”?

No, not just in this but in ANYTHING.  Ditto for the School Board but I’m figuring that you already knew that. Did you even THINK of the ramifications you were unleashing?

Member Sanborn wanted me to compromise in putting my lawsuit into abeyance until the Board could discuss it next month. My return reply was would the Board then pull JBAB for that period of time, in a show of returned good faith?

I dryly note that this compromise was a “one way” only; I was willing to pull my lawsuit as my part of the compromise IF and ONLY IF the Board pulled JBAB.  After all, a one way compromise is no compromise at all. I waited for any of the members, especially Chair Jeanine Onos, to make that motion and vote to show good faith. If you had voted to do so, I would do the same for my lawsuit.

Silence was your answer – no motion was offered. If that compromise was a serious one, you could have had a motion right then and there and voted on it.  Heck, you could have called either for another public meeting or a non-public meeting (with the required 24 hour proper noticing as required by RSA 91-A).  In checking the SAU 73 website, I see that no such meeting has been noticed. Thus, the message that has been sent is that:

  • no compromise is possible with this stiff-necked Board that can’t bring itself to say it was wrong – and apologize.
  • you are willing to spend taxpayer money unnecessarily to defend something that, if it gets into the courtroom, you’ll be laughed out of the courthouse. And I hope your lawyer gets sanctioned for blatantly giving bad legal advice to you (akin to “no, there’s no RSA that give you the Powers to do that but we’ll keep stalling this”). My lawyer agrees there aren’t any such RSAs to support JBAB.
  • once broken, Trust is a very hard thing to reestablish – but you decided to go that route and continue to lie about your Policy JBAB – in silence. And let it spread throughout the District.

So it seems that the Board is totally willing to foist a development of distrust within the District from Parents (and students) towards the Board and staff.

A DIFFERENT form of Coerced speech and as uncomfortable as Principal Bolduc was (clearly) uncomfortable in answering my plain and simple question, how many other Parents will start to ask that same question.  How many more staff are you willing to put into that same situation. How many of them will either stare at you in rebellion or with smoldering anger that you did this to them.

One last thing – since when does a Policy trump the Freedom of Speech of any of the Members?  I’ve never seen an RSA that forces a School Board Member to give up their Freedom of Speech and I’ve already debunked the School Board Ethics Policy that requires you to “shut your mouths”:

Right to Know Demand – Your Ethics Policy Outlines a Number of Items That a School Board Shall Comply With…”

Turns out that when I asked, there were no signed copies (a Code of Ethics is a contract of sort – without signing it, it is unenforceable).  Ditto anything that forces your silence in canceling your Freedom of Speech at any time.

I already fought this issue when Evans Juris (at the time, the Gilford Town Administrator) and Debbie Shackette (then Gilford Financial Director, now Belknap County Administrator) tried to force all of the Budget Committee members to sign it. Like several of the School Board policies, it was not about “Ethics”, it was a muzzling as I and another said thigs that were not welcomed by the “good ole’ boy” network that had run the town for years – we aired “the dirty laundry” they wanted to remain hidden.  I refused to sign it (especially after I discovered they had plaigiarized it from Sunnyvale, CA and called it their own).

There is no RSA that allows a school board, or any other government entity, to require more conditions to the position to which you have been elected. Especially when it comes to the Freedom of Speech.  To anyone who says otherwise, demand that they tell you the specific RSA. And remember, if they quote one, because I know which one they will use, read the last clause of “students and staff” and realize that you are NOT staff – you are Elected Representatives.

Be Brave. Do Something.



The post So How Did It Feel, Gilford School Board, to Watch Your Principal Lie to Me in Public Because of Your Policy JBAB? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

GOP Assists the Georgia Election Fraud Coverup

Libertarian Leanings - Wed, 2022-05-04 21:47 +0000
Categories: Blogs, United States

Judge: "Will you come back for the other 1,500 documents?" Prosecutor: "Not at this trial."

Libertarian Leanings - Wed, 2022-05-04 21:23 +0000

Jerry Dunleavy, Washington Examiner:  Durham convinces judge to review concealed documents in Clinton privilege battle

Judge Christopher Cooper said Wednesday he would grant the government’s motion, arguing he did not believe it was breaking attorney-client privilege for him to review the records in dispute in an “in camera” setting, away from the public and the press.

British ex-spy Christopher Steele created a dossier on then-candidate Donald Trump after being hired by the opposition research firm Fusion GPS, which was itself hired by the Perkins Coie law firm and Marc Elias, the general counsel for Clinton’s campaign.

The judge repeatedly pointed to the difference between hiring a firm to do “fact-checking” versus hiring it to do “opposition research.”

Hillary for America, the DNC, and Perkins argue claims of attorney-client privilege should keep the records concealed and claim Fusion simply provided them legal services.

Durham is insisting those groups played a coordinated role in pushing false collusion claims.

The judge said he didn't doubt Elias’s claims about Fusion being hired to provide legal advice but said that didn’t mean everything Fusion did in 2016 is covered by privilege. The judge said he would review the Joffe records too.

It remains to be seen how the judge will rule on the privilege claims after taking a look at the Alfa Bank-related documents. Thirty are internal Fusion emails, and eight relate to Joffe and Fusion.

Clinton’s 2016 campaign and Fusion united in court on Wednesday.

Fusion’s lawyer said the firm asserted privilege over 1,500 documents, adding it also “produced hundreds of documents.” Fusion said the Clinton campaign, DNC, and Perkins had made “judgment calls” on what was privileged.

The judge asked Durham prosecutor Jonathan Algor whether Durham would come back for the other 1,500 documents if the judge ended up agreeing with the prosecution about these 38 records. Algor said “not for this trial” but left the door open for the future, saying that “Your Honor’s decision is important” for the investigation.

Algor told the judge the Clinton campaign and Fusion wrongly "advanced a very broad and novel theory” of attorney-client privilege that “opposition research” is “somehow protected.” He pointed to Fusion emails that have been released and said “nothing shows” any of that related to “legal advice.”

Algor stressed the opposition research was pushed to the FBI, Congress, and the media.

Read the rest here.


Categories: Blogs, United States

“25 Common Sense Truths That You’re No Longer Supposed to Say”

Granite Grok - Wed, 2022-05-04 20:00 +0000

John Hawkins was one of the established bloggers that helped GraniteGrok rise from the “small blog sea of tens of millions” at the beginning of the blogosphere by linking to us fairly often.  Yes, it was a treat to see that someone far higher in the “rankings” would take note of us and what we wrote. We used to talk a lot when our paths crossed at different conventions – always pleasant, informed, and opinionated! A lot of fun!

He’s had a number of blogs he’s started, notably Right Wing News, but like a lot, it suffered when the closed environments like Twitter and Facebook came along (heck, so did we). While we do this as a hobby/obsession, he has always been a professional blogger and his latest incarnation if Culturcidal on substack. I do get his eblasts but it is a paid subscription writing platform.

One of his latest creations is the title, above.  He helped us – I’ll return the favor:

America is turning into such an intolerant, victim-centered, outrage-based, politically correct, that joke isn’t funny, how dare you hold an opposite opinion-centered culture, that a lot of people are afraid to tell you the truth anymore. It’s easier for people to sometimes just keep their heads down and hope that the outrage mob will pick another victim. But, unfortunately, when people become afraid to speak the truth, common sense can die in the darkness because everyone is caught up in saying what we’re “supposed to” believe instead.

An America that encourages free speech, discourages censorship, and believes in a free exchange of ideas will ALWAYS be superior to the ugly, backward “safe space” of a culture that so many people are trying to create. With that in mind, here are 25 common-sense truths that you’re no longer supposed to say.

1) Knowing what sex you are really is as simple as looking in your pants when you’re born and no, you can’t change it just because you feel like it.

4) Gender and sex are the same thing and anyone who disagrees has no business teaching children.

5) Racism still exists, but it isn’t a serious impediment to anyone’s success in America as it used to be several decades ago.

7) The proper remedy for speech isn’t censorship, it’s more speech.

8) We should deport children that enter the United States illegally not just because they’re breaking the law, but because if we don’t, it only encourages more bad parents to bring or send their children here.

11) Diversity isn’t a strength that makes us better, it’s a weakness that takes many special steps (emphasis on assimilation, patriotism, colorblindness, etc.) to overcome.

13) Drag queens are deviants and shouldn’t be allowed near children, much less allowed to be part of storytimes for kids.

15) Yes, we get lots of good immigrants, but bums and parasites flooding in with them have made immigration bad for America.

16) Young black men aren’t primarily dying because of white people or the police, they’re dying because other young black men are shooting them.

17) Given how many Americans are uninformed, don’t pay taxes, or are looking for handouts, we’d be better off if far fewer Americans voted.

20) Teachers shouldn’t be able to withhold any information from parents about their kids unless a potential crime by the parents is involved that may be a police matter.

23) Most adults that are rich or poor long-term deserve to be.

25) Slavery was a nearly universal phenomenon and Americans should be proud that we, along with Great Britain, did the most of any nation in history to end the practice, rather than be ashamed that our nation had slaves just like everybody else.

The post “25 Common Sense Truths That You’re No Longer Supposed to Say” appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

There Are Still Enough Americans

Libertarian Leanings - Wed, 2022-05-04 18:29 +0000

Dear Rest Of America:  Why Censorship Further Divides America, and How Young People Are Protecting the First Amendment

The framework of America and its ideals, given to us by the Founding Fathers, continues to stand against every un-Constitutional blow because there are still enough people in America who are willing to live by those ideals—even if they’re not fully aware of it.

Originally from New Zealand, millennial Hamish McKenzie co-founded Substack in 2017. The online newsletter platform is pretty hands-off around content moderation. Consequently, the site has hosted writers such as retired tech entrepreneur Steve Kirsch, who has shared and discussed a wealth of statistical and medical data relating to the efficacy and safety of the post-lockdown injections while banned elsewhere on the Internet.

Another millennial, Andrew Torba, is an entrepreneur in northeastern Pennsylvania. As a conservative and Christian, he launched the social media website in 2016 after leaving Silicon Valley. Torba and his team have worked to keep Gab online despite being de-platformed from payment processors and mobile app stores in response to the company’s firm stance on free speech. Consequently, the likes of Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, who was banned on Twitter earlier this year, can use Gab to share her message with potentially millions of users.

Read the rest here.

Categories: Blogs, United States

1984 is Here Today

Granite Grok - Wed, 2022-05-04 18:00 +0000

Thought it could never happen in America? Welcome to 1984, written by George Orwell (written as a warning but now being used as a “how-to” manual), and being promoted by, who else, Joe Biden and his extreme lefts cadre of handlers and stooges. Want proof? Here you are!

Joe announced a new government watchdog department titled, now get this, the Disinformation Governance Board. If this doesn’t send shudders up your spine you are either dead or a zombie.

Allowing any political organization, Democrat, Republican, Conservative or Progressive, to establish a Board with the power to decide what is “disinformation” would be a short trip to national suicide.

Richard Nixon would have loved one of those.

Enter DHS Secretary Mayorkas throwing in his bucket’s worth of wisdom saying “The Disinformation Governance Board won’t monitor U.S. Citizens.”  We all know we can trust a far-left political hack, appointed by another political Left senile figurehead and endorsed by extreme Left media misinformation specialist Nina Jankowicz who Mayorkas calls “eminently qualified”.

Righhhhhht! That is qualified to run the most unconstitutionally, ideologically concept ever written in any fictional novel being brought to life like Frankenstein’s monster.

This is the Left’s blatant speech, thought and mind control machine being put into practice under the control of the most unethical anti-American values bunch ever to gain power in this nation. The only reason they resort to this is that their endless lists of failures, destructive policies, absurd spending, devaluing our dollars, and general shortages, have American voters turning against them so they need a weapon of mass social destruction to try to stay in power. This is their answer to the people’s cry for relief and desire for common sense in government.

In essence, obey or die.



The post 1984 is Here Today appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Sun-King Chris Sununu Had a Really Bad Night, Last Night

Granite Grok - Wed, 2022-05-04 16:00 +0000

While Sun-King Sununu was bloviating about being pro-abortion, GOP voters in Ohio were soundly rejecting the globalist/corporatist ideology of Sun-King and his elitist ilk:

Read and seethe, Sun-King. Read and seethe.

The post Sun-King Chris Sununu Had a Really Bad Night, Last Night appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

A Really Neat Opportunity to Protect the American People from Words

Granite Grok - Wed, 2022-05-04 14:00 +0000

Dear Dr. Disinformation Director Jankowic. Congratulations on your new role as Executive Director for the Board of Governance Disinformation!  This board and its role are long overdue. The amount of disinformation coming out of our government feels like 1930s Germany, and not in the good way.

I am writing you for two reasons. The first is to support your efforts in combating government disinformation.  The second is as a journalist who would like clarification of the term “disinformation” given that my field, like the government, is full of it (no pun intended).

I’m sure you have already been given lists of people to keep a close eye on, and I am proud to say I am on at least four or five lists myself thanks to my unswerving loyalty to our country, its constitution, and the rule of law, which you are sworn to uphold and will no doubt be re-familiarizing yourself within the coming weeks.

My biggest fear is that you would be mischaracterized by your enemies as using your unelected powers to abuse the citizens of the United States when we both know that only tyrants do that.  I saw your Tik-Tok videos – what kind of tyrant would sing about disinformation? Haters…

Briefly, so we are on the same page, you are no doubt familiar with this already established legal precedence that creates parameters for acceptable and unacceptable disinformation:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Hopefully, you recognize that as the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America, which I fact-checked and Politifact confirmed is an official government document, or as those far-right lawyers at the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) call it “the law of the land.” .

Thankfully it seems your office is established on solid ground to act as a check against government disinformation given this document (re: The Constitution) was expressly designed to limit the government’s power and protect against government overreach, which no doubt will happen from time to time in a nation like ours.  It turns out Washington D.C. has the highest concentration of psychopaths in the country – who knew?!  No doubt they will work their way into positions of power, so please be careful.

Which raises the important question, how do you spot a psychopath?

For starters, it’s important that you aren’t one. Assuming that’s the case, you will need to use all of your powers of disinformation to find them as they are MASTERS at lying.  In fact, they are so good at it that they often can convince you they are not only not lying but your very perception of reality can’t be trusted. This is called gaslighting and it comes from this really fun movie where a husband drives his wife crazy by constantly changing their lights that ran on gas back then (Neanderthals!), but that’s for another time.

By example, you will no doubt have heard your critics say your exciting new office is cleverly disguised as a Ministry of Truth like the one in George Orwell’s dystopian novel 1984 (I’m happy to send you a copy) where the government produces official lies to deceive the public. These idiots obviously can’t do the math.  It’s 2022, so if you were to do that you’re a little late!

So Director Jankowicz I feel it’s my civic duty to help you in your mission to identify these nefarious individuals who are spreading government disinformation.  I don’t expect to be paid for this, however we never did get our second stimulus check we were promised so if you don’t mind sending that along I’m running a little low on ammo and the prices are ridiculous.  Not to mention, if we don’t stop these psychos in government that second amendment is starting to make a whole lot of sense – am I right?

Here is my list to look out for:

Jerry Nadler (D-NY)

During the BLM riots intended to create freedom through destruction, Jerry Nadler is on record saying Antifa is a “myth”.  This is not only insulting but it is classic disinformation!  How can they be a myth if they have  Twitter accounts? I am from Portland, Oregon and we have a proud heritage of Antifa members who incite political violence all over the country.  Whether they are hiding their identities or not they deserve the credit they’re due and Mr. Nadler should be ashamed for disinforming the American Public.  Many Antfia are hiding their identities because they either have criminal records, are committing crimes or are pedophiles and thus not terribly popular.  What would you do? Besides, masks worked back then for more than just stopping COVID until the CDC told us they didn’t anymore. These people are brave and they follow the CDC guidelines.  Don’t let this tiny man fool you. Nadler needs to be listed.

Al Gore (45th US Vice President)

Mr. Gore toured the country screening his now famously disinformation docu-drama An Inconvenient Truth.  For starters he kept talking about global warming which NASA proved is not a thing (example #1).  The scientific term is “climate change” because the climate changes, duh.  It’s an immutable characteristic of the climate. He also made the false claim the sea levels would rise by 2012 and wipe out Manhatten (example #2).  I was just there and I didn’t need swim trunks to tour Central Park, although if people keep peeing that much in the park I recommend a snorkel – gross!  Mr. Non-scientist also warned us the polar bear population would be wiped out, and who wouldn’t cheer for that since those man-eaters have now doubled! I suggest the next time he flies one of his private jets in American airspace you shoot it down, or at least add him to the list.

Dr. Anthony Fauci (Head of the CDC)

For starters, Dr. Fauci is not a practicing medical doctor, which raises some eyebrows given how much medical misinformation he was allowed to disseminate through our government.  Though you were probably triple masked and curled up in the fetal position waiting for the angel of death to pass by your house like the rest of the country, Dr. Fauci is to blame.  He funded the Wuhan lab, where they are now destroying the evidence; he said in emails and on television masks don’t work, then they do, so use two, now they don’t (WTH?); and he just sat by while media shamed Joe Rogan for using the Nobel Prize winning medication Ivermectin by calling it a “horse de-wormer” knowing full well Joe Rogan is not a horse.  I strongly recommend you read Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s book The Real Anthony Fauci because the one we can barely see when he’s standing right in front of us is a disinformant.  List him!

Lest you think disinformation is a male-only disease and therefore a tool of the patriarchy, here are a few women you should keep both eyes on.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY)

Don’t let those wandering eyes fool you, this lady has the tunnel vision of a stone-cold assassin of the truth.  Like her senior disinformant Al Gore she is pushing that the earth is going to implode because not everyone drives a Tesla.  What’s worse, she’s telling everyone to hate free speech champion Elon Musk who works at Tesla, so nobody from NY is going to want to buy Teslas.  It’s a no win situation for Mother Earth with this lady! She also said border agents were whipping mostly illegal immigrants (they were found not-guilty), and she said Republicans want to date her knowing full well she’s married and can’t date anyone.  When you put her on your list remember she spells it A-l-e-x-a-n-d-r-i-a.

Jen Psaki (current Biden Administration Press Secretary)

To quote another woman who deserves to be heard: “If your lips are moving then you lie, lie, lie baby.”

  • Meghan Trainor (Grammy Award-winning non-disinformation artist)

Don’t let this Little Red Riding All Over the Truth munchkin get over on you.  She’s four foot ten inches of Big Bad Disinformation Wolf in sheep’s clothing. At least that’s what Tucker Carlson says, and he has the receipts.


No doubt you are hiring at your office so I’m sure you will be flooded with applications.  If my Spidey senses are correct you will find a good number of them having worked for CNN. Might I suggest you pass on these folks just on principle?  CNN has been caught spreading disinformation like venereal diseases.  That’s not a metaphor, there staff includes a TON of sexual predators and perverts.  Literally, their combined weight has to be close to 2,000 pounds.  In fact I can’t think of any CNN staff that aren’t. Yet another reason to avoid them like the coming plague. Names to look out for include:


  • Jeffrey “Zoomin” Toobin
  • Don “Wash That Off With Some” Lemon
  • Chris “All Hands Team” Cuomo
  • John “Is That Your Daughter?” Griffin
  • Rick “Saleezy” Saleeby
  • Brian “Pursed Lips” Stelter (no charges, yet)


Gosh, this is a neat opportunity to really clean up our government and protect the American people from words.  What an honor.

I almost forgot, my last request.  I am the world’s first and only Professional Fake News Reporter.  In fact, I am disappointed that so many of these “journalists” are trying to butt in on my territory.  If you would please provide the working definitions of disinformation and misinformation as well as journalism and satire, and perhaps maybe a MASTER CLASS so we can all get on the same page that would be awesome.

Yours In The Fight For Freedom,

Jon K. Bananas

World’s First and Only Truly Fake News Reporter – Vermont Daily Chronicle & Granite Grok

The post A Really Neat Opportunity to Protect the American People from Words appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

(Former) Computer Repair Shop Owner Files Multi-Million Dollar Law Suit

Libertarian Leanings - Wed, 2022-05-04 12:58 +0000

Miranda Devine, New York Post:  Repairman who revealed Hunter Biden laptop sues Schiff, CNN, Politico and The Daily Beast

The Delaware computer repairman who blew the whistle on Hunter Biden’s laptop — filed a multi-million-dollar defamation suit Tuesday against Democratic Rep. Adam Schiff, CNN, The Daily Beast and Politico, saying they falsely accused him of peddling Russian disinformation.

The former shop owner, John Paul Mac Isaac, decided to fight back after losing his business and being harassed for 18 months by Big Tech, the media and Delaware locals in President Biden’s home state.

“After fighting to reveal the truth, all I want now is for the rest of the country to know that there was a collective and orchestrated effort by social and mainstream media to block a real story with real consequences for the nation,” the 45-year-old Mac Isaac told The Post.

“This was collusion led by 51 former pillars in the intelligence community and backed by words and actions of a politically motivated DOJ and FBI,” he continued. “I want this lawsuit to reveal that collusion and more importantly, who gave the marching orders.”

Read the rest here.

Categories: Blogs, United States

The Sky Is Falling but the Government Is Here to Help. Is It?

Granite Grok - Wed, 2022-05-04 12:00 +0000

The climate changes but the political movement that seeks to address climate change couldn’t care less. They can’t predict it and even if it were real could never do a thing about it. But they can and do scare the crap out of people which is the only true goal.

Climate change is about economic control. State power. And what does the State want to do? Make itself big and rich and impenetrable. COVID policy was a high step in that direction. If they’d realized this 40 years ago they’d have ditched the Grateful Dead and faked a pandemic instead of wasting all this time and money on Global warming.

Of course, it may not have worked then. It might be that the generations raised under the cloud of emissions armageddon were the ones they were waiting for. A perfect storm of patsies willing to listen to follow chicken’s little.

The sky is falling but hey, the government is here to help. Is it?

Over in the UK, where they’ve been working longer and harder on destroying the legacy of Magna Carta and all that, 45 percent of “young people” worry about climate change. Many of them are uncertain about the future to such a degree they don’t want to have children.

I’m not sure I’d want that sort of person raising a new generation of serfs but doesn’t that just play into the goals of the overpopulation crowd? And it gets better at least for the ruling elite.

One young woman is so distressed about the plastic used on food packaging. She feels compelled to use food that’s not pre-packaged to save the planet but appears incapable or unwilling to embrace the time and energy needed to prepare food that’s not pre-packaged.

She is a product of public education and life trapped in a noise machine forever advertising not just a fake problem but its fake solution whose product is a form of mental illness.  She has an eating disorder. One that could kill her. And the climate lie is to blame.

It’s child abuse. A form of brainwashing that produces useless young adults who feel trapped and unable to cope.

The response by the government? Taxpayer-funded therapists. Bigger, more powerful, more intrusive, more expensive government.

And what will they counsel? The government line. So this young woman, and everyone like her, is doomed to a life of anxiety and dependence, in a world of crime and subsistence if not impoverished living by design.

And they say freedom is messy.




The post The Sky Is Falling but the Government Is Here to Help. Is It? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

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